Monday, 3/13/17 POD – AP European History DBQ 2003 Discuss Documents Discuss POV, Contextualizing and Synthesis Discuss expectations Thesis Docs POV (purpose, tone, reliability, attribution, bias, etc) Contextualization of subject (not just individual docs, although that’s good, too) Outside information Synthesis JOURNAL ENTRY NONE HOMEWORK: Finish planning out DBQ 2003
DBQ 2003 German Civil Peace
Step #1 – source analysis Look for caveats for each source Circle anything that stands out Make notations in RIGHT margin of DBQ This is anything that shows the writer has some kind of bias or purpose purpose, tone, reliability, attribution, bias Examples: Look at the picture in doc #2 – see any tone? How do you know? What is the purpose for doc #1 – how do you know?
Step #2 – document analysis Look for ways the document can answer the question In this case, you’re looking for a change in the view toward the “civil peace” First off, what IS this “civil peace” Then, show attitude toward it You should find support in the beginning, waning support as the war drags on, and anger toward the end See if the docs support that… Make these notations in the LEFT margin
Step #3 – Organize documents Choose three (or more) “chunks” In this DBQ, I’d go for three periods of time which show a change in view Group docs into three boxes Number them together Then, label the boxes: why did you group them like you did?
Step #4 – Thesis development What is a direct answer to the question? Develop an opinion which clearly answers the question, but is NOT a statement of fact Be ready to describe what you mean. This, and your contextualization will be your opening paragraph
Step #5 – Contextualize What is the bigger picture? How does this subject fit into time and development of the era? How might this subject fit into a larger picture of Europe at this time? Prepare to slide this into your opening paragraph
Step #6 – Synthesize What is similar to this subject? What is a quick description of that event? What similarities does it have with this subject? Be prepared to discuss this in several sentences. This will become your conclusion
Step #7 – Outside information What else is going on at this time that is NOT mentioned in these docs? What can be mentioned to help support ideas presented, but was not presented? Be prepared to do two things with this info: Be ready to describe it in several sentences Tie it into the subject and show connections Example: What do you know about William II’s attitude? What do you know about the Shlieffen Plan? What do you know about trench warfare? Can any of this support any ideas in this DBQ?
Homework: Have all these done: Thesis Contextualization POV markings for each doc on right side DOC analysis for each doc on left side Three boxes Label each box Outside information (at least a full sentence) Synthesis (a sentence AND commonalities)
What makes a good thesis Show you understand all parts of the question Show you can glean some ideas to show some analysis from the docs in opening paragraph Fill up a page with your analysis
What makes a good [analysis of] POV The “relating author: has TWO elements: Show that the source has some bias, AND How his words in THIS article are showing that bias Tone – should be described referring back to where tone was shown, and THAT his tone effected his words Reliability – that his reliability is in question, or that he IS reliable, why, and how he shows it Purpose of Docs – describe what the purpose is, and how his words show that purpose
Example: Authorial Good: “Prince Leopold discussed how Belgium are capable of owning colonies, and how they help make a state powerful. As heir to the Belgian throne, it is not surprising that Prince Leopold supported imperialism since he wanted to increase the power and prestige of the country he would one day rule (doc. 1).” Bad: “Louis Bernard was a French colonial official who, in his memoir, stated that he felt France got over its humiliation by conquering Algeria (doc. 12).”
Example: Authorial Good: “Joseph Chamberlain discussed how important colonies are to Britain. Since Chamberlain was a British industrialist, he naturally supported imperialism since he probably stood to gain economically from the continued growth of the British Empire (doc. 4).” Bad: “Benjamin Disraeli encouraged taking Suez Canal as a political move, rather that purchasing it as a business venture. Since Disraeli is a politician, he must be biased (doc. 2).”
Example: Reliability Good: “The resolution from the German Social Democratic Party Congress is probably a biased source since as socialists they would naturally condemn a capitalist agenda (doc. 9).” “Merlin is a governor general of a colony so his pro-imperialist point of view is not surprising since his job was dependent upon the success of French imperialism.”
Example: Docs have dif. purpose Good: “Since Benjamin Disraeli was delivering a speech to the House of Commons, he probably chose his words carefully to persuade members to support his political agenda (doc. 2).” “Lord Rosebery was writing a letter to a newspaper, which was clearly a public forum; therefore, this document could be viewed as a form of propaganda (doc. 8).” Bad “Since Archibald Philip Primrose is writing a letter, he is being honest (doc. 8).” Why is this unacceptable? This statement fails to account for the fact that Primrose is writing a letter for a newspaper, which is a very public document, not a private correspondence.
Example: Tone “Because Bismarck was most concerned with power politics on the European continent, his comments regarding imperialism seem somewhat satirical (doc. 3).”
What it means to analyze docs Show you know what the intention of the document is, in relation to the question DO NOT QUOTE Show you’re using the document to prove your thesis
Other elements Contextualization Outside Information Synthesis Show how this subject fits into a larger picture Make this CLEAR AND OBVIOUS (Include this in opening paragraph) Outside Information Make this it’s own paragraph Make the opening sentence a clear reference to outside information Synthesis Make this your conclusion paragraph Compare this subject to something unrelated, then show who they have common elements
Final clean-up Put numbers of docs in outside margin Label POV in same margin where you attempted POV Verify you used a majority of the docs Label Contextualization Label Outside information Label Synthesis
Thursday, 3/16/17 POD – AP European History Homework check Thesis Docs in boxes (boxes labeled), and each doc marked on margins POV (purpose, tone, reliability, attribution, bias, etc) on right margin How doc fits into question in left margin Plan for Contextualization of subject of DBQ Plan for including “Outside information” Plan for Synthesis Discuss Documents, POV, Contextualizing and Synthesis Look at student sample Score student sample Fix the issues JOURNAL ENTRY NONE HOMEWORK: Notes for Section #1 – Origins of Cold War (924-933) – due on Monday
Friday, 3/17/17 POD – AP European History Find an agreement with your group for: Outside information Contextualization Synthesis Write DBQ AT LEAST SIX PARAGRAPHS 1. Intro (Thesis and Contextualization) (2-3 sentences each) 2. Main body paragraph #1 (intro opinion sentence, followed by evidence) - the “evidence” is using docs to prove intro sentence - try to include POV for each document - introduce each document by the source name, NOT the # 3 and 4. Main body paragraphs #2 and #3 (you can have more main body paragraphs) 5. Outside Information (2-3 sentences) think of this like “document 13” be sure you did not talk about this info anywhere else 6. Conclusion, which should include 2-3 sentences synthesis HOMEWORK: Finish writing DBQ 2003, and… Notes for Section #1 – Origins of Cold War (924-933) – due on Monday
Monday, 3/20/17 POD – AP European History Peer grading DBQ (use the other side of the grade sheet you have, and grade a group member, while they grade you) Holocaust Activity It’s important to remember that 6 million is a big number, and it’s hard to imagine that THAT many Jews were murdered, systematically. Instead of trying to think of how big that is, think of each Jew as an individual: they were mothers and fathers, sons and daughters, teachers and scientists, doctors and musicians. Think of them as individual as the person sitting across from you or next to you in class, and their only “crime” was simply BEING Jewish. Your task: work with a partner – choose an article and answer questions Be SURE your answer to the final question is deep and contemplative Share your answer to the final question with your group Discuss as a class JOURNAL ENTRY 7-1 Considering the period 1933 to 1945, analyze the economic, diplomatic and military reasons for Germany’s defeat in the Second World War. (2006-7) HOMEWORK: Notes for Section #1 – Origins of Cold War (924-933) (we’ll do this on Thursday)
Something to think about… Questions often get asked when dealing with Germany and the Holocaust, like: How could this have happened? How could people have been so cruel? Why didn’t anyone do anything? Why didn’t we do more? Why did no one stop Hitler, Himmler and the Nazi leadership? I’m hoping by the end of this week, you might be better equipped to come up with answers to these questions.
Tuesday, 3/21/17 POD – AP European History Discuss your findings from yesterday’s activity You must have questions… please ask Journal Start SWING KIDS – Day #1 will take us to 35m. when Peter joins the HJ. EXTRA CREDIT ON NEXT SLIDE Questions often get asked when dealing with Germany and the Holocaust, like: How could this have happened? How could people have been so cruel? Why didn’t anyone do anything? Why didn’t we do more? Why did no one stop Hitler, Himmler and the Nazi leadership? I’m hoping by the end of this week, you might be better equipped to come up with answers to these questions.
Tuesday, 3/21/17 POD – AP European History Discuss your findings from yesterday’s activity You must have questions… please ask Journal Start SWING KIDS – Day #1 will take us to 25m. EXTRA CREDIT ON NEXT SLIDE JOURNAL ENTRY 7-2 Imagine you are a 16 year old living in Germany in 1938, a nation only recently freed from financial ruin and the humiliation of Versailles by this new dynamic and highly successful leader, Chancellor Hitler, who came to power 10 days after FDR in 1933. In just five years, he’s created full employment during a global depression, and rekindled national pride. But, Germany has become WAY too nationalistic and sycophantic for this “furer.” You find that going along is popular and easy, and refusing to can get you arrested, even thrown into “correctional camp,” (concentration camp). What do you do on the morning after the Night of the Broken Glass (Nov, 1938)? (free write) (You’ve not been persecuted, but you’re a witness and you saw people who did destroy property in the previous night, and you are now witnessing German soldiers yelling at Jews who had their property destroyed to clean it up.)
Third Marking period Extra Credit Do some research on the “real” SWING KIDS. Provide a one page response with an answer to one (or more) of these questions: Who were the Swing Kids, what did they do, and where/how did they do it? Why were the Germany authorities opposed to the Swing Kids? How did Swing Kids set themselves apart from regular German society? All answers must include where YOU would be in all this… would you have joined the Swing Kids, or would you be more inclined to avoid these rebels? 10 points out of one for a full page typed response
EXTRA CREDIT AND WAVE HOMEWORK WILL BE DUE FRIDAY Wednesday, 3/22/17 POD – AP European History Discuss yesterday’s journal Today’s journal is best answered during or at the end of class today. Start at 27m with the HJ whistling the code for Swing Kids Continue the movie SWING KIDS Day #2 will take us to scene with Peter and Thomas at the HJ meeting (1:10) JOURNAL ENTRY 7-3 Three friends living in Nazi Germany are a part of an underground society called the “Swing Kids.” They’re your age, and come from middle class families. Would you join the HJ (Hitler Youth)? Remember, they get “stuff,” including items and privileges. Rebels have to rebel in hiding, or risk being “sent away.” What would it look like and feel like? Why did you choose the avenue you chose? Homework for Friday Research the movie THE WAVE, the 1981 short film. Find out what it was, what it did, and what became of it. Write in your journal an entry, and title it HOMEWORK ON 3/23 (Journal 7-5) We’ll be watching it Friday. EXTRA CREDIT AND WAVE HOMEWORK WILL BE DUE FRIDAY
Thursday, 3/23/17 POD – AP European History Students should write down journal at start of class, so that they can… …write today’s journal response as the movie progresses. And, excuse Peter’s inappropriate language and Thomas’ totally racist attitude… they’re both bad today. Start movie at 1:10 – Day #3 starts with the three friends splintering under the pressures of 1939 German society. Germany is at its zenith, on the verge of starting WWII. JOURNAL ENTRY 7-4 What did you think of Arvid’s outburst at the Bismarck? What did Peter learn by the end? What changed him? What had Thomas become? Did Thomas finally get it? Homework – Journal 7-5 Research the movie THE WAVE, the 1981 short film. (NOT the modern movie THE WAVE; look for the 1981 version. ) Find out what it was, what it did, and what became of it. We’ll be watching THE WAVE tomorrow. EXTRA CREDIT HOMEWORK WILL BE COLLECTED FRIDAY; AND WAVE JOURNAL SHOULD BE IN JOURNAL BY FRIDAY
Friday, 3/24/17 POD – AP European History Discuss yesterday’s journal Arvid’s outburst: was is appropriate? Was he right? Thomas’ transition: why did he become such a monster? How so? Peter’s transformation: what was the tipping point? How did he come to that conclusion, to remain loyal to the Swing culture and ideals? Discuss the movie THE WAVE The movie THE WAVE JOURNAL ENTRY 7-6 A question often asked about the Holocaust and about Nazi Germany is WHY would so many Germans remain complicit in a society so middle class dominated, successful, and much like ours? Two aspects to think about: Germany was finally “back” Germany is a very obedient society (example: social rules and Jacoby’s jay-walking story) TURN IN YOUR [OPTIONAL] EXTRA CREDIT SHORT ESSAY WAVE JOURNAL (7-5) SHOULD BE IN LOADED INTO JOURNAL BY TODAY
Monday, 3/27/17 POD – AP European History PPT #701– the origins of the Cold War JOURNAL ENTRY 7-7 Describe and analyze economic policies in Eastern and Western Europe after 1945. (2006b-3) HOMEWORK Read/notes for Lesson #2 from p. 933-940 for Thursday
Tuesday, 3/28/17 POD – AP European History Finish PPT #701 the origins of the Cold War JOURNAL ENTRY 7-8 Compare and contrast the social and economic roles of the state in 17th and 18th century Europe (before 1789) to the social and economic roles of the state in Europe after the Second World War (2006-5) HOMEWORK Read/notes for Lesson #2 from p. 933-940 for Thursday
Wednesday, 3/29/17 POD – AP European History With your group, list the top most important 20 events in European history. At least TWO need to come from each unit choose at least one from each unit to become a part of your newscast Start planning NEWSCAST FROM THE PAST (Due April 19) Where will you film When will you film Who will create scripts Plan setting, costuming, etc. DUE DATE is in three weeks, the Wed AFTER Spring Break ends) JOURNAL None today HOMEWORK Read/notes for Lesson #2 from p. 933-940 for Thursday UNITS Renaissance and Reformation Age of Absolutism Age of Enlightenment French Revolution Age of Nationalism Early 20th century (the era of the World Wars ) The Cold War
Units Renaissance and Reformation Age of Absolutism What were the key events in European history? Renaissance and Reformation Age of Absolutism Age of Enlightenment French Revolution Age of Nationalism Early 20th century – the era of the World Wars The Cold War
Units Renaissance and Reformation Age of Absolutism What were the key events in European history? Renaissance and Reformation Age of Absolutism Age of Enlightenment French Revolution Age of Nationalism Early 20th century – the era of the World Wars The Cold War
Thursday, 3/30/17 POD – AP European History PPT #702 – Western Renaissance and Eastern stagnation BREBATE in class Read the two sided discussion with a partner Decide together the merits of Britain staying in the EU, and the reasons to leave. Which is more convincing? Decide if Britain shoulda stayed, or it was a good idea to “BR-EXIT” (provide evidence for your decision) JOURNAL ENTRY 7-9 Analyze the factors that led to the expansion of the welfare state in Western Europe in the mid-twentieth century. (2013-6) HOMEWORK Read/notes for Lesson #3 from p. 940-955 for Monday Also, know about the KITCHEN DEBATE discussed in the “green” section of the book
Friday, 3/31/17 POD – AP European History Discuss BREXIT Sample newcast from students 3. Work on NEWSCAST FROM THE PAST - decide where and when you’ll film - start working on details for your section (costuming, scripts, backdrop, what you’ll be doing…) JOURNAL NONE HOMEWORK Read/notes for Lesson #3 from p. 940-955 for Monday
Newscast Project HOW TO GET STARTED - YOU are responsible for one “story” You’ll need to organize your story from its basic foundations, to a finished product First, brainstorm facts about your subject, then decide how it’ll be presented Example #1: SUBJECT: the English Revolution I want to present this as an interview with Henry and his first and second wives I’ll list about TEN facts on the subject, and… I’ll make a script for them to discuss But, to make sure it’s interesting, I’ll have them “on a set” like it’s one of those late night talk shows where they argue, there’s a paternity test for Anne Boleyn, Catherine will point out her family relations and Charles V’s connection with the Pope, the special dispensation they got married with, etc.
Newscast Project ANOTHER IDEA - KEYS TO THINK ABOUT: Keep it fun and interesting Do NOT just be frivolous: include factual information Example #2: SUBJECT: the THIRTY YEARS WAR I want to present this as a weather report I’ll list about TEN facts on the subject, and… I’ll make a script that uses weather patterns as a metaphor for the battle scenes I’ll bring up a “Hurricane Roundhead” with a storm front ahead of it called “Tropical Storm Cromwell” with such wind force, it’s like a “NEW MODEL ARMY,” as powerful as last year’s “Hurricane Gustavus” from the north that pounded the Empire with hail like small cannon of a loyal army.
More Ideas: Sports report Anchorman describing, then an on the scene report or acting out Editorials and interviews, like “The O’Riely Factor” INCLUDE BACKGOUND, MUSIC, COSTUMING, ETC. AS NEEDED…
Monday, 4/3/17 POD – AP European History Homework check (Lesson #3) PPT #703 – Khrushchev’s policies and issues JOURNAL 7:10 Analyze the ways in which Western Europe nations have pursued European economic and political integration from 1945 to the present, referring to at least two nations. (2011-7) HOMEWORK Read/notes Lesson #4 from p. 960-970 for Wednesday
Tuesday, 4/4/17 POD – AP European History Finish PPT #703 – Khrushchev’s policies and issues JOURNAL 7:11 Analyze various factors that contributed to the process of decolonization in the period 1914 to 1975. (2012-7) HOMEWORK Read/notes Lesson #4 from p. 960-970 for Wednesday
Wednesday, 4/5/17 POD – AP European History Homework check (Lesson #4) PPT #704 – Reform and Protest of the 1960s JOURNAL 7:11 Analyze various factors that contributed to the process of decolonization in the period 1914 to 1975. (2012-7) JOURNAL 7:12 Analyze the causes of and responses to the 1968 crisis in France. (2009b) HOMEWORK Read/notes Lesson #5 (1970s) (970-980)
Thursday, 4/6/17 POD – AP European History Finish the activity from yesterday about Nuclear Proliferation PPT #705 – Changing Consensus in Western Europe during 1970s JOURNAL 7:13 Describe and analyze the resistance to Soviet authority in the Eastern bloc from the end of the Second World War through 1989. Be sure to include examples from at least TWO Soviet satellite countries. (1997-4) HOMEWORK Read/notes Lesson #6 (1980s) (980-991)
Friday, 4/7/17 POD – AP European History PPT #706 – The Brezhnev Era and Gorbechev Era Read ELECTIONS, SOVIET STYLE FILL IN CHART #1 TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY JOURNAL 7:14 Analyze the factors working for and against European unity from 1945-2001. (2004-4) HOMEWORK Read/notes Lesson #7 for the Tuesday after Spring Break (996-1009) HAVE A GREAT WEEK OFF!!! NEWSCAST IS DUE THE WEDNESDAY AFTER WE RETURN SCANTRON WILL BE THAT FRIDAY
Monday, 4/17/17 POD – AP European History LMC Check out Newscast – does it work? PLAN OUT ALL SCRIPTS, LOCATION OF FILIMING, SETS, ETC. If Jacoby comes to your group, you must be done this and ready to show it, or be working on it diligently!!! JOURNAL none HOMEWORK Read/notes Lesson #7 for tomorrow (1990s) (996-1009) NEWSCAST IS NOW DUE NEXT MONDAY (NEW DUE DATE)!! SCANTRON Friday
Tuesday, 4/18/17 POD – AP European History Finish PPT #706 – The Gorbechev Era JOURNAL 7:15 Analyze the political and economic effects of changing population patterns in Western Europe in the period circa 1950 to the present. Cite specific examples from at least TWO countries. (2010b-5) HOMEWORK Read/notes Lesson #8 for tomorrow (2000s) (1010-1023) NEWSCAST IS DUE MONDAY!! SCANTRON Friday Bluebook Tuesday Journals due Tuesday
Wednesday, 4/19/17 POD – AP European History PPT #708 – Modern Issues in Europe Work on Chart #1 - chart of European leadership (sorry, I never posted lesson #8 – so, don’t worry about it) JOURNAL 7:16 Discuss the evolution of the four main Soviet leaders. What did they stand for, that was a shift from the previous ruler? What did they have to deal with as leader of the USSR? (free write) HOMEWORK Finish chart #1 NEWSCAST IS DUE MONDAY!! SCANTRON Friday Bluebook Tuesday Journals due Tuesday
Thursday, 4/20/17 POD – AP European History Finish PPT #707 Review all lessons Discuss chart Homework check: Chart #1 and notes on Lesson #7 Starbucks review time: 5pm-6pm HOMEWORK Friday: SCANTRON Monday: Argue Day; NEWSCAST IS DUE MONDAY Tuesday: Bluebook and Journals due Wed/Thurs: review all vocab Friday: SUPERQUIZ #4 (all vocab of the entire year!)
Friday, 4/21/17 POD – AP European History Scantron today SUBJECT LATE 20TH CENTURY EURO HOMEWORK Monday: Argue Day; NEWSCAST IS DUE MONDAY Tuesday: Bluebook and Journals due Wed/Thurs: review all vocab Friday: SUPERQUIZ #4 (all vocab of the entire year!)
POD – AP European History LMC JOURNAL none HOMEWORK Monday, 4/24/17 POD – AP European History LMC JOURNAL none HOMEWORK