Roughly how many different minerals are there in the Earth’s crust
Define mineral An inorganic sold with a repeating crystalline structure
How many crystal systems are there? 6
What is the molten material beneath the Earth’s surface? Magma
Aside from the cooling of magma, what is the other way in which minerals can form? Cooling from solution
What is the most abundant element in the Earth’s crust? Oxygen
This family contains Oxygen and Silicon This family contains Oxygen and Silicon. They can form into single or double chains and sheets. Silicates
This family will fizz when you put acid on them due to having CO3 as their structure. Carbonates
This family is composed of one element Native elements
This family is made of Oxygen and a metal. Oxides
What is the name for the silicon and oxygen structure that forms the silicates? Oxygen silica tetrahedron
Cleavage or Fracture? Calcite Cleavage
Cleavage or Fracture? Quartz Fracture
Cleavage or Fracture? Feldspar Cleavage
Cleavage or Fracture? Biotite Mica Cleavage
Cleavage or Fracture? Pyrite Fracture
What is Moh’s hardness scale What is Moh’s hardness scale? A scale 0f 1-10 that rates the hardness of minerals
If you can scratch it with a penny, it is what hardness or less? 3
What are your two choices for luster? Metallic and non metallic
Which mineral always has a brick red streak? Hematite
Which is the least useful characteristic for identifying minerals and why? Color, because many minerals have the same color as each other (ex: lots of white minerals), and a mineral may have multiple colors (ex: Quartz can be colorless, white, pink, black, purple).
What is the formula for density? Density = Mass Volume
What is the denominator for % deviation? Accepted value
What is the hardness of Quartz? 7
Which mineral will fizz when you put acid on it? Calcite
Which mineral has iron, a brassy yellow color, and a different color than its streak? Pyrite
What is the percent by volume amount of Oxygen in the Earth’s crust? 94.04%
What is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust? Silicon
Which mineral has fracture, a hardness of 7 and a SiO2 composition Which mineral has fracture, a hardness of 7 and a SiO2 composition? Quartz
Internal arrangement of atoms What determines a minerals density, color, cleavage or fracture, and other mineral properties? Internal arrangement of atoms
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Metallic or nonmetallic Hardness of 5.5-6.5 or 1 Fracture Hematite Metallic or nonmetallic Hardness of 5.5-6.5 or 1 Fracture Metallic silver or earthy red Red streak
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Hardness of 7 -> no streak Fracture Nonmetallic Quartz (Amethyst) Hardness of 7 -> no streak Fracture Nonmetallic Clear, purple, pink, Smokey, white
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Cubic cleavage and salty taste Halite Nonmetalic Hardness of 2.5 Cleavage Colorless to white Cubic cleavage and salty taste
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Green black streak (fools gold) Pyrite Metallic Hardness of 6.5 Fracture Brassy yellow, gold Green black streak (fools gold)
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Talc Nonmetallic Hardness of 1 Cleavage White to green Greasy feel
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Magnetite Metallic Hardness of 5.5-6.5 Cleavage Black to silver Magnetic properties
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Cubic cleavage density of 7.6 g/cm^3 Galena Metallic Hardness of 2.5 Cleavage Metallic silver Cubic cleavage density of 7.6 g/cm^3
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Flexible in thin sheets Biotite mica Nonmetalic Hardness of 2.5-3 Cleavage Black to dark Brown Flexible in thin sheets
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Calcite Nonmetallic Hardness of 3 Cleavage White or clear Bubbles in acid
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Potassium (orthoclase) feldspar Nonmetalic Hardness of 6 Cleavage in 2 directions at 90 degrees
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Sulfur Nonmetallic Hardness of 2 Fracture White yellow streak
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Selenite gypsum Nonmetallic Hardness of 2 Cleavage White to pink or grey
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Colorless or variable (green is common) Fluorite Nonmetallic Hardness of 4 Cleavage Colorless or variable (green is common)
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Black streak greasy feel Graphite Metallic Hardness of 1-2 Cleavage Silver to gray Black streak greasy feel
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Flexible in this sheets Muscovite mica Non metallic Hardness of 2-2.5 Cleavage Colorless to yellow Flexible in this sheets
Identify and list the properties of this mineral?
Cleaves in 2 directions, striations visible Plagioclase feldspar Nonmetallic Hardness of 6 Cleavage White to gray Cleaves in 2 directions, striations visible
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