Protista [By Ayrton and Devin]
Different Protists Foraminigerans plasmodial slime mold green algae red algae brown algae Sporazoans water molds unicellular flagellates.
Foraminifera Forams: members of the Phylum Foraminifera. Snail-like shells Characterized by tests. Move using Pseudopodia Nutrition: Heterotrophic Prey
Myxomycota Plasmodial slime molds Phylum of Myxomycota Plasmodium Movement Many Nuclei Divides
Green Algae Phylum Chlorphyta Can be unicellular or cellular organisms. Examples: Chlamydomonas and Ulva Freshwater and marine inertial zones. Others: are part of marine plankton Damp soil Photosynthetic protists
Red Algae Phylum Rhodophyta Warm ocean water Multicellular Phycobilins Make possible to thrive in greater depths. Slippery or has a lot of holes Ancient group of eukaryotes ?
Brown Algae Phylum Phaephyta Shallow waters Example: Marcocystis Shallow waters Provider of other organisms Flattened blades
Sporazoans Phylum Sporozoa Parasites Infect animals Example: plasmodium; malaria- causing parasite Infect animals Clustered at one end Form resistant spores
Oomycota Oomycetes- members of Phylum Oomycota Water molds Grow among dead Two Flagella Example: Phytophthora infestans
Zoomastigina Phylum Zoomastigina Unicellular flagellates Flagellum Move using flagella Examples: Trichonympha and Trypanosomes
They reproduces asexually and sexually Foraminifera They reproduces asexually and sexually
Algae: All colors