2017 Sponsorship Opportunities DFWIMA 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities
The DFW Interactive Marketing Association (DFWIMA) is a forum for interactive professionals, businesses and educators in the DFW metroplex dedicated to sharing ideas, information and best practices that will help define and develop the growing interactive marketing industry and its disciplines. DFWIMA's membership base and meeting attendees represent almost 1,000 interactive marketers from local Fortune 1000 companies, interactive agencies, marketing-related technology firms, marketing-focused consulting firms and online media companies. As a leader in the interactive community, the DFWIMA organization strives to help provide our partners with the best experience in connecting with the local marketing professionals in the DFW area. Our sponsors have always been a priority and a key factor in our success. In 2017, we are committed to enhancing all packages and options to give our sponsors the best overall experience possible. We pride ourselves in creating custom opportunities that are specific to the sponsors needs.
January Kickoff Happy Hour Rangers Opening Day- 4/3 Excellence in Interactive Marketing Awards – 5/4 iHack Golf Tournament and Margarita Clinic – 9/28 Holiday Party – December (date TBD) Monthly Industry Meetings & Networking Happy Hours * Please Note - all sponsors are given first right of refusal on their previous year sponsorship slots which could create variations in availability
The Excellence in Interactive Marketing Awards show and awards recognizes DFW companies and individuals who demonstrated thought leadership, superior execution, and innovation in the field of interactive marketing during 2013. Approximately 400 to 450 interactive marketers from across DFW and the nation attend this event.
LOCATION: Bomb Factory (cocktail attire) The EIMA Awards will be held at the Bomb Factory, located in downtown Dallas. This venue is fabulous and we estimate around 400+ attendees this year. Sponsorships include: Presenting Sponsorship (1) Executive Sponsorships (4) Table Sponsorships (30) Cocktail Reception Sponsorship (1) Bar Sponsorship (1) After-Party Sponsorship (1) DATE: May 4, 2017 TIME: 7:00pm-11:30pm LOCATION: Bomb Factory (cocktail attire)
SOLD PRESENTING SPONSORSHIP: $15,000 (1 Total) Four (4) tables for ten (10) people, positioned at the front/center of stage • Delivery of welcome speech, if desired • Sponsor and present one (1) award category of choice • Corporate signage at event and on sponsor’s tables • Opportunity to do giveaway for all attendees • PR mention, publicity announcements, save the date emails, website postings Gobo logo
LIMITED Executive Sponsorship Level: $6,000 (max of 4 total) Two (2) tables for (10) people with front of stage positioning LIMITED • Sponsor and present one (1) award category of choice • Corporate signage at event and on sponsor’s table • VIP check-in at event for guests • Opportunity to do giveaway for all attendees • PR mention, publicity announcements, save the date emails, and website posting
Cocktail Reception or Open Bar Sponsor: $7,500 (2) Opportunity to sponsor the pre-event cocktail reception or open bar • One (1) table for 10 people Signage at entrance to reception Includes Passed Hors d’oeuvres, wine and champagne Bar sponsorship Includes signage at hosted bar Cocktail sponsorship includes signage at valet and can put swag in cars Sponsorship mentions at event, DFWIMA website, PR, etc.
EVENT AFTER PARTY: $7,500 Opportunity to sponsor the pre-event cocktail reception. One (1) table for (10) people with front of stage positioning • Sponsor and present one (1) award category of choice DJ Sponsorship & Signage Corporate signage at event and on sponsor’s table PR mentions, logo on e-mail and website postings Signage at entrance to after-party
LIMITED Standard Table Sponsorship: $3,500 One (1) table for ten (10) people with premiere table placement LIMITED • Corporate signage at event and on sponsor’s table • PR mention, publicity announcements, save the date emails and website postings Annual Packaging Option - $7,000 – includes 1 table at EIMA & sponsorship of one (1) standard hole at the 2017 iHack Golf Tournament ***13 of these available***
The iHack Golf Tournament and Margarita Clinic takes place in September each year and draws approximately 300 participants. Tournament players play 18 holes of golf surrounded by the hardwood trees, natural streams, lakes and wetland areas. Novice golfers may choose to join the Margarita Clinic where they can enjoy a networking cocktail party before the awards dinner
TOURNAMENT SPONSORSHIP: $9,000 (1 Total) One (1) foursome Signage at one (1) hole (Par 3 Hole) Flag pins on every green Tournament sponsor PR and email mention, logo on the website
iHack Awards Banquet Sponsorship: $6,000 (1 Total) Banner signage at banquet One (1) foursome Awards banquet sponsor PR and email mention, logo on the website and signage
MARGARITA CLINIC SPONSORSHIP: $6,000 (1 Total) Ten (10) clinic attendees passes EXCLUSIVE Signage at clinic PR mentions and logo on the website, e-mails and signage at event One (1) foursome
HOLE SPONSORSHIP: $3,500 (13 Total) Signage at sponsor’s hole One (1) foursome PR mentions and logo on the website, e-mails and signage at event
LIMITED Par 3 & Longest Drive HOLE SPONSORSHIPs: $4,500 (4 Total) Signage at sponsor’s hole One (1) foursome PR mentions and logo on the website, e-mails and signage at event LIMITED
SOLD HOLIDAY PARTY SPONSORSHIP: $12,500 (1 Total) Its that time of year again - time to hang stockings, spin the dreidel, and get merry at the 2010 DFWIMA Holiday Party. SOLD Join your industry friends and colleagues where there will be valet parking entertainment, dinner, open bar, photo booth, gobo logo, and more! •Door prize and Giveaway Opportunities •Exclusive Signage at event •PR and Marketing Mentions on website and emails
HAPPY HOUR SPONSORSHIP: $2,500 This is your opportunity to host a happy hour to provide additional networking opportunities for our members and guests. Dates and venues are open; we will work with each sponsor to select a date and location that is mutually beneficial to you and our members. • Signage at event • Ability to provide giveaways • Ability to provide brochures or info
WHY BECOME A DFWIMA MEMBER? • Access to a countless number of interactive marketing professionals • Participation in the only forum for interactive marketing in the DFW area • Personal and professional networking • Learn about the latest developments and best practices in online advertising, e-mail marketing, networks, SEO, SEM, mobile, social, etc. • Opportunities for participation in helping grow the interactive community We encourage you to bring friends and co-workers to our events.
Annual Individual DFWIMA Membership $185.00 Individual membership includes FREE admission to DFWIMA monthly education/networking events throughout the year (a total of nine meetings). Annual Corporate DFWIMA Membership (includes 3 seats) $500.00 Corporate Membership includes FREE admission to DFWIMA monthly education/networking events throughout the year (a total of nine meetings) for ANY individuals or guests from your organization. Seats are given generic individual names so that your organization can take full advantage of attending all events. Each additional seat is $150. Agency Super Corporate Sponsorship (up to 10 guests) $500 Publisher Super Corporate Sponsorship (up to 10 guests) $800 Guest Fee $40 Student Fee $20
FIRST RIGHT OF REFUSAL If a sponsor with 1st rights of refusal doesn't secure that opportunity by Feb 15, 2014, then the opportunity will become available to others. SPONSOR AGREEMENT Each sponsor commitment will be followed up with written notification of the sponsorship package elements and agreed to price. Sponsor will be required to email back to DFWIMA representative with confirmation of acceptance and agreement of terms, elements and price. CANCELLATION POLICY DFWIMA Sponsorship Cancellation Policy is that all Presenting/Executive Level Sponsorships for all events are non-cancellable. If changes are requested, DFWIMA will make effort to modify sponsorship package to accommodate sponsor's needs, however, sponsor will be committed to overall financial commitment within the given original time commitment agreed to. Any other event related sponsorships are cancellable up to 60 days prior to the event
Shannon Adams Sr. Director of Sales, Rocket Fuel 281-813-8082 sadams@rocketfuel.com Michael Matijasevic Sales Director, Dstillery 214-934-8956 mati@dstillery.com