Outline Boundary line survey Boundary line renewal Finding the evidence Upgrading the corners Blazing and painting lines
Boundary Line Survey If evidence of a line cannot be found a survey should be carried out to locate the line. The only people authorized to carry out land surveys in Nova Scotia are registered Nova Scotia Land Surveyors. The names of all Nova Scotia Land Surveyors can be obtained by contacting the Association of Nova Scotia Land Surveyors ( or 902-469-7962). Once boundary lines are established, they should be maintained every five to ten years or so to ensure that surveying will not become necessary again. Well established and identified boundary lines are important to all landowners. Far too often boundaries are given a low priority by owners and this can be a very costly mistake. Establishing boundary lines is a very good investment. It's important to know exactly what land you own and what land belongs to your neighbor. Although establishing boundary lines can be expensive, it is money well spent. You’ll know exactly what you own! Your property will also be more marketable should you decide to sell it. As well, with the lines cut out and marked, you can manage it from boundary to boundary without wondering if you are on your neighbor’s land. Generally, a woodlot will increase in value by the amount you have invested in your boundary lines. There are also cases where landowners, after establishing the property lines, found they owned more acreage than initially suspected. Well maintained boundary lines also improve both the recreational and wildlife resources on the woodlot. The lines can be used as hiking trails by people, or by wildlife as travel ways.
Boundary Line Renewal If enough evidence exists to know the exact location of your boundary lines you will be able to upgrade the boundary line. This is done by cleaning it out and applying fresh paint on the old blazes and /or clearing out brush and windfalls along old rock walls and fences, which is less expensive than hiring a surveyor to establish a new line. When upgrading an old line do not destroy the old evidence. If a new blaze is required, it should be placed above the old blaze, which should not be disturbed. *Not all fences were erected on a mutually agreed upon boundary, so if in doubt contact your neighbor or a land surveyor.
If a new corner post is required, make sure the new post is placed in exactly the same location as the old one. Lay the old post beside the newly erected post.
The most cost effective method to maintain property boundaries is to mark trees at least every 30-50 feet along the perimeter of the ownership. The marked trees are then painted with boundary line paint. Well marked boundaries can provide many benefits and help prevent timber theft, adverse possession, encroachment and trespassing. PAINT – Semi-gloss enamel (CTC) A gallon will do at least 1km and 2 corner posts Spray Can (Wet Coat or Tree Marker). A can should do 200m+/
A tip for locating old blazes in an area that was cut on both sides is to check for stumps broken off the height of the blaze. Blazing does weaken the tree where you blaze it. You should be able to look down a fairly straight line if all went well and you have completed your job.
A common practice is for mechanical harvesters to cut the line tree off above the blaze. These 5-6’ tall stumps will be easier to find than a full length tree lying on the ground after the neighboring lot is also clear cut. This is not recommended to be done with a chain saw because of safety concerns.
View of boundary line maintenance @ Porcupine Mountain quarry from Port Hastings Boundary through a hardwood stand Can you see the evidence?
SUMMARY A landowner may conduct work to maintain a boundary line if: * location of the line is certain * boundary line evidence will be visible from one mark to the next when brushed out * location of the line is not in dispute * work is being done for the sole purpose of making a known line more visible Commonly accepted boundary line maintenance practices include: * brushing out * painting existing blazes * making additional blazes * replacing corner or line posts * repairing rock mounds Do not destroy old evidence when doing maintenance on a boundary line. Boundaries through a young forest should be renewed at least every 5 years because blazing and/or paint grows over fast. Well-marked and maintained boundary lines are one of the best management practices to help prevent timber theft, adverse possession, encroachment, trespass, etc. Maintaining your lines by painting them in a conspicuous color that stands out well in the forests is recommended. If you try to carry out boundary line maintenance and are having doubts or something doesn’t look right you should contact a land surveyor for advice.