Starting in Reception at Queen’s Drive Infant School September 2017
A big WELCOME to Queen’s Drive! Our ethos – ‘Learning, playing and working together’
Key school staff Mrs Skinner (Head teacher) Mrs Kane (Deputy Head teacher / EYFS lead) Mrs Smith (SENCO) Mrs Karen Pickering (Family link)
Classes and organisation Bumble bees – Mrs Johnson / Miss Harrison Ladybirds – Miss Hussain Caterpillars – Miss Gray
Uniform PE Shorts T-shirt Everyday White polo or shirt Grey trousers or grey skirt or long shorts Sensible shoes usually in black Raincoat / winter coat Book bag PE Shorts T-shirt Plimsolls / trainers may be needed later in the year Bag to keep them in
Timetable of the school day Doors open at 8:45am (child is brought to classroom via side door) School starts at 9:00am Lunch is for 1 hour School ends at 3:15pm (from outside, exit nearest classroom) Please note - all Reception age children must be collected by an appropriate adult
Attendance ‘Every day counts’ – expected attendance is 100% All absences should be reported as soon as possible ‘Leave’ during term time is not allowed Please read the attendance policy
Lunches We have ‘Healthy School Status’ – meals are freshly cooked on site Cooked meals are free to all children when ordered Halal and non-Halal meat is available Packed lunches should be healthy (see leaflet / examples)
Milk and snacks Free fruit in school Milk free to under 5’s Water bottles
Allergies and medication Please let us know of any allergies or illnesses All medication should be handed in to the school office All staff are made aware of medical conditions and food allergies
Communication PARENT MAIL Website Translation In school - Lithuanian / Russian / Polish / Urdu / Punjabi Available - Czech / Arabic
Documents Please complete and hand in the following... Home school Agreements Registration form Pupil premium form We need to see evidence of... Birth certificate or passport Proof of address
Starting school - routines
The EYFS Curriculum 7 areas of learning 3 prime areas - Personal, social and emotional development - Physical development - Communication and language 4 specific areas - Literacy - Maths - Understanding the World - Expressive Arts and Design
Communication and language * Listening and attention * Understanding * speaking
Physical development * Moving and Handling * Health and self – care
Personal, Social and Emotional Development. * Self – confidence and self – awareness * Managing feelings and behaviour * making relationships
Literacy development * Reading * Writing
Mathematics Numbers Shapes, space and Measures
Understanding the World * People and communities The World Technology
Expressive Arts and Design Exploring and using media and materials. Being imaginative
Helping your child/ren prepare for school. * Talk to your child about coming to school. * Complete the welcome sheet with them. * Encourage them to dress/undress independently * Name everything * Play games/share books/count/draw make the most of your summer together! * Think practically * Get your child’s eyes tested
Parental partnership
More information * The school website Parents information board (lending library) Just ask