South East Asian Women’s Studies Conference,University of the Philippines, Manila. 30th -31st July 2015 THE WOMEN PARLIAMENTARIANS OF THE ASEAN INTER-PARLIAMENTARY ASSEMBLY (WAIPA): INITIATIVES AND CHALLENGES Dr. Sharifah Syahirah SS₁ , Dr. Bahiyah Abdul Hamid₂ and Dr. Rashila Ramli₃ 1Kolej Poly-Tech MARA 2Tun Fatimah Hashim Women’s Leadership Centre, 3 Institute of Malaysian and International Studies Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
OUTLINE Background Methodology Initiatives: WAIPA Resolutions Challenges Conclusion
BACKGROUND The Women Parliamentarians of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (WAIPA) was formed in 1998 as a branch of AIPA (1978). There are seven aims and purpose of WAIPA – (i) to enhance women’s participation & representation within AIPA - increased number of women delegates to AIPA events. (ii) to increase representation of women in parliaments in ASEAN countries, (iii) to ensure that matters of specific concern to women be put on the agenda of AIPA’s General Assembly.
BACKGROUND (iv) to propose topics for AIPA Study Committees and organize conferences for such purposes, (v) to meet annually at the time of AIPA’s General Assembly, (vi) to facilitate networking between women parliamentarians of ASEAN and (vii) to establish networks with other women’s associations and women’s meetings within international organizations such as the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and Inter-Parliamentary Union (AIPA Secretariat 2015).
METHODOLOGY Content Analysis: WAIPA Resolutions 2007-2014 (24 documents) WAIPA General Assembly Reports (8 documents) Participant observation: SEA Women Caucus Workshop on AIPA, 25 April 2015, Kuala Lumpur. AICHR Workshop on VAW, Manila, Philippines, 26-28 March 2015. Approaches: Feminism and Social Constructivist
WAIPA RESOLUTIONS NO WAIPA RESOLUTIONS 1. 2007, Kuala Lumpur 2. 2008, Resolution on The Elimination of Violence Against Women and Children(No. Res28GA/2007/WAIPA/01). Resolution on Women, Poverty and Economic Development (No. Res28GA/2007/WAIPA/02). Resolution on Women in Power and Decision-Making (No. Res28GA/2007/WAIPA/03). 2. 2008, Singapore Resolution on Women, Poverty and Economic Development (No. Res29GA/2008/WAIPA/01). Resolution on Women in Power and Their Active Participation in Society(No. Res29GA/2008/WAIPA/02). Resolution on Cooperation Among Women in Politics and Socio-Economic Activities (No. Res29GA/2008/WAIPA/03). 3. 2009, Thailand Resolution on Women in Economic Development and Poverty Reduction (No. Res30GA/2009/WAIPA/01).. Resolution on Roles of Women in Building An ASEAN Community(No. Res30GA/2009/WAIPA/02). Resolution on Strengthening Gender Equality and Protection of the Rights of Women and Children(No. Res30GA/2009/WAIPA/03). Resolution on The Empowerment and Contribution of Women in Politics(No. Res30GA/2009/WAIPA/04). 4. 2010, Vietnam Resolution on Strengthening Social Welfare and Development for Women and Children (No. Res31GA/2010/WAIPA/01). Resolution on Roles of Women in Economic Recovery After Financial Crisis(No. Res31GA/2010/WAIPA/02). Resolution on the Report of the Women of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary (WAIPA) Meeting On The Role Of Women Parliamentarians In The Law-Making Process(No. Res31GA/2010/WAIPA/03). . Resolution on Increasing of Women Representation in Politics(No. Res31GA/2010/WAIPA/04).
WAIPA RESOLUTIONS NO WAIPA RESOLUTIONS 5. 2011, Cambodia 6. 2012, Resolution on The Report of the Women of ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (WAIPA) Seminar on the Accelerating of the Achievement of The Millennium Development Goals – 5, through the Role of Parliamentarians(No. Res32GA/2011/WAIPA/01). Resolution on Increasing Economic Opportunities for Women as Family Income Earners(No. Res32GA/2011/WAIPA/02). Resolution on Improving Women’s Role in Dealing with the Issues of Environment (No. Res32GA/2011/WAIPA/03). 6. 2012, Indonesia Resolution on Supporting the ASEAN Member States in Strengthening Their Collaboration in Implementing The MDGs Roadmap to Narrow Development Gaps within and Among ASEAN Member States (No. Res33GA/2012/WAIPA/01). Resolution on The Role of Women Parliamentarians in Enhancing Pro-Women Policies in the Sectors of Economics, Health and Education (No. Res33GA/2012/WAIPA/02). Resolution on Enhancing Capacity Building By Training of Relevant and Specific Skills for Women in the Rural Areas(No. Res33GA/2012/WAIPA/03). 7. 2013, Brunei Resolution on Advancing Maternal and Child Health in ASEAN (No. Res34GA/2013/WAIPA/01). 8. 2014, Laos Resolution on Strengthening Efforts in The Prevention of All Forms of Discrimination and Violence Against Women and Children in ASEAN (No. Res35GA/2014/WAIPA/01). . Resolution on Strengthening Women Parliamentarians’ Roles in ASEAN Community Building(No. Res35GA/2014/WAIPA/02). .Resolution on Women Leadership in Southeast Asia (No. Res35GA/2011/WAIPA/03).
2 Resolutions 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Eliminating VAW Women, poverty and economic development Women in power and decision-making, women’s leadership and women in politics 2 Women in building ASEAN community Strengthen gender equality and protection of women and children (welfare) International commitment (MDGs) Health Education and training Law and policies Environment issue
Findings From 2007-2014, all together 24 resolutions All resolutions highlighted international and regional legal instruments. #1 Women, poverty and economic development – 5 resolutions in succession from 2007-2011. #2 Women in power and decision-making, women’s leadership and women in politics -5 resolutions in succession from 2007-2010 and 1 resolution in 2014. #3 International commitment (MDGs)- 2 resolutions in succession from 2011-2012. #4 Eliminating VAW- 2 resolutions, 1 in 2007 and 1 in 2014 #5 Women in building ASEAN community and strengthen gender equality and protection of women and children (welfare)- 1 resolution in 2009 and 1 in 2015 each.
Regional and International Legal Instruments & Documents United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948) CEDAW (1979) CRC (1989) Beijing Platform for Actions (1995) International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers & Members of Their Families (1990) Millennium Development Goals MDGs (2000-2015) Sustainable Development Goals (2016-2030) ASEAN UN Declaration of the Advancement of Women in the ASEAN Region (1988) The Work Plan to Operationalize the CEDAW in ASEAN (2005) Declaration on Elimination of Violence against Women in the ASEAN region (2004) ASEAN Declaration Against Trafficking in Persons Particularly Women and Children (2004) Hanoi Declaration on the Enhancement of Welfare and Development of ASEAN Women & Children (2010) Declaration on the Protection & Promotion of the Rights of Migrant Workers ASEAN Summit Declaration on HIV/AIDS (2001) Declaration on the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Elimination of Violence against Children (2013) ASEAN CHARTER (2008)
Challenges 1. ASEAN way of non-interference. 2. General lack of funding for AIPA administration and operations. 3. AIPA structure –actor from track 1.5 not able to initiate action oriented plans. 4. Absence of monitoring mechanism to evaluate implementation of programmes. 5. Lack of human resources, there are only 17 staff members. (Director Policy, Education and Publicity, Ms.Ria Rumata Aritonang 25 April 2015, SEA Women Caucus Workshop)
Challenges 6. ASEAN integration – loooong term goals and process-ASEAN takes its own sweet time. 7.ASEAN definition on discrimination, inclusiveness & rights - based on the diversity of AMS perspectives. 8. Lack of communication between ASEAN and AIPA. 9. AIPA in ASEAN community - lack of visibility and engagement. (Director Policy, Education and Publicity, Ms.Ria Rumata Aritonang 25 April 2015, SEA Women Caucus Workshop)
Conclusion Women parliamentarians bring critical, unique insights & lived experience by virtue of their gender, social & cultural backgrounds. Thus, they are critical as “bridges” and “catalyst” between their constituents and the executive branch of the government.
Conclusion Women parliamentarians not only hold the executive branch accountable and overseeing their operations but also they constantly raise and draw attention to new and emerging issues related to issues concern of ASEAN & international issues, specifically those related to women empowerment & gender equality that cross cut local and regional concerns for government to take up.
Conclusion We feel that if the above are crucial in their everyday work specification & their contributions to their community, government, ASEAN & AIPA are also vital, then, structure, governance & policy must support the causes that these women parliamentarians are involved in. We have outlined some of these issues that need immediate intervention in our “challenges” section.