Bully ME NOT!
The 6 R’s of Bullying Prevention 1st R - RULES: Establish an anti-bullying policy 2nd R - RECOGINZIZE: Learn how to Identify Bullying 3rd R - REPORT: Know who to report Bullying 4th R - RESPOND: Learn how to respond to bullying 5th R - REFUSE: Lean strategies to reduce victimization 6th R - REPLACE: Replace aggression with acceptable skills and beliefs
Bullying Indicators Include: Aggression Repetition An unequal power imbalance International negative behavior toward others
Five Types of Bullying: Physical: punching, hitting, slamming, spitting, slapping Verbal: Saying putdowns, nasty statements, name calling, taunting, racial slurs, or hurtful comments, threatening Relational: Shunning, excluding, spreading rumors or mean gossip, ruining a reputation Sexual: saying or doing things that are lewd or disrespectful and sexual in nature Electronic or cyber bullying: using electronic devices or Internet (i.e, cell phone, camera, text messaging, photos) to say or send mean of embarrassing thins.
Sings can include: Excludes or shuns another Is insensitive to feelings or needs or other; as lack of empathy Taunts, intimidates or harasses Spreads vicious rumors verbally/electronically that hurt or ruin another's’ reputation Physically aggressive (hits, punches, kicks, slams, etc.) Positive views of violence Threaten s with force or fear; extortion Marked need to control and dominate others Quick-tempered, impulsive, easily frustrated Takes pleasure in seeing others distress Difficulty seeing situation from others’ point of view Refuses to accept responsibility Denies wrong doing when evidence shows guilt Blames the victim or says the others people
Possible Signs of Bullying Withdrawal Depression Reluctance to go to school Sudden drop in grads Self-Deprecating talk Crying Episodes Frequent complaints of headaches and/or stomach aches Unexplained bruises
Long-Term Effects of Bullying Bullies create a constant fear in their victims. Some kids may: Lose all self-esteem Suffer from severs depression Could turn to drug and alcohol use Could start self harming Some kids are so tormented that they use suicide as an alternative
If Your Being Bullied! DO NOT Think it’s your fault. Nobody deserves to be bullied! Fight back or bully a person back. Keep it to yourself and just hope the bullying will “go away.”……… Skip school or avoid school or after school activates because you're afraid of the bully. Don't be afraid to tell…… Hurt yourself
Asking someone for help What to do……….. Asking someone for help To Stop bulling --- weather verbal, written or cyberbullying ---- it can be helpful to tell someone that you are being bullied. This can seem scary at first, but telling someone can lighted your load and help you to work out how to solve the problem. Talking to someone is particular important if you feel unsafe or frightened. Or if you don’t have many friends. Asking for help or talking to someone about your situation is not being weak or “giving in”. In fact, telling someone can take a lot of strength and courage. There are many people who might be able to help, including friends, older brother and sister, teacher , family, counselors or parents. Teacher and counselors are specially trained to help you In the workplace, you could also talk to a human resource manager or union representative.
Your Rights Remember that everyone has the right to live, work, study and play in an environment free from bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence. No one deserves or asks to be bullied.