DSD info 2016 Maarten Steinbuch Maurice Heemels Henk Nijmeijer Ines Lopez Nathan van der Wouw
Control System Technology The mission Our mission is to develop new methods and tools in the area of Systems Theory, Control Engineering and Mechatronics. The research focuses on understanding the fundamental system properties that determine the performance of mechanical engineering systems, and exploiting this knowledge for the design of the high-tech systems of the future. Subprogrammes: - Model-based Control, identification and Design of Motion Systems - Hybrid and Networked Control Systems - Robotics for Care and Cure & Agrofood - Automotive Powertrains - Control of fusion plasmas 1.3.3 Robotics for Care and Cure / Werktuigbouwkunde 29-1-2018
Control Systems Technology (Steinbuch/Heemels) disciplines systems and control theory mechanical design systems engineering advanced motion systems robotics automotive power trains energy systems applications KPIs: 45 AIOs 65 MSc/jaar 1,2 Journal/jaar 2,5 M€/jaar funding /facilitair bedrijf in de MasterSlide (in het menu: View | Master | Slide Master) eventueel weghalen of vervangen door een ander submerk zie www.fb.tue.nl/huisstijl/fonts/faq.htm Dit is een voorlopige versie!
Mensen @ CST Maarten Steinbuch Maurice Heemels Marco de Baar (0,2) Bram de Jager Nick Rosielle Rene van de Molengraft Michel Reniers Pascal Etman Theo Hofman Tom Oomen Federico Felici Duarte Antunes Asia van de Mortel Bert van Beek Marco de Baar (0,2) Herman Bruijninckx (0,2) Frank Willems (0,2) - TNO Hans Vermeulen (0,2) - ASML Thijs van Keulen (0,2) - DAF Marcel Heertjes (0,1) - ASML + technici+secr+45 AIOs+3PDs / Werktuigbouwkunde 29-1-2018
Cyber-Physical Systems w r e C P n P is a complex physical system C is a distributed, adaptable, reconfigurable control system C implemented in software using networked communication
- Model-based Control, identification and Design of Motion Systems Subprogrammes: - Model-based Control, identification and Design of Motion Systems - Hybrid and Networked Control Systems - Robotics for Care and Cure & agrofood - Automotive Powertrains - Control of fusion plasmas / Werktuigbouwkunde 29-1-2018
Controlling complexity
Control oriented system identification PhD thesis Oomen, 2010, TU/e PhD thesis van Herpen, 2013, TU/e
Home Robotics (robotics for care) RoboEarth
TechUnited: Soccer robots and beyond .. / Werktuigbouwkunde 29-1-2018
World championship Robocup 2013 in Eindhoven / Werktuigbouwkunde 29-1-2018
From 2D to 3D: from soccer robots to drones …. All networked control systems … / Werktuigbouwkunde 29-1-2018
Automotive, Mobility & Climate Annejet / Werktuigbouwkunde 29-1-2018 29-1-2018 PAGE 19 19
Energy In order to eliminate some of the disadvantages of traditional MIS surgery, robotic systems are used. These systems, comprise of two components: a master and a slave. As you have seen in the movie, the surgeon operates a set of "joy-sticks" at the master console, to control the movements of the slave robot that performs the actual operation.
CST Master Courses Control engineering Optimisation System theory for control Hybrid systems and control Advanced motion control Embedded motion control Optimal control and dynamic programming Haptic Control Systems Physical modeling Capita selecta in control (learning control) Applied nonlinear control Power train Components Advanced drive trains Design principles Design of hybrid & electric drive trains Design of control systems for clean diesel engines Control and operations of tokamaks Control of magnetic instabilities in fusion plasmas Supervisory control
Afstuderen: plaats/begeleider & Masters promovendus (vaste) medewerker Industrie: door CST geselecteerd Master Systems & Control Master Automotive Technology Master Mechanical Engineering (DSD) Master Nuclear Fusion
CST voorlichting/keuzevakken/info End of August two 2-hours sessions by Maarten Steinbuch about MSc in our CST group. @M_Steinbuch m.steinbuch@tue.nl steinbuch.ws www.heemels.tue.nl https://www.tue.nl/universiteit/faculteiten/werktuigbouwkunde/onderzoek/onderzoeksgroepen/control-systems-technology/ / Werktuigbouwkunde 29-1-2018
Summarising CST group unites Highest quality standards Science and fundamental (control) theory Applied research & design Society / Spin-offs Highest quality standards Two latest int. research evaluations. Excellent scores (quality, productivity, viability and relevance: 5555) Recent bibliometric evaluation 3TU. CWTS Univ. Leiden : Four stand out in terms of impact (Control systems technology, …). / Werktuigbouwkunde 29-1-2018