ARCTIC climate change and its impact on Environment, infrastructures and Resource Availability ARCTIC-ERA Kick-off meeting, 8-9 October 2015, Grenoble, France ARCTIC-ERA focus on the estimation and forecasting of the climate and environmental changes in the Arctic region and their impact on the human wellbeing, industrial activities and infrastructure
Project consortium LGGE (Laboratoire de Glaciologie et Géophysique de l’Environnement), France project leader, natural science partner, climate dynamics and modelling IORAS (P.P.Shirshov Institute of Oceanology), Russia natural science partner, climate and environmental changes GWU (The George Washington University), USA environmental and socio-economy science partner IEFRAS (Institute of Economic Forecasting), Russia economy and social science partner HS&S (Hydrology Scienceand Servises), USA industrial and consultancy end user
Research key objectives Utilization of all available observations and modeling products to quantitatively assess changes in meteorological and environmental variables that directly affect ongoing and future social and economic development in the coastal areas of the Circumpolar Arctic. Identification and evaluation of the climatic and environmental changes’ impact on the social and economic development of the Arctic coastal areas including fossil fuels and mineral extraction, maritime and land transportation, industrial fishing, and infrastructure development. Quantitative assessment of the magnitude and spatial pattern of climate change and its positive and negative implications on economic development in the Circumpolar Arctic. Development of a set of recommendations on mitigation and alleviation of the negative climate-induced effects on the Arctic communities and their adaptation to the impacts above to provide for a sustainable development of indigenous peoples and all Arctic communities and nations.
Meeting agenda 8 October 2015 (LGGE, salle L. LLiboutry) 9:30-09:40 – Welcome from LGGE (Jean-Luc Jaffrezo) 9:40-9:50 - Participants short introductions 9:50-10:10 - Project overview and meeting objectives (Olga Zolina) Partners presentations 10:10-10:40 "Cyclone activity in the NH high latitudes and diabatic signals from the ocean" (Segey Gulev, IORAS) 10:40-11:10 "From winter thaws to summer droughts: Changing high latititudes of the Northern Hemisphere" (Pavel Groisman, HS&S) 11:10-11:40 coffee break 11:40-12:10 "Mechanisms of the moisture advection to the Arctic" (Ambroise Dufour, LGGE) 12:10-12:40 "Permafrost Degradation: Impacts on Natural and Human Systems in the Arctic" (Dmitry Streletskiy, GWU) 12:40-13:00 Discussion 1: Presentations in course of the project objectives 13:00-14:30 lunch (buffet at LGGE)
Meeting agenda 8 October 2015 (LGGE, salle L. LLiboutry) - continue 14:30 - 14:50 "The Arctic ocean in Global high resolution ocean general circulation models" (Bernard Barnier, LGGE/MEOM) 14:50-15:10 "Role of snow in Arctic Amplification and the observations we need to verify this role" (Hans-Werner Jacobi, LGGE) 15:10-15:30 "Interannual variability in the summertime hydrological cycle over European regions" (Igor Zveryaev, IORAS) 15:30-15:50 "Linkages between natural and human systems in the Russian Arctic (Nikolay Shiklomanov, GWU) 15:50-16:20 coffee break 16:20-17:30 Discussion 2: (i) breakdown of tasks and subtasks; (ii) working plan and data management plan; 19:30 dinner at the Restaurant “L'Atelier 44" hosted by LGGE 9 October 2015 (LGGE, Library) 9:30-10:00 “Priority of the economical research associated with Arctic-ERA: plans for 2016" (Dmitry Eliseev, IEFRAS) 10:00-11:00 Discussion 3: (i) working plan and data management plan - continue if needed; (ii) communication strategy; 11:00-11:30 coffee break 11:30-13:00 Discussion 4: (i) development of the internet portal; (ii) financial management; (iii) other issues; (iv) closing remarks. 13:00 - Lunch ("No name") / kick-off end