Brianna Sishc About me Friends and family Hobbies / Interests Make bullet points not paragraphs Favorite web sites
About me I am freshman at UW (a sophomore according to credit hours). I am from Torrington Wyoming. I have a miniature dog named Sassy. I am 19 years old, and I danced for 15 years. My major is accounting, and I am going to declare a finance minor. Right now, I am not quite sure what kind of accounting I want to do. Over Christmas break I was diagnosed with a heart condition called Inappropriate Sinus Tachycardia.
Friends and family At home, I live with my mom Brenda, and my dog Sassy. In Torrington, I have my uncle Barry and his wife Cathy, their daughter Brandy and her husband John, and their son Shawn and his wife Sarah who is in Wheatland. My aunt Barb and her husband Louis, my cousin Nick and his wife Heather along with their kids Dominick, Damyn, Izabella, and Connor; their other son, Brent, is in Casper with his wife Candy and his kids Sydney and Spencer. In Douglas I have my uncle Brad and his wife Kelly. Their two sons, Taylor and Brock, are in Denver and Dallas. My aunt Belinda and her husband Randy are in Gillette, and Belinda’s daughter Melisa is in Kentucky/Indiana with her husband and twins. In Torrington, I have a couple really good friends and they are Dantia and Nicole. My really close friends in Laramie are Jenne Lee, Alexis, Jia, and Shaylee. My guy friend, James, who I am really close to is in Washington at graduate school.
Hobbies / Interests I have been dancing my whole life, so I am still doing that in my free time. I love hanging out with my friends. I like going on hikes around the Laramie area. I am a part of the Real Women Real Bodies group on campus. I am looking to join more organizations this semester now that I have a grasp on the college life. I love going to concerts especially at Cheyenne Frontier Days.
Favorite web sites This is a site where you can buy mostly hats, but also other items. Half of the proceeds go to childhood cancer, and for every hat bought a child with cancer will get a hat for free I love Pinterest because I can find recipes, workouts, quotes, and many other things that I could possibly be looking for. This is one of my favorite sites because it also gives some of the proceeds made to different organizations such as Leukemia awareness.
References Pura Vida Bracelets [Photograph found in Logo and Stickers, Twitter]. (2014, June 30). Retrieved January 28, 2017, from Vida Bracelets Logo Stickers&view=detailv2&&id=4FD23AE248D6C3DD441ECAB4BFCEA07C99472B72&selectedIndex=1&ccid=bGSsY3N1&simid= 607988433518921737&thid=OIP.bGSsY3N1LmI-4dG3mtfxEgEsEs&ajaxhist=0 (Originally photographed 2014, June 30) Baker, K. (2013, June 25). Pinterest Logo [Photograph found in Digital Prosperity Blog, JDR Group]. Retrieved January 28, 2017, from logo&view=detailv2&&id=067587BBD47629225EBC59DA8CA21A46F6BC87BD&selectedIndex=0&ccid=I6xvIti8&simid=608015 723741907485&thid=OIP.I6xvIti8_0iByP3arKDcHwEsEp&ajaxhist=0 (Originally photographed 2013, June 25) Love Your Melon Logo [Photograph found in Love Your Melon Hats, Love Your Melon, Minnesota]. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2017, from your melon logo&view=detailv2&&id=B1C133D8989A4B6DCAB7F6623CCC0B0E9A6B6773&selectedIndex=1&ccid=ntMrzS79&simid=607 990439274743300&thid=OIP.M9ed32bcd2efdc0e82883dea7ed2ea8eco0 Senior Photo [Personal photograph taken in Rapid City, SD]. (2015, October 4). Sassy [Personal photography taken in Torrington, WY]. (2015, December 27). Sassy sticking her tounge out [Personal photograph taken in Torrington, WY]. (2016, February 1). Tap III group [Personal photography taken in Torrington, WY]. (2016, April 29). Cousins at recital [Personal photography taken in Torrington, WY]. (2016, April 29). Graduation [Personal photography taken in Torrington, WY]. (2016, May 29). On our way to the Sam Hunt Concert [Personal photography taken in Cheyenne, WY]. (2016, July 22). Sam Hunt at Cheyenne Frontier Days [Personal photography taken in Cheyenne, WY]. (2016, July 22). UW Football game [Personal photography taken in Laramie, WY]. (2016, November 5). At the Cowboy [Personal photography taken in Laramie, WY]. (2017, January 25).