Term 4 Spelling 200 207 214 221 228 235 242 249 256 Week 1 Week 2 Table of Contents Week 1 Spell R-Controlled Words …………………………….. 200 Week 2 Spell R-Controlled Words …………..………………… 207 Week 3 214 Week 4 Spell Words With Long Vowels ….…………………... 221 Week 5 Review …………………………………………………… 228 Week 6 235 Week 7 242 Week 8 249 Week 9 256 Teacher Instructions: From this point forward, all student work for spelling will be done in an available notebook or spiral-bound journal. Teachers should still project the spelling workbook slides at the front of the classroom while students take notes or complete the activity in their notebooks. For example, during the pre-test and post-test, the teacher will simply instruct the students to number their papers from one to 15 or 20 before they begin. During other exercises, students can copy the words to their notebook and then underline/circle, or teacher can opt to have students do the activity on their whiteboards with checking for understanding after each word or sentence.
Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: Follow this model for each word on the pre-test and post-test. Read the word aloud. Read the sentence aloud. Repeat the word aloud. Provide students a few seconds to write the word before moving on to the next word. Spelling word list Word Sentence 1 her I walk to school with Mia. I walk home with her too. 2 term Max’s brother just started his first term at school. 3 herd A group of cows is called a herd. 4 verb The teacher asked us to point to the verb in the sentence. 5 herb What herb did you put in the stew? 6 third Emma was the third girl to finish the race. 7 bird Can you hear the bird singing? 8 shirt Tom is wearing a new shirt. 9 skirt Ava is wearing a long green skirt. 10 dirt The car is covered in dirt. 11 turn Riley likes to turn in circles. 12 burst The balloon burst when I poked it. 13 hurt Emily hurt her arm when she fell. 14 fur The cat has long grey fur. 15 curl Anna asked me to curl her hair.
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: After the pre-test is complete, reveal the words on this page and ask students to correct their own paper, circling any words they missed. her term herd tiger clerk third bird shirt skirt dirt turn burst hurt fur curl Take a spelling pre-test. 1 her 2 term 3 herd 4 verb 5 herb 6 third 7 bird 8 shirt 9 skirt 10 dirt 11 turn 12 burst 13 hurt 14 fur 15 curl
Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency R-controlled vowel patterns with “er” “ir” and “ur” are usually found at the middle or end of words. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example er This sound says /er/. The vowel sound is normally unheard. /er/ germ ir smirk, stir ur burn, blur her term herd tiger clerk third bird shirt skirt dirt turn burst hurt fur curl Which of the following words has an r-controlled ir pattern? How do you know? A. read B. birth Does the word squirt have an r-controlled vowel pattern? How do you know? CFU Teacher Instructions: Have students rewrite any words they missed five times each on a separate sheet of paper. The words below are provided as a reference for students. Write misspelled words five times each. Is this spelling list necessary here? It may be useful to provide more examples of the definitions above. -SL Spelling Words her third turn term bird burst herd shirt hurt verb skirt fur herb dirt curl
Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words Comments and Future Considerations: Which of the following is text text text text text text text text text text text text? How do you know? A. Option A B. Option B CFU Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. R-controlled vowel patterns with “er” “ir” and “ur” are usually found at the middle or end of words. Positional Frequency The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example er This sound says /er/. The vowel sound is normally unheard. /er/ germ ir smirk, stir ur burn, blur ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row ¼ pt longest dash column her term herd tiger clerk third bird shirt skirt dirt turn burst hurt fur curl Which of the following words has an r-controlled vowel pattern? How do you know? A. surf B. reach CFU Teacher Instructions: Have students write this list of spelling words on a separate sheet of paper. Follow the steps below for each word. Spell r-controlled vowel pattern words. 1 Write the word. 2 Read the word. 3 Identify1 the r-controlled vowel patterns. (underline with different colours) 3 How did I/you identify the r- controlled vowel patterns? CFU Spelling Words fur her bird term turn shirt verb skirt hurt herd burst third dirt curl herb 1 find
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words her dirt bird Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. R-controlled vowel patterns with “er” “ir” and “ur” are usually found at the middle or end of words. Positional Frequency The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example er This sound says /er/. The vowel sound is normally unheard. /er/ germ ir smirk, stir ur burn, blur her term herd tiger clerk third bird shirt skirt dirt turn burst hurt fur curl Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell r-controlled vowel pattern words. 1 Read the sentences. 2 Identify the misspelled word in the sentence. (underline) a Write the correct spelling, if needed. 2 How did I/you identify the misspelled word? CFU Ruby picked a flower for hur mum. 1 her 2 Noah likes to dig in the dert. dirt 3 I see the beerd sitting on the branch. bird 4 Ella said the verb in the sentence is the word run. Oliver likes to tirn in circles. 5 turn 6 Jack hurt his knee when he fell off his bike. 7 I like my brown shurt. shirt 8 Lily is the thurd girl to play on the swings. third
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: Follow the same instructions that were used to administer the pre-test. her term herd tiger clerk third bird shirt skirt dirt turn burst hurt fur curl Take a spelling post-test. 1 her 2 term 3 herd 4 verb 5 herb 6 third 7 bird 8 shirt 9 skirt 10 dirt 11 turn 12 burst 13 hurt 14 fur 15 curl
Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 1: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: This page is intended to have students reflect and rewrite any words that they missed on their post-test. Have students complete this activity on a separate sheet of paper. Which words did you miss? Why did you miss the spelling word(s)? How will you improve? Write the misspelled words 10 times each.
Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: Follow this model for each word on the pre-test and post-test. Read the word aloud. Read the sentence aloud. Repeat the word aloud. Provide students a few seconds to write the word before moving on to the next word. Spelling word list Word Sentence 1 car My sister is leaning how to drive a car. 2 park They walked to the park to play. 3 farm Mr Cooper grows wheat on his farm. 4 shark The large shark jumped out of the water. 5 star Liam is pointing at the star in the sky. 6 jar Zoe saves all of her coins in a big jar. 7 scar Did you see the scar on the dog’s leg? 8 horn Lucy is making noise with a horn. 9 fort Mathew built a fort in the tree. 10 short Sophie is tall, and Chloe is short. 11 storm James is not afraid of the storm. 12 corn My dad cooked corn for lunch. 13 fork Aiden used his fork to eat his lunch. 14 sort The teacher asked us to sort the shapes. 15 thorn The thorn on the bush scratched me.
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: After the pre-test is complete, reveal the words on this page and ask students to correct their own paper, circling any words they missed. Take a spelling pre-test. 1 car car park farm shark star jar scar horn stork short storm corn fork sort thorn 2 park 3 farm 4 shark 5 star 6 jar 7 scar 8 horn 9 fort 10 short 11 storm 12 corn 13 fork 14 sort 15 thorn
Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency R-controlled vowel patterns with “ar” and “or” are usually found at the beginning, middle or end of words. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example ar This sound says the letter r’s name. The vowel is normally unheard. /ar/ art, cart, far or This sound blends the o and the r together. /or/ or, cord, for car park farm shark star jar scar horn stork short storm corn fork sort thorn Which of the following words has an r-controlled or pattern? How do you know? A. rope B. fort Does the word hard have an r-controlled ar pattern? How do you know? CFU Teacher Instructions: Have students rewrite any words they missed five times each on a separate sheet of paper. The words below are provided as a reference for students. Write misspelled words five times each. Spelling Words car park farm shark star jar scar horn fort short storm corn fork sort thorn
Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words Comments and Future Considerations: Which of the following is text text text text text text text text text text text text? How do you know? A. Option A B. Option B CFU Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. R-controlled vowel patterns with “ar” and “or” are usually found at the beginning, middle or end of words. Positional Frequency The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example ar This sound says the letter r’s name. The vowel is normally unheard. /ar/ art, cart, far or This sound blends the o and the r together. /or/ or, cord, for ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row ¼ pt longest dash column car park farm shark star jar scar horn stork short storm corn fork sort thorn Which of the following words has an r-controlled ar pattern? How do you know? A. dark B. race CFU Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell r-controlled vowel pattern words. 1 Read the text to the students one sentence at a time. 2 Identify1 the words with r-controlled vowel patterns. (underline) 3 Circle the r-controlled vowel pattern in the word. 2 How did I/you identify words with r-controlled vowel patterns? CFU Spelling Words car scar horn stork thorn park sort farm fork shark corn storm star short jar Stella at the Park by Mathew James Stella likes to play at the park. She likes to take toys to the park. Stella takes a toy shark to the park. Stella sees a short boy at the park. The boy shows her the scar on his leg. Stella shows him the scar on her knee. Stella and the boy play with the toy shark at the park. 1 find
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words car jar fort Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. R-controlled vowel patterns with “ar” and “or” are usually found at the beginning, middle or end of words. Positional Frequency The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example ar This sound says the letter r’s name. The vowel is normally unheard. /ar/ art, cart, far or This sound blends the o and the r together. /or/ or, cord, for car park farm shark star jar scar horn stork short storm corn fork sort thorn Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell r-controlled vowel pattern words. 1 Read the sentences. 2 Identify the misspelled word in the sentence. (underline) a Write the correct spelling, if needed. 2 How did I/you identify the misspelled word? CFU William is playing with a toy caar. 1 car 2 Can you see that star in the sky? 3 My mum opened a jor of jam. jar 4 The boys are playing in the foort. fort Grace is too shart to reach the shelf. 5 short 6 Emma is watching the storm. 7 Mathew likes to soort shapes by colour. sort 8 Ethan is playing at the pak. park
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: Follow the same instructions that were used to administer the pre-test. Take a spelling post-test. 1 car 2 park car park farm shark star jar scar horn stork short storm corn fork sort thorn 3 farm 4 shark 5 star 6 jar 7 scar 8 horn 9 fort 10 short 11 storm 12 corn 13 fork 14 sort 15 thorn
Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 2: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: This page is intended to have students reflect and rewrite any words that they missed on their post-test. Have students complete this activity on a separate sheet of paper. Which words did you miss? Why did you miss the spelling word(s)? How will you improve? Write the misspelled words 10 times each.
Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: Follow this model for each word on the pre-test and post-test. Read the word aloud. Read the sentence aloud. Repeat the word aloud. Provide students a few seconds to write the word before moving on to the next word. Spelling word list Word Sentence 1 hair Amelia has long brown hair. 2 chair Ryan’s cat likes to sleep in the chair. 3 stare Jack likes to stare at the animals in the pet shop window. 4 care Who will take care of the plants when we are on holiday? 5 pair Jessica’s mum bought her a new pair of shoes. 6 share I share my toys when I play with my brother. 7 square The teacher asked us to point to the square shape. 8 peer My dad tried to peer through the hole. 9 cheer We went to the game to cheer for the school team. 10 steer Mia knows how to steer the boat. 11 fear The sound of thunder filled Chloe with fear. 12 near The dog sleeps near the door. 13 clear When the night sky is clear, we can see the stars. 14 smear Ethan has a smear on his coat. 15 year Last year we went on a holiday to the beach.
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: After the pre-test is complete, reveal the words on this page and ask students to correct their own paper, circling any words they missed. Take a spelling pre-test. 1 hair 2 chair 3 stare 4 care 5 pair 6 share 7 square 8 peer 9 cheer 10 steer 11 fear 12 near 13 clear 14 smear 15 year
Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency R-controlled vowel patterns with “air”, “are”, “eer” and “ear” are usually found at the end of words. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example air, are This sound usually occurs with long vowel patterns. /air/ fair, dare eer, ear /eer/ deer, hear Which of the following words has an r-controlled are pattern? How do you know? A. paint B. glare Does the word sneer have an r-controlled eer pattern? How do you know? CFU Teacher Instructions: Have students rewrite any words they missed five times each on a separate sheet of paper. The words below are provided as a reference for students. Write misspelled words five times each. Is this spelling list necessary here? It may be useful to provide more examples of the definitions above. -SL Spelling Words hair chair stare care pair share square peer cheer steer fear near clear smear year
Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words Comments and Future Considerations: Which of the following is text text text text text text text text text text text text? How do you know? A. Option A B. Option B CFU Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. R-controlled vowel patterns with “air”, “are”, “eer” and “ear” are usually found at the end of words. Positional Frequency The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example air, are This sound usually occurs with long vowel patterns. /air/ fair, dare eer, ear /eer/ deer, hear ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row ¼ pt longest dash column Which of the following words has an r-controlled ear pattern? How do you know? A. sear B. seat CFU Teacher Instructions: Have students write this list of spelling words on a separate sheet of paper. Follow the steps below for each word. Spell r-controlled vowel pattern words. 1 Read the word. 2 Identify1 words with the r-controlled vowel pattern /air/ sound. (underline) 3 Identify words with r-controlled vowel pattern /eer/ sound. (circle) 2 How did I/you identify words with r-controlled vowel pattern /air/ and /ear/ sounds? CFU Spelling Words hair square stare peer fear cheer chair care near clear smear pair year share steer Spelling Words car scar horn stork thorn park sort farm fork shark corn storm star short jar 1 find
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words share near Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. R-controlled vowel patterns with “air”, “are”, “eer” and “ear” are usually found at the end of words. Positional Frequency The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example air, are This sound usually occurs with long vowel patterns. /air/ fair, dare eer, ear /eer/ deer, hear Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell r-controlled vowel pattern words. 1 Read the sentences. 2 Identify the misspelled word in the sentence. (underline) a Write the correct spelling, if needed. 2 How did I/you identify the misspelled word? CFU Will you shear a bowl of ice-cream with me? 1 share 2 The boy is sitting nera the window. near 3 The cat likes to stare at birds. 4 This yer it rained on my birthday. year Who will take caer of the animals when we are on holiday? 5 care 6 Cooper has a par of skates. pair 7 Olivia made a square cake. 8 She tried not to smir jam on her pants. smear
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: Follow the same instructions that were used to administer the pre-test. Take a spelling post-test. 1 hair 2 chair 3 stare 4 care 5 pair 6 share 7 square 8 peer 9 cheer 10 steer 11 fear 12 near 13 clear 14 smear 15 year
Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 3: Spell R-Controlled Words Teacher Instructions: This page is intended to have students reflect and rewrite any words that they missed on their post-test. Have students complete this activity on a separate sheet of paper. Which words did you miss? Why did you miss the spelling word(s)? How will you improve? Write the misspelled words 10 times each.
Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels Teacher Instructions: Follow this model for each word on the pre-test and post-test. Read the word aloud. Read the sentence aloud. Repeat the word aloud. Provide students a few seconds to write the word before moving on to the next word. Spelling word list Word Sentence 1 brain We use our brain to think. 2 shake My little sister smiles when I shake her toy. 3 stay Max’s little brother does not stay in his bed at night. 4 sneak James saw the cat sneak up on an insect. 5 street Both Mia and Emily live on this street. 6 might Oliver thinks it might rain today. 7 shy Sienna is a new girl in our class. She is shy and quiet. 8 slice Mathew asked for another slice of pizza. 9 pie My mum made us all our own meat pie for dinner. 10 blow Ava loves to blow bubbles at the park. 11 poem We learned how to write a poem at school. 12 smoke The camp fire is making a lot of smoke. 13 soap Thomas is using a lot of soap to wash the dog. 14 chew Sophie’s mum told her chew with her mouth closed. 15 huge The tree in Olivia’s yard is huge.
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels Teacher Instructions: After the pre-test is complete, reveal the words on this page and ask students to correct their own paper, circling any words they missed. Take a spelling pre-test. 1 brain brain shake stay sneak street might shy slice pie blow poem smoke soap chew huge 2 shake 3 stay 4 sneak 5 street 6 might 7 shy 8 slice 9 pie 10 blow 11 poem 12 smoke 13 soap 14 chew 15 huge
Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels A long vowel is pronounced the same as the name of the letter. Long a is pronounced the same way you would say “letter a.” Long e is pronounced the same way you would say “letter e.” Long i is pronounced the same way you would say “letter i.” Long o is pronounced the same way you would say “letter o.” Long u is pronounced the same way you would say “letter u and /oo/.” The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency R-controlled patterns with “air”, “are”, “eer” and “ear” are usually found at the end of words. Positional Frequency Spelling rules Vowel Patterns Sound Example a ai ay a_e /long a/ paint play, cape e ee ea /long e/ tree, team i i_e igh ie y /long i/ time, light, pie, fly o oa oe o_e ow /long o/ coat, toe, stove, row u u_e ue ew /long u/ /oo/ cube, hue, few dune, glue, stew brain brake stay streak street might shy slice pie blow poem smoke soap screw huge Which of the following words has a long vowel? How do you know? A. shop B. paint Does the word goat have a long vowel? How do you know? CFU Teacher Instructions: Have students rewrite any words they missed five times each on a separate sheet of paper. The words below are provided as a reference for students. Write misspelled words five times each. Is this spelling list necessary here? It may be useful to provide more examples of the definitions above. -SL Spelling Words brain shake stay sneak street might shy slice pie blow poem smoke soap chew huge
Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels Comments and Future Considerations: Which of the following is text text text text text text text text text text text text? How do you know? A. Option A B. Option B CFU Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels A long vowel is pronounced the same as the name of the letter. Long a is pronounced the same way you would say “letter a.” Long e is pronounced the same way you would say “letter e.” Long i is pronounced the same way you would say “letter i.” Long o is pronounced the same way you would say “letter o.” Long u is pronounced the same way you would say “letter u and /oo/.” The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling rules Vowel Patterns Sound Example a ai ay a_e /long a/ paint play, cape e ee ea /long e/ tree, team i i_e igh ie y /long i/ time, light, pie, fly o oa oe o_e ow /long o/ coat, toe, stove, row u u_e ue ew /long u/ /oo/ cube, hue, few dune, glue, stew ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row ¼ pt longest dash column brain brake stay streak street might shy slice pie blow poem smoke soap screw huge Which of the following words has a long vowel? How do you know? A. beach B. ball CFU Teacher Instructions: Have students write these five headings on a separate sheet of paper. Long a Long e Long i Long o Long u Follow the steps below for each word. Spell words with long vowels. 1 Read the word. 2 Identify1 the long vowel in the word. (underline) 3 Sort the words in the correct column. (write) 2 How did I/you identify the long vowel? CFU Spelling Words brain shake stay sneak street might shy slice pie blow poem smoke soap chew huge Spelling Words car scar horn stork thorn park sort farm fork shark corn storm star short jar 1 find
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels sneak Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels A long vowel is pronounced the same as the name of the letter. Long a is pronounced the same way you would say “letter a.” Long e is pronounced the same way you would say “letter e.” Long i is pronounced the same way you would say “letter i.” Long o is pronounced the same way you would say “letter o.” Long u is pronounced the same way you would say “letter u and /oo/.” Spelling rules The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Vowel Patterns Sound Example a ai ay a_e /long a/ paint play, cape e ee ea /long e/ tree, team i i_e igh ie y /long i/ time, light, pie, fly o oa oe o_e ow /long o/ coat, toe, stove, row u u_e ue ew /long u/ /oo/ cube, hue, few dune, glue, stew brain shake stay sneak street might shy slice pie blow poem smoke soap chew huge Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell words with long vowels. 1 Read the sentences. 2 Identify the misspelled word in the sentence. (underline) a Write the correct spelling, if needed. 2 How did I/you identify the misspelled word? CFU My little brother Ethan likes to snek up on me? 1 sneak 2 The boy is climbing the heug tree. huge 3 Riley put the sop in the bathtub. soap 4 In class we read a poem about the sun. Lily can see the smooke from the bush fire. 5 smoke 6 Cooper likes to eat fruit pigh. pie 7 Isabella will eat one sliec of pizza. slice 8 Dad told William not to shake the fizzy drink.
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels Teacher Instructions: Follow the same instructions that were used to administer the pre-test. Take a spelling post-test. 1 brain 2 brake brain brake stay streak street might shy slice pie blow poem smoke soap screw huge 3 stay 4 streak 5 street 6 might 7 shy 8 slice 9 pie 10 blow 11 poem 12 smoke 13 soap 14 chew 15 huge
Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 4: Spell Words With Long Vowels Teacher Instructions: This page is intended to have students reflect and rewrite any words that they missed on their post-test. Have students complete this activity on a separate sheet of paper. Which words did you miss? Why did you miss the spelling word(s)? How will you improve? Write the misspelled words 10 times each.
Term 4, Week 5: Review Teacher Instructions: Follow this model for each word on the pre-test and post-test. Read the word aloud. Read the sentence aloud. Repeat the word aloud. Provide students a few seconds to write the word before moving on to the next word. Spelling word list Word Sentence 1 dirt The dog is digging a hole in the dirt. 2 surf Does Peter know how to surf? 3 start When will the band start playing music? 4 far Is the ocean far from James’ house? 5 smart A dingo is a smart animal. 6 snort The kids heard the pig snort. 7 sport What is James’ favourite sport to play? 8 fork Mum asked Ava to eat with her fork. 9 fair My family buys fruit at the fair every year. 10 mare The teacher told the class that a mare is a female horse. 11 share Dad told me to share the pie with you. 12 fern My mum says that a fern is a plant. 13 person The clown asked for a person to help with his trick. 14 skirt April is wearing a new blue skirt. 15 hair My brother does want to cut his hair. dirt surf start far smart snort sport fork fair mare share fern person skirt hair
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 5: Review dirt surf Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 5: Review Teacher Instructions: After the pre-test is complete, reveal the words on this page and ask students to correct their own paper, circling any words they missed. Take a spelling pre-test. dirt surf start far smart snort sport fork fair mare share fern person skirt hair 1 dirt 2 surf 3 start 4 far 5 smart 6 snort 7 sport 8 fork 9 fair 10 mare 11 share 12 fern 13 person 14 skirt 15 hair
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 5: Review An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example er, ir, ur This sound says /er/ The vowel sound is normally unheard. /er/ germ ar This sound says the letter r’s name. The vowel is normally unheard. /ar/ art, cart, far or This sound blends the o and the r together. /or/ or, cord, for air, are This sound usually occurs with long vowel patterns. /air/ fair, dare eer, ear /eer/ deer, hear dirt surf start far smart snort sport fork fair mare share fern person skirt hair Which of the following words has an r-controlled vowel pattern? How do you know? A. read B. shirt Does the word steer have an r-controlled vowel pattern? How do you know? CFU Teacher Instructions: Have students rewrite any words they missed five times each on a separate sheet of paper. The words below are provided as a reference for students. Write misspelled words five times each. Is this spelling list necessary here? It may be useful to provide more examples of the definitions above. -SL Spelling Words dirt surf start far smart snort sport fork fair mare share fern person skirt hair
Identify1 the correctly spelled word Comments and Future Considerations: Which of the following is text text text text text text text text text text text text? How do you know? A. Option A B. Option B CFU Term 4, Week 5: Review An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. Spelling rules The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example er, ir, ur This sound says /er/ The vowel sound is normally unheard. /er/ germ ar This sound says the letter r’s name. The vowel is normally unheard. /ar/ art, cart, far or This sound blends the o and the r together. /or/ or, cord, for air, are This sound usually occurs with long vowel patterns. /air/ fair, dare eer, ear /eer/ deer, hear ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row ¼ pt longest dash column dirt surf start far smart snort sport fork fair mare share fern person skirt hair Teacher Instructions: Have students identify the words that are spelled correctly on a separate sheet of paper. Have the students number the lines 1-15. Students should answer the question by writing the correct form of the word on the appropriate line. Identify1 the correctly spelled word 1. a. durt b. dirt c. dert 9. a. surf b. serf c. sirf 2. a. hair b. har c. hear 10. a. stert b. stort c. start 3. a. feer b. fer c. far 11. a. smart b. smaret c. smirt 4. a. snart b. snort c. snurt 12. a. spert b. spoort c. sport 5. a. fork b. fairk c. fark 13. a. fair b. faer c. feer 6. a. maire b. mear c. mare 14. a. sher b. share c. shair 7. a. fern b. firn c. furn 15. a. purson b. pirson c. person 8. a. skurt b. skirt c. skert 1 find
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Term 4, Week 5: Review surf sport fork start fair Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 5: Review An r-controlled vowel pattern is when the letter “r” comes after a vowel and changes the vowel sound. Spelling rules R-Controlled Vowel Patterns Rules Sound Example er, ir, ur This sound says /er/ The vowel sound is normally unheard. /er/ germ ar This sound says the letter r’s name. The vowel is normally unheard. /ar/ art, cart, far or This sound blends the o and the r together. /or/ or, cord, for air, are This sound usually occurs with long vowel patterns. /air/ fair, dare eer, ear /eer/ deer, hear The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency dirt surf start far smart snort sport fork fair mare share fern person skirt hair Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell r-controlled vowel pattern words. 1 Read the sentences. 2 Identify the misspelled word in the sentence. (underline) a Write the correct spelling, if needed. 2 How did I/you identify the misspelled word? CFU Ryan wants to learn how to serf. 1 surf 2 What spart does Emily like to play? sport 3 Olivia likes to eat pizza with a ferk. fork 4 Robert’s new sheepdog is smart. When will the race stort? 5 start 6 Mia planted a fern in the ground. 7 We can find fresh fruit at the far. fair 8 Lily heard the pig snoort. snort
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 5: Review dirt surf Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 5: Review Teacher Instructions: Follow the same instructions that were used to administer the pre-test. Take a spelling post-test. dirt surf start far smart snort sport fork fair mare share fern person skirt hair 1 dirt 2 surf 3 start 4 far 5 smart 6 snort 7 sport 8 fork 9 fair 10 mare 11 share 12 fern 13 person 14 skirt 15 hair
Term 4, Week 5: Review Teacher Instructions: Which words did you miss? Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 5: Review Teacher Instructions: This page is intended to have students reflect and rewrite any words that they missed on their post-test. Have students complete this activity on a separate sheet of paper. Which words did you miss? Why did you miss the spelling word(s)? How will you improve? Write the misspelled words 10 times each.
Term 4, Week 6: Review 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 bring bring Teacher Instructions: Follow this model for each word on the pre-test and post-test. Read the word aloud. Read the sentence aloud. Repeat the word aloud. Provide students a few seconds to write the word before moving on to the next word. Spelling word list wing swing king ring bring queen quiet quick squid cool moon food book cook look Word Sentence 1 wing The bird cannot fly. It has a broken wing. 2 swing Thomas likes to play on the swing. 3 king The king is wearing a crown on his head. 4 ring Mia made a ring for her mum. 5 bring Who will bring the cake to the party? 6 queen The queen is standing next to the knight. 7 quiet The library is a quiet place to read. 8 quick The crab needs to be quick if he wants to catch a fish. 9 squid A squid lives in the ocean. 10 cool James and Ava are playing in the cool river water. 11 moon Emily watches the moon from her window. 12 food What food did you bring to the picnic? 13 book Riley picked a new book to read. 14 cook I helped my mum cook fish for dinner. 15 look Charlotte likes to look at insects.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 6: Review bring wing Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 6: Review Teacher Instructions: After the pre-test is complete, reveal the words on this page and ask students to correct their own paper, circling any words they missed. wing swing king ring bring queen quiet quick squid cool moon food book cook look Take a spelling pre-test. 1 wing 2 swing 3 king 4 ring 5 bring 6 queen 7 quiet 8 quick 9 squid 10 cool 11 moon 12 food 13 book 14 cook 15 look
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 6: Review Teacher Instructions: Have students rewrite any words they missed five times each on a separate sheet of paper. The words below are provided as a reference for students. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling Words wing swing king ring bring queen quiet quick squid cool moon food book cook look wing swing king ring bring queen quiet quick squid cool moon food book cook look Is this spelling list necessary here? It may be useful to provide more examples of the definitions above. -SL
Term 4, Week 6: Review bring ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row Comments and Future Considerations: Which of the following is text text text text text text text text text text text text? How do you know? A. Option A B. Option B CFU Term 4, Week 6: Review Teacher Instructions: Have students write these four headings on a separate sheet of paper. Letter pattern ng Letter pattern qu Long oo short oo Follow the steps below for each word. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spell words. 1 Read the word. 2 Sort the words by letter pattern ng and qu or long oo and short oo. (write) 3 Identify1 the letter pattern ng and qu or long oo or short oo in the word. (underline) 3 How did I/you Identify the letter patterns ng qu or long oo, short oo in the word? CFU ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row ¼ pt longest dash column wing swing king ring bring queen quiet quick squid cool moon food book cook look Spelling Words wing swing king ring bring queen quiet quick cool moon food book cook squid look 1 find 1 pick
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Term 4, Week 6: Review look bring quick squid swing Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 6: Review Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell words. 1 Read the sentences. 2 Identify the misspelled word in the sentence. (underline) a Write the correct spelling, if needed. 2 How did I/you identify the misspelled word? CFU The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency William likes to lok at the stars. 1 look 2 Olivia is qick and can jump far. quick 3 The teacher told us that a sqid lives in the ocean. squid wing swing king ring bring queen quiet quick squid cool moon food book cook look 4 Robert wants a cool drink of water. Lily is the first girl to play on the swig. 5 swing 6 Sophie cried when the wing broke on her toy aeroplane. 7 Cooper will brin a friend home from school. bring 8 The qeen has a crown on her head. queen
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 6: Review bring wing Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 6: Review Teacher Instructions: Follow the same instructions that were used to administer the pre-test. wing swing king ring bring queen quiet quick squid cool moon food book cook look Take a spelling post-test. 1 wing 2 swing 3 king 4 ring 5 bring 6 queen 7 quiet 8 quick 9 squid 10 cool 11 moon 12 food 13 book 14 cook 15 look
Term 4, Week 6: Review Teacher Instructions: Which words did you miss? Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 6: Review Teacher Instructions: This page is intended to have students reflect and rewrite any words that they missed on their post-test. Have students complete this activity on a separate sheet of paper. Which words did you miss? Why did you miss the spelling word(s)? How will you improve? Write the misspelled words 10 times each.
Term 4, Week 7: Review Teacher Instructions: Follow this model for each word on the pre-test and post-test. Read the word aloud. Read the sentence aloud. Repeat the word aloud. Provide students a few seconds to write the word before moving on to the next word. Spelling word list Word Sentence 1 knight The knight is strong and brave. 2 know Do you know what the answer is? 3 knot The sailor tied a knot in the rope. 4 write The teacher told us to write the maths problem on the paper. 5 wrap Will you teach me how to wrap a present? 6 wrist Your wrist connects your hand and arm. 7 wreck Do not wreck the boat on the rocks. 8 crumb The mouse found a biscuit crumb on the floor. 9 thumb Your hand has five fingers and one thumb. 10 climb Emily saw the cat climb the tree. 11 comb Ava is using a comb and a brush. 12 nudge Max’s dog can nudge the door closed. 13 bridge The boy ran quickly over the bridge. 14 edge The bird is standing on the edge of the cliff. 15 ledge The cat likes to sleep on the window ledge.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 7: Review knight know Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 7: Review Teacher Instructions: After the pre-test is complete, reveal the words on this page and ask students to correct their own paper, circling any words they missed. knight know knot write wrap wrist wreck crumb thumb climb comb nudge bridge edge ledge Take a spelling pre-test. 1 knight 2 know 3 knot 4 write 5 wrap 6 wrist 7 wreck 8 crumb 9 thumb 10 climb 11 comb 12 nudge 13 bridge 14 edge 15 ledge
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 7: Review Teacher Instructions: Have students rewrite any words they missed five times each on a separate sheet of paper. The words below are provided as a reference for students. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling Words knight know knot write wrap wrist wreck crumb thumb climb comb nudge bridge edge ledge knight know knot write wrap wrist wreck crumb thumb climb comb nudge bridge edge ledge Is this spelling list necessary here? It may be useful to provide more examples of the definitions above. -SL
Identify1 the spelling word Comments and Future Considerations: Which of the following is text text text text text text text text text text text text? How do you know? A. Option A B. Option B CFU Term 4, Week 7: Review Teacher Instructions: Have students identify the spelling words that are spelled correctly on a separate sheet of paper. Have the students number the lines 1-15. Students should answer the question by writing the correct form of the word on the appropriate line. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Identify1 the spelling word 1. a. nite b. knight c. kight 9. a. know b. kow c. now 2. a. nudge b. nudje c. nuge 10. a. brige b. brije c. bridge 3. a. not b. kot c. knot 11. a. rite b. write c. wite 4. a. rap b. wrap c. wap 12. a. rist b. wist c. wrist 5. a. wreck b. reck c. weck 13. a. crumb b. crum c. crume 6. a. thum b. thub c. thumb 14. a. clim b. climb c. clime 7. a. comb b. come c. com 15. a. edje b. ege c. edge 8. a. lege b. ledge c. ledje ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row ¼ pt longest dash column knight know knot write wrap wrist wreck crumb thumb climb comb nudge bridge edge ledge 1 find
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Term 4, Week 7: Review write wreck comb nudge bridge Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 7: Review Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell words. 1 Read the sentences. 2 Identify the misspelled word in the sentence. (underline) a Write the correct spelling, if needed. 2 How did I/you identify the misspelled word? CFU The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency The teacher told us to rite our names on our papers. 1 write 2 Did you see the car weck? wreck 3 Some frogs can climb trees and plants. knight know knot write wrap wrist wreck crumb thumb climb comb nudge bridge edge ledge 4 Thomas brushed the dog’s fur with a come. comb James saw the dog nuge the ball with his nose. 5 nudge 6 Lily ran over the bridje. bridge 7 The bird is standing on the edge of the building. 8 Cooper broke his thum. thumb
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 7: Review knight know Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 7: Review Teacher Instructions: Follow the same instructions that were used to administer the pre-test. knight know knot write wrap wrist wreck crumb thumb climb comb nudge bridge edge ledge Take a spelling post-test. 1 knight 2 know 3 knot 4 write 5 wrap 6 wrist 7 wreck 8 crumb 9 thumb 10 climb 11 comb 12 nudge 13 bridge 14 edge 15 ledge
Term 4, Week 7: Review Teacher Instructions: Which words did you miss? Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 7: Review Teacher Instructions: This page is intended to have students reflect and rewrite any words that they missed on their post-test. Have students complete this activity on a separate sheet of paper. Which words did you miss? Why did you miss the spelling word(s)? How will you improve? Write the misspelled words 10 times each.
Term 4, Week 8: Review Teacher Instructions: Follow this model for each word on the pre-test and post-test. Read the word aloud. Read the sentence aloud. Repeat the word aloud. Provide students a few seconds to write the word before moving on to the next word. Spelling word list coin coil join spoil foil toy boy clown frown crowd town loud cloud shout house Word Sentence 1 coin Ella is going to use a coin to pay for ice cream. 2 coil Mum told us to coil the rope. 3 join Mathew wants to join the soccer game. 4 spoil Dad told Chloe to put the milk in the refrigerator so it does not spoil. 5 foil Olivia wrapped the pizza in foil. 6 toy Ruby is playing with a toy doll. 7 boy The boy and girl ran down the hill. 8 clown The clown is juggling four balls. 9 frown Oliver is not happy. He has a frown on his face. 10 crowd There was a large crowd at the soccer game. 11 town The kids are traveling out of town. 12 loud Lily thinks the music is loud. 13 cloud The cloud covered the light of the sun. 14 shout I heard Isabella shout at the dog. 15 house Jack and Sienna walked to my house.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 8: Review coin coil Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 8: Review Teacher Instructions: After the pre-test is complete, reveal the words on this page and ask students to correct their own paper, circling any words they missed. coin coil join spoil foil toy boy clown frown crowd town loud cloud shout house Take a spelling pre-test. 1 coin 2 coil 3 join 4 spoil 5 foil 6 toy 7 boy 8 clown 9 frown 10 crowd 11 town 12 loud 13 cloud 14 shout 15 house
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 8: Review Teacher Instructions: Have students rewrite any words they missed five times each on a separate sheet of paper. The words below are provided as a reference for students. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling Words coin coil join spoil foil toy boy clown frown crowd town loud cloud shout house coin coil join spoil foil toy boy clown frown crowd town loud cloud shout house Is this spelling list necessary here? It may be useful to provide more examples of the definitions above. -SL
Term 4, Week 8: Review ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row Comments and Future Considerations: Which of the following is text text text text text text text text text text text text? How do you know? A. Option A B. Option B CFU Term 4, Week 8: Review Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell words. 1 Read the text to the students one sentence at a time. 2 Identify1 any spelling words. (underline) 2 How did I/you identify the spelling word? CFU coin coil join spoil foil toy boy clown frown crowd town loud cloud shout house ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row ¼ pt longest dash column The Clown by James Leader The boy walks into town. The boy walks past the water tower. The boy walks past the shops. The boy sees a loud crowd in town. The crowd is standing by a house. The boy joins the crowd. The crowd is watching a clown. The clown is doing tricks. The clown makes the crowd laugh and shout. The boy gives a coin to the funny clown. Spell words with suffixes -able and -ible. 1 Read the text to the students one sentence at a time. 2 Identify1 the silent letters k,b,r and dge in the sentence. (write k, b, r or dge on whiteboatd) 3 Write silent letter word. (write) 2 How did I/you identify words with silent letters k,b,r,dge? CFU The Hand Do you know haw many bones are in a hand? The correct answer is 27. If your did not say 27 then your answer is wrong. A hand has four fingers and one thumb. At the bottom edge of a hand is a wrist. Spelling Words word 1 word 2 word 3 word 4 word 5 word 6 word 7 word 8 word 9 word 10 word 11 word 12 word 13 word 14 word 15 1 find
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Term 4, Week 8: Review coin boy loud cloud tower shout Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 8: Review Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell words. 1 Read the sentences. 2 Identify the misspelled word in the sentence. (underline) a Write the correct spelling, if needed. 2 How did I/you identify the misspelled word? CFU The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Ryan hides a coyn under his bed. 1 coin 2 The snake is sitting in a coil by the rock. 3 The boi is sitting on the floor. boy coin coil join spoil foil toy boy clown frown crowd town loud cloud shout house 4 Ava thinks the music is lowd. loud Thomas thinks the clowd looks like a horse. 5 cloud 6 Mia walked up the steps of the touer. tower 7 My dad put foil on the meat to keep it hot. 8 They heard James showt at the pig. shout
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 8: Review coin coil Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 8: Review Teacher Instructions: Follow the same instructions that were used to administer the pre-test. coin coil join spoil foil toy boy clown frown crowd town loud cloud shout house Take a spelling post-test. 1 coin 2 coil 3 join 4 spoil 5 foil 6 toy 7 boy 8 clown 9 frown 10 crowd 11 town 12 loud 13 cloud 14 shout 15 house
Term 4, Week 8: Review Teacher Instructions: Which words did you miss? Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 8: Review Teacher Instructions: This page is intended to have students reflect and rewrite any words that they missed on their post-test. Have students complete this activity on a separate sheet of paper. Which words did you miss? Why did you miss the spelling word(s)? How will you improve? Write the misspelled words 10 times each.
Term 4, Week 9: Review Teacher Instructions: Follow this model for each word on the pre-test and post-test. Read the word aloud. Read the sentence aloud. Repeat the word aloud. Provide students a few seconds to write the word before moving on to the next word. Spelling word list Word Sentence 1 circle Sophie’s favourite shape is a circle. 2 juice Jack asked for a drink of juice. 3 circus Ethan saw an elephant and a clown at the circus. 4 mice Three mice are eating cheese. 5 cape Noah wants to play with the red cape. 6 cane Grandma needs a cane to help her walk. 7 clock Dad asked Ella to look at the clock. 8 cactus A cactus is a plant with sharp spines. 9 page The teacher told us to write our name at the top of the page. 10 huge William is climbing the huge tree. 11 large Jessica caught a large fish. 12 great Mia’s dog is digging a great big hole. 13 gate The gate to the park is closed. 14 growl Emma’s dog will growl when it is scared. 15 grow Plants need sun and water to grow.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 9: Review cape circle Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 9: Review Teacher Instructions: After the pre-test is complete, reveal the words on this page and ask students to correct their own paper, circling any words they missed. circle juice circus mice cape cane cap cactus page huge large great gate growl grow Take a spelling pre-test. 1 circle 2 juice 3 circus 4 mice 5 cape 6 cane 7 cap 8 cactus 9 page 10 huge 11 large 12 great 13 gate 14 growl 15 grow
Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 9: Review Teacher Instructions: Have students rewrite any words they missed five times each on a separate sheet of paper. The words below are provided as a reference for students. The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Spelling Words circle juice circus mice cape cane clock cactus page huge large great gate growl grow circle juice circus mice cape cane clock cactus page huge large great gate growl grow Is this spelling list necessary here? It may be useful to provide more examples of the definitions above. -SL
Comments and Future Considerations: Which of the following is text text text text text text text text text text text text? How do you know? A. Option A B. Option B CFU Term 4, Week 9: Review Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell words. 1 Read the text to the students one sentence at a time. 2 Identify1 any spelling words. (underline) 2 How did I/you identify the spelling word? CFU circle juice circus mice cape cane clock cactus page huge large great gate growl grow ¾ pt outside ½ pt solid row ¼ pt longest dash column Three Little Mice by Mathew Round Three little mice want to see the circus show. The mice walk into the great big circus tent. The mice see three circles. They see a large tiger in one circle. They see a huge elephant in another circle. The circus leader is standing in the center circle. The circus leader is wearing a red cape. The tiger growls and the elephant dances. The mice like the circus show. Spell words with suffixes -able and -ible. 1 Read the text to the students one sentence at a time. 2 Identify1 the silent letters k,b,r and dge in the sentence. (write k, b, r or dge on whiteboatd) 3 Write silent letter word. (write) 2 How did I/you identify words with silent letters k,b,r,dge? CFU The Hand Do you know haw many bones are in a hand? The correct answer is 27. If your did not say 27 then your answer is wrong. A hand has four fingers and one thumb. At the bottom edge of a hand is a wrist. Spelling Words word 1 word 2 word 3 word 4 word 5 word 6 word 7 word 8 word 9 word 10 word 11 word 12 word 13 word 14 word 15 1 find
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Term 4, Week 9: Review circle cape cane mice gate Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 9: Review Teacher Instructions: Give students a copy of this page. Follow the steps below for each sentence. Spell words. 1 Read the sentences. 2 Identify the misspelled word in the sentence. (underline) a Write the correct spelling, if needed. 2 How did I/you identify the misspelled word? CFU The short /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. Typically, short /oo/ sound comes before k, t and d. The long /oo/ sound is usually found in the middle of the word. A word is usually long /oo/ when it ends with a silent e. Positional Frequency Ryan is walking in a sircle. 1 circle 2 Dad needs a cain to help him walk. cane 3 Grace is scared of the mise. mice circle juice circus mice cape cane cap cactus page huge large great gate growl grow 4 Isabella thinks the ocean is huge. Will Riley open the gat for us? 5 gate 6 Jessica saw a great big whale on her holiday. 7 What is James’ favourite kind of juise? juice 8 Will the seeds gow out of the ground soon? grow
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Term 4, Week 9: Review cape circle Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 9: Review Teacher Instructions: Follow the same instructions that were used to administer the pre-test. circle juice circus mice cape cane cap cactus page huge large great gate growl grow Take a spelling post-test. 1 circle 2 juice 3 circus 4 mice 5 cape 6 cane 7 cap 8 cactus 9 page 10 huge 11 large 12 great 13 gate 14 growl 15 grow
Term 4, Week 9: Review Teacher Instructions: Which words did you miss? Comments and Future Considerations: Term 4, Week 9: Review Teacher Instructions: This page is intended to have students reflect and rewrite any words that they missed on their post-test. Have students complete this activity on a separate sheet of paper. Which words did you miss? Why did you miss the spelling word(s)? How will you improve? Write the misspelled words 10 times each.