Policy and Procedure Briefing September 2014
Purpose of Briefing The purpose of this briefing is to provide staff across all agencies with an update to the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board’s (NYSCB) key policies, procedures and practice guidance All agencies should ensure that everyone who works with children and young people are briefed with the changes to NYSCB procedures and provided with a copy of the presentation This presentation includes links directly to the policies, procedures and practice guidance available from the NYSCB Website
Vulnerability Check List The vulnerability check list has been reviewed and updated This is now available from the North Yorkshire Safeguarding Children Board website (http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/vlc.html)
NYSCB Standards and Criteria The NYSCB Standards and Criteria has been updated in light of Working Together 2013 Available from: http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/criteria.html
Section 5 Referral and assessment process Section 5 of the NYSCB procedures has been changed to: Reflect the single assessment as outlined in Working Together 2013 Include links to the “Referral Form to Children’s Social Care or Disabled Children’s Service” Updates to Early Help http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/section-5-procedures.html
Section 7 & 8 Child Protection Conferences/Implementing the CPP Minor changes have been made to provide more clarity and to ensure compliance with Working Together 2013 Changes to the dissent process Revised templates for Child Protection Conference Reports, following the “signs of safety” approach have also been included on the NYSCB website Revised CPC report template for GPs http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/section-7-procedures.html http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/section-8-procedures.html
Section 10 - Managing Allegations against Staff and Volunteers Procedures for managing allegations against staff and volunteers has been re-written in light of Working Together 2013 In accordance with Working Together, the revised procedure identifies the need for LADOs to be notified of allegations against staff within one working day across all agencies http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/section-10-procedures.html
Section 11 - Safer Recruitment Policy has been updated to reflect changes in recruitment processes Revised definitions for carrying out Disclosure and Barring Service checks with staff http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/section-11-procedures.html
Section 12 - Managing Individuals Who Pose Risk of Harm Revised process for identifying and requesting specialist assessments (e.g. AIM II assessments) http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/section-12-procedures.html
Section 14 - Child Death Overview Processes Procedure has been updated to reflect minor changes as a result of Working Together 2013 Roles and responsibilities have been clarified http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/section-14-procedures.html
Practice Guidance & Protocols Practice Guidance has been reviewed for: Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) Children and Young People Missing from Home and Care Joint Protocol (Practice Guidance to follow) Pre-Birth Assessments Private Fostering Children and Young People who Display Sexually Harmful Behaviours http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/good-practice.html
E-Safety The NYSCB E-Safety Strategy and Policy are available from: http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/esafety.html
Safeguarding Disabled Children A section of the NYSCB website has been created dedicated to Safeguarding Disabled Children This section provides advice and guidance for professionals and links to guidance documents http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/disabled-children.html
Reviewing Policies The NYSCB Business Unit is looking to rationalise the number of policies and procedures It is recognised that due to the number of policies and procedures it can be difficult for professionals to find the information they are looking for Revised policies will be reported through the Children’s Safeguarding Strategy Groups (CSSGs), Team Briefings and the NYSCB Website News (http://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/news.html)
For Further Information Dallas Frank Safeguarding Children Board Manager Tel: 01609 535187 E-mail: dallas.frank@northyorks.gov.uk Haydn Rees Jones NYSCB Policy Officer Tel: 01609 535188 E-mail: Haydn.ReesJones@northyorks.gov.uk