Make Data Work for Students: New Policy Recommendations from the Data Quality Campaign Bernice Butler, Senior Associate Taryn Hochleitner, Senior Associate
Today’s Conversation Overview of DQC’s new policy recommendations Discussion of ESSA opportunities Summary of state student data privacy legislation Questions
DQC’s changing focus DQC has shifted focus to ensuring everyone involved in education has the information they need, while still advocating for system infrastructure and policy development to support this goal 2005 2009 2012 2015 Building Systems Developing policies and practices to support use Ensuring everyone has the information they need, capacity to understand it
Four Policy Priorities to Make Data Work for Students
Measure What Matters: What State Policymakers Should Do Be clear about what you want to achieve for students and have the data to ensure it gets done. What State Policymakers Should Do Develop a set of policy and practice questions that will set the priorities for state action and determine the information needed to answer those questions. Link and govern data across all agencies critical to student success, from early childhood and K-12 to postsecondary and the workforce, including other state agencies that support students (e.g., child welfare). Develop, calculate, and share indicators based on longitudinal data, in addition to measures based on annual statewide assessments, that demonstrate progress toward stated goals.
Make Data Use Possible: Provide teachers and leaders the flexibility, training, and support they need to answer their questions and take action. What State Policymakers Should Do Use the bully pulpit and allocate resources (people, time, money, and technology) to prioritize using data to inform decisionmaking at the state level. Ensure that leaders responsible for student out comes have the feedback data they need from other systems to effectively serve students. Support local education agencies (based on their unique capacity and needs) by providing the flexibility to use people, time, money, and technology to prioritize data use to inform action and improve outcomes. Enact the necessary policies, practices, and conditions to ensure that every educator can use data effectively.
Be Transparent and Earn Trust: Ensure that every community understands how its schools and students are doing, why data is valuable, and how it is protected and used. What State Policymakers Should Do Provide the public timely, high-quality, relevant, and easy-to-find data. Communicate the value of data to support student learning. Communicate the types of data the state collects and how the data is protected.
Guarantee Access and Protect Privacy: Provide teachers and parents timely information on their students and make sure it is kept safe. What State Policymakers Should Do Ensure that those closest to students have access to student-level data that is tailored to their needs and presented in context. Intentionally design and implement policies and practices to protect the privacy and confidentiality of student and teacher data and ensure that systems are secure.
Policy Alignment Matters Federal Gov’t State When all three levels of government work together, families, educators, and decisionmakers get clarity about how to make data work for students. District Leaders
Federal & District Policy Recommendations
Opportunities in the Every Student Succeeds Act
ESSA: Four Key Takeaways This is an opportunity to reset the conversation This is an opportunity to use data in different ways Get your data house in order; Meet your data system where it is Engage stakeholders and plan thoughtfully
Using ESSA to get Data in the Hands of People Parents and advocates are empowered with the law’s renewed commitment to ensuring that quality information is publicly available High-quality public reports will be a critical tool to ensure states are held accountable for the success of every student
Using ESSA to get Data in the Hands of People Better track and report how well mobile students—those who are homeless, in the foster care system, or military connected—are doing Report data in a more detailed, cross-tabulated way The U.S. Department of Education must help interested states and districts disaggregate data on Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) students to help improve their outcomes
Using ESSA to get Data in the Hands of People Report school rates of chronic absence on annual report cards Report postsecondary enrollment Provide all students with access to effective educators; define what effective teaching and leading looks like within your state Include the per-pupil expenditures of federal, state, and local funds for each LEA and school, disaggregated by source of funds
State Privacy Legislation Update
2014 State Legislative Activity 110 bills related to student data privacy in 36 states. 27 laws passed in 20 states.
2015 State Legislative Activity 188 bills related to student data privacy in 47 states. 28 laws passed in 15 states.
2016 State Legislative Activity 112 bills related to student data privacy in 34 states. 16 laws passed in 14 states.
Summary of State Legislative Activity 410 bills related to student data privacy in 49 states. 71 laws passed in 36 states.
Student Data Privacy: State Legislative Trends 2014: regulating government collection of student data 2015: regulating student data collection by education technology providers 2016: continuing to govern service providers and revisiting existing privacy laws
Coming Soon….
Upcoming DQC Releases and Publications Opportunities to Make Data Work for Students in the Every Student Succeeds Act State Report Card Analysis Parent Infographic and video (SPANISH) DQC’s Presidential Transition Memo ∙ @EdDataCampaign Taryn Hochleitner Bernice Butler @Taryn_Ho @Bbutler180 Add her email address on the last slide ∙ @EdDataCampaign