Electronic certification - status of IPPC ePhyto developments Rebecca Lee Technical Director June, 2012 www.nappo.org Ottawa, Canada
Steps in the development of Appendix 1 to ISPM 12 Work by: WG1 - XML schema WG2 - Code lists WG3 - Security and authenticity Draft proposal of Appendix 1 to SC February 2012 Side event on ePhyto during CPM in March 2012 Steering committee endorsed Brazil offered meeting location – for training Workshop for experts to finalize also endorsed
Steps in the development of Appendix 1 to ISPM 12 (cont.) SC discussed draft Appendix 1 in April meeting Draft approved for member consultation “Draft Appendix to ISPM 12: Electronic certification, information on standard XML schemes and exchange mechanisms (2006-003)” July 1 – October 20, 2012 Meeting of WG2 and 3 to finalize – Sept 10 to13, Paris (Note: NAPPO eCert panel met July 17-19 to prepare for it)
Contents of CPM side event (ppt by Nico Horn, with steering committee’ s input) What is electronic certification What is not electronic certification IPPC context: ISPM 12 IPPC workshop in 2011 What is needed for global ePhyto Language, message format, security 6. ePhyto WGs after IPPC workshop 2011 7. Appendix ISPM12: planning 8. Pilots electronic certification 9. Live demonstration
ePhyto WG1: Message format XML Schema The structure of the XML message What elements are in the schema What are the names of the elements What is meant by each element How do we describe the element Coverage of all ISPM12 elements
UN/CEFACT Schema UN/CEFACT: Centre Trade Facilitation and e-business UN/CEFACT standard schema For SPS issues This Schema will be used for the phytosanitary context (ISPM12 proof) Agreement needed on exact use of fields
Outstanding issues for WG1 Data mapping: some elements of the XML schema need further discussion, e.g. treatments, additional required numbers like the number of the import permit. How to deal with mixed consignments, e.g. a consignment containing roses and chrysanthemum cut flowers and how to deal with mixed products, e.g. bouquets that consist of roses and gypsophila cut flowers. Data mapping of elements that are specific for a re-export certificate and for a replacement certificate.
ePhyto WG 2: Harmonisation contents: Codes Why codes? Avoids mismatches by typing errors Unambiguous spelling of names, etc. Language independent Makes digital checks possible Full use of electronic system possible More efficient
Codes Botanical names – plants: will use EPPO list Scientific names - pests Commodity classes Treatments Additional declarations Note: any codes already used, eg ISO codes for country and points of entry, will be used here as well, as per UN/CEFACT
ePhyto WG3 Exchange mechanism The objective of the group is to complete the methods for transfer, security measures, validation for Appendix 1 of ISPM 12, by outlining the mechanisms in architecture, for securing the services and applications for the exchange of information between countries. Methods for transfer, security measures, validation
Outstanding issues for WG3 How to secure the authenticity and contents of a certificate: is the use of https combined with a login password sufficient or is digital evidence also needed? Standard messages during the transmission process. Digital evidence as part of the XML message or as part of the transmission procedure. How would it all vary if cloud computing is used ? Note: outstanding issues will be resolved in the September workshop
NAPPO eCert Panel preparatory meeting Suggestions on how to resolve some of the outstanding issues List of specific questions Recommendations Present the information from the business point of view for better understanding Importance of digital evidence for “signature”
Questions? Suggestions?