For Cadet Major Kim Rivas SMART Goal For Cadet Major Kim Rivas
The Goal?? To recruit and maintain 20 qualified cadets for color guard by 11Nov 2011.
Specific Who? North Penn JROTC’s Color Guard What? Performance, Participants, and events When? By Nov. 2011 Where? At North Penn, events, and competitions Why? The Color Guard is the most viewed activity in PA-20062
Is it Measureable? Yes! The numbers need to be improved in color guard to cover all of our events throughout the year The number of participating and qualified cadets should be raised to 20 cadets total by 11 Nov 2011!
Action Recruit through promotion: the enjoyment and honor in being a color guard participant… after all many civilians call it the “honor guard” Keep binder, sign up sheets, and activity lists updated weekly Track cadets on events and their involvement
Realistic? Yes, the major time to recruit cadets for color guard is now, and 20(including current members) is not a difficult number to achieve This number though, will bring enough members to prevent lack of participants
Timeline September 2011 – Begin Color Guard October 2011 – Recruit new cadets from drill to join color guard, create an activity sheet for color guard events specifically October 2011 – Train both teams for the Jackson competition, and begin to send out new members into smaller color guard events November 2011 – Have a sign up sheet filled two weeks ahead with dates + time to report and 20 cadets participating in color guard