ΜΟΝΑΔΑ ΤΑΜΕΙΩΝ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ Establishment of a multi-level transnational Network among various countries for voluntary Return Issues Cyprus Migration Case Nicosia 8 June 2015 The Voluntary Return Network is managed by the University of Nicosia and the Independent, non-governmental, non-profit centre CARDET. The project “Establishment of Multilateral Network of Various Countries for Return Issues”, (Action 2, European Return Fund, Annual Program 2013) is co-funded by the European Return Fund (95%) and the Republic of Cyprus (5%) ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΗ ΕΝΩΣΗ ΜΟΝΑΔΑ ΤΑΜΕΙΩΝ ΑΛΛΗΛΕΓΓΥΗΣ VREVET @ 2015
Areas in which the Government of the Republic of Cyprus exercises effective control Occupied areas Areas controlled by the Rep. of Cyprus Government
Cyprus Demographics* Total Population: 885.600 (0.2% of EU) 796.900 in the Republic of Cyprus Ethnic Composition of the Population Greek Cypriots Orthodox Christians: 74,3% Turkish Cypriots: 10% Armenians: 0,7% Maronites: 0,4% Latins: 0,1% * (CyStat 2011) 3
However, fears that local will loose their jobs were proved false. Migration in Cyprus Cyprus, the last 20 years, has been transformed from a emigrant country to an immigrant one. The massive entrance of migrant workers resulted to a raise of negative reflections towards them (at least at the beginning) However, fears that local will loose their jobs were proved false. The most of them are legal and have significant contributed to the country’s financial and social development. VREVET @ 2015
Migration Statistical Details Regional analysis of the percentage of non Cypriots Region Nationality Total Cypriot Other Fx % Nicosia 325.756 100 264.221 81,1 61.535 18,9 Famagousta 46.452 37.016 79,7 9.436 20,3 Larnaca 143.367 114.103 79,6 29.264 20,4 Limasol 235.056 186.536 79,4 48.520 20,6 Paphos 57.474 65,1 30.792 34,9 838.897 659.350 78.6 179.547 21,4 REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, STATISTICAL SERVICE, (Τελευταία Ενημέρωση 29/12/2011) VREVET @ 2015
Migration Statistical Details 179.547 immigrants are living in Cyprus 67.123 are Third Country Nationals Country of Origin Fx % % of the total TCN population Philippines 9.744 14,52 5,4 Russia 8.663 12,91 4,8 Shri Lanka 7.350 10,95 4,1 Vietnam 7.102 10,58 4,0 Syria 3.235 4,82 1,8 Ukraine 3.023 4,50 1,7 India 2.955 4,40 1,6 Georgia 2.113 3,15 1,2 Others 22.938 34,17 12,8 Total 67.123 100 37,4 REPUBLIC OF CYPRUS, STATISTICAL SERVICE, (Τελευταία Ενημέρωση 29/12/2011) VREVET @ 2015
Third Country Nationals Ways of Entrance VREVET @ 2015
Asylum Service Statistics
International Protection
Main Route followed by Illegal Immigrants in order to enter Cyprus via Turkey September 2013
Illegal entry by air via the illegal facilities of the so called “Ercan Airport” Turkey 2009 1068 2010 623 2011 419 2012 308 2013 (July) 127 2010 2
Illegal Entry by Sea from Turkey to the occupied areas of Cyprus 2009 2,713 2010 1,232 Mersina 2011 892 2012 957 2013 July 444 2009 10 2010 2011 1 2012 19 2013 (July) 2
Stakeholders and Profiles Cyprus Government Bureaucratic Copy EU Directives (Limited adaptation to the local needs) Recent draft of National Migration Policy Vague understanding of integration processes Funding of projects Recent initiatives EU Directives Funding Supranational decision making Distant 13
Stakeholders and Profiles NGOs – Civil Society Escalating experience on migration issues European Networks Grass roots activities Limited influence towards government Trade Unions Active participation in decision making Limited representation of migration issues Local Authorities Involvement in projects Local initiatives Limited participation in decision making Closer collaboration with NGOs Migrants’ Unions Absent Indirect participation through NGOs 14
Applicant’s rights during the examination Procedure Receives the service of an interpreter free of charge Can be assisted by a lawyer or a legal advisor during the procedure Communicate with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Communicate with organisations dealing with international protection issues
Applicant’s Rights Written confirmation for the application of International Protection (CONFIRMATION LETTER) Free movement and residence. The issuance of a separate residence permit as required for other categories of third country nationals is not necessary. (A recent amendment of the Refugee Laws prohibits the movement and residence of applicants in the occupied areas). Access to education (minors) Access to the labour market (6 months after the submission of the application with the condition that he/she will receive the relevant approval from the Labour Office) Health care
Working Sectors for Applicants (based on the decision of the Minister of Labour dated 02/10/2008) A/A Economic Activity Profession 1 Agriculture – Livestock - Fisheries Workers 2 Transmutation Workers for producing animal food 3 Waste Management Workers for sewerage and wastewater treatment Workers for the collection and treatment of waste and garbage Workers for recycling Workers for rendering 4 Trade - Repairs Workers for gas stations and car wash Wholesale porters 5 Other Activities Workers for cleaning buildings and outdoor areas, distribution of promotional materials / information, fast food delivery
Unaccompanied Minors (UAMs) The Social Welfare Services is the legal guardian and representative during the examination procedure Be placed: with adult relatives; with a foster-family; in accommodation centers with special provisions for minors; in other accommodation suitable for minors.
Unaccompanied Minors (UAMs) UAMs are not placed in reception centres (however the Welfare Office can provide approval for their accommodation in reception centres for UAMs above the age of 16 if specific conditions apply) The personal interviews for UAMs are conducted from case workers that received specialised training and with the presence of their representatives. The law provides for a medical examination to ascertain the age of the UAM. Detention of UAMs is not permitted.
Reception Centres Currently there is one Reception Centre in Cyprus, the Kofinou Reception Centre which has been operating since 2004. From March 2011 until April 2013 two more Reception Centres (Pafos and Larnaca with total capacity 140) were operating under an ERF co-funded project: Kofinou Reception Centre (Larnaca District) has the capacity to host up to 400 (approx.) applicants Proper living conditions and material reception conditions are guaranteed at any time and family life is respected. Asylum Seekers are free to enter and exit the Centre, given that they follow the internal regulations. The day-to-day management of the Centre has been delegated by the Minister of Interior to the Kofinou Council of Community Volunteerism
Refugees Rights Receive same treatment that is provided to the citizens of the Republic, pursuant to the relevant laws and regulations, with respect to: Benefits for the most favourable treatment. Welfare Allowance. Social Insurance. Protection of intellectual property. Free access to Cyprus courts. Free movement and residence by the Republic’s controlled areas. No right to move and reside at the occupied areas. Basic education. Employment or self-employment. UAMs full access to all levels of education Free health care Participation to educational programmes for adults