Our Heavenly Father, we praise Your Name!


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Presentation transcript:

Our Heavenly Father, we praise Your Name!

We thank You for the opportunity to come before You in prayer!

Thank You for Your goodness!

Thank You for Your grace and everlasting mercy!

Thank You for the cross and the sacrifice You made for our salvation!

Thank You Lord for the gift of Your Holy Spirit!

We thank You for the power that’s in the Name of Jesus!

Thank You Father for providing for our needs!

Hallelujah! Thank You Jesus!

We praise You in this sanctuary!

We praise You for Your mighty acts!

We praise You according to Your excellent greatness!

Lord You are worthy of all praise, glory and honor!

Hallowed be Your Holy Name!

There is no other name like Your Name!

Your Name is powerful!

Lord Your Name is magnificent!

We exalt the Name of Jesus!

Father let Your kingdom come!

Pour Your Spirit out upon our cities and neighborhoods!

Let the fire of the Holy Ghost spread like wildfire through our communities!

Cover and protect our schools, the students, and the teachers; save their souls!

Let the light of Your salvation shine into the darkness!

Have mercy upon our nation!

Turn our nation back to You!

Let Your Word and Your Name be revered once again!

Reveal Your greatness!

Show us Your glory!

Father increase our Faith!

Let there be unity in Your church; Let us be in one mind, and one accord!

Open doors for us to witness to the lost!

Lord send laborers into the harvest fields!

Change hearts in the Name of Jesus!

Restore those who have gone astray!

Save Souls!

Lord let Your perfect will be done in us!

Your will Jesus, not our will, oh Lord, Your will be done!

We submit our lives to You!

Our thoughts, desires, the innermost parts of our being, we submit to Your will!

Lord speak to our hearts that we might know You!

Lord fill this place with a hunger to do Your will!

God put Your Word in the mouth of our Pastor!

We want to hear from You; speak to Your people!

Illuminate Your Word!

God, let us fulfill Your will in every thought we think and every word we speak!

Take the blinders off; let us see the world the way you see it!

Let us love the way You love!

Give us a burden for our neighbors, colleagues, peers, every lost soul we meet!

In our homes, our schools, on the job, in our churches, let Your will be done!

More than anything we want to know You in the excellence of Your Glory!

Above all things, Your will be done!

Father give us this day our daily bread!

Feed our spirits with the nourishment of Your Word!

Help us put You first in every area of our lives!

Create in us clean hearts and right spirits!

Provide for our physical needs so that we have more than enough!

Bless us richly so that we can be a blessing to those around us!

Help us to be wise stewards of our finances in the Name of Jesus!

Thank you for good health and long life!

Heal those who are sick!

Let our children hunger and thirst after righteousness!

Let there be peace in our homes!

Let divine favor rest upon Your church!

Give us spiritual wisdom!

Give us an understanding of the differences between our wants and our needs!

Give us a revelation of the power that’s in Your name!

Increase our faith!

Bless us Lord with Your sweet presence all the days of our lives!

We need You above all things!

Father forgive us of our sins.

Forgive us of our iniquity.

Forgive us for every evil thought, and every evil action.

Forgive us for the lust of our eyes, the lust of our flesh and the pride of life.

Forgive us if we’ve ever not put you first.

Help us to keep You first in all things!

Lord we repent of our evil ways.

We desire Your ways above our ways!

We forgive our brothers, sisters, and anyone who has ever offended us!

Make us aware of any unforgiveness in our hearts.

May we never take the forgiveness of our sins for granted!

Forgive us for allowing anything into our hearts that displeases You.

Forgive our sins of ignorance; help us to be wise!

Forgive our willful sins; have mercy on us!

Lord we turn from our selfish ways to seek the path of righteousness!

Hide Your Word deep in our hearts so we will not sin against You!

Change us into Your likeness in the Name of Jesus!

Deliver us from temptation!

Give us a hatred of sin! Lord we desire Your ways!

We want to worship You with clean hands and pure hearts!

Deliver us from Evil!

Keep us on the path of life!

Let our lives be hidden away in Christ!

Lord help us tear down anything we’ve exalted above Your throne!

We ask you to bind every unclean spirit that would come against this church body in the Name of Jesus!

Loose a hunger for You that draws hearts to You like never before!

Cover and protect us, don’t let the enemy see or touch our families!

We ask you to loose angels to war against the spirits of darkness in Jesus Name!

Teardown every stronghold in our minds that hinders our relationship with You!

We bind the spirits of fear! We ask you to loose faith in Jesus Name!

We bind the spirits of addiction We bind the spirits of addiction! Loose wisdom and a desire for righteousness!

Bind the spirits of suicide that attack our children Bind the spirits of suicide that attack our children! Loose a spirit of hope!

We bind the spirits of infirmity We bind the spirits of infirmity! Loose health and a sound mind into the body!

Loose Peace! Loose Love! Loose Liberty! Loose Your Glory!

Remove every generational curse from our families in Jesus Name!

Lord we lay down our lives for you! Let the world see Christ in us!

For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever!

The tomb is empty! In this blessed hope we celebrate!

You are our victory! Hallelujah!

Jesus is Lord! Forever He reigns!

Blessed be Your Holy Name! We love You Jesus!

There is none like You! You alone are the Most High!

Our hearts overflow with praise and adoration for our Lord and King!

Glory to God!

Your love is amazing; great is Your love for us!

Thank You Jesus!

Holy and Righteous are You, oh God!

Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father!

Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; The whole earth is full of His glory!

We Love You Jesus!

We exalt You Heavenly Father!

Your kingdom shall endure forever!

Glory to God and peace to His people forever and ever, amen!