Welcome 6th Grade i Parents 2016-2017 1st Day Packet on School Web Site Welcome 6th Grade i Parents
i Field Trips & Activities DARE Graduation (November 18, 2016) Snowshoeing (March-ish) Shakespeare Night ( March 23, 2017) STAR BASE Classes ( March 29 – May 4, 2017) STAR BASE Graduation (May 12, 2017) Sixth Grade Dance Celebration (May 26, 2017) SYTYCD (Same day as Field Day at 1:30 p.m.)
i Literacy Three Comprehension Classes (Flexible Grouping) Snack Time Ms. Follett (1 class) Mrs. Pomeroy (2 classes) Snack Time Three Writing Classes Mrs. Snow (2 classes) Office 365 is a must!
i Math Flexible Grouping Desk Standards/Not “new math” just higher level thinking ways to solve or prove problems Calculators: TI-30 Math Club: Begins September 12, 2016, half hour before and after school, three days a week.
i Late Work, Grades, & Absences Late work without late coupon will result in a lower grade. Assignment must be complete, corrected, and handed in. Check internet each day for missing work (Ask your child to prove it! COMMUNICATE WITH YOUR CHILD). Email specific teacher with questions/concerns. Emailing missing assignments Mondays at about 4:00 p.m. Pick up absent work when you return, complete as per district policy. (1 day per day missed) iCan Do Better notes/emailed daily when necessary.
iCan Do Better Email Name _____________________________ Date __________ iCan Do Better! Academic (unprepared) : _____ Baird- Follett- Hawker- Pomeroy- Snow- Behavior : _____ Today, your student made 3 iMarks. Please remind him/her to “Stay on the Sixth Grade Train!” Thanks for your support at home. Sixth Grade Team
i 6th Grade Team Students will have all three teachers. Subjects: Math (flexible grouping) Literacy (flexible grouping) Writing (flexible grouping) Social Studies Science Special Activities
i-Bully Policy First week explicitly taught Found on web site Behaviors/consequences described We take this very seriously Concerned with educating for prevention E-mail examples Help and support
Dear ________, Today your student (describe behavior), which is considered a bullying behavior according to our sixth grade bullying policy. This is your student’s first offense. As a result they will be facing the consequences outlined in the policy, beginning (date). Please refer to the class website to review the policy. (Link to website) Sincerely, Sixth Grade Team Today your student (describe behavior), which is considered a bullying behavior according to our sixth grade bullying policy. This is your student’s second offense. As a result they will be facing the consequences outlined in the policy, beginning (date). Please refer to the class website to review the policy. (Link to website)
Donations PTA 1 TIME: Field Trips, Junior Achievement, Library Donations with Book Fair, Artist and Authors, Teacher Appreciation, Assemblies, Safety and Drug Preventions, Reading Week, Reflections, SEP Dinners, Birthday Table, Maturation, DARE, 6th Grade Dance, & Yearbooks SCHOOL WIDE FUNDRAISER: For Technology: Interactive Boards FIELDTRIP DONATIONS: Helps pay for added field trip expenses such as admission, extra busses, etc…
i (We) Thank You!!! Please find volunteer table to sign up to help with sixth grade activities, parties, etc...