OBJECTIVE FOR ORBEET TECHNOLOGIES Non-Intrusive: New devices and technologies should not disturb operations but trigger changed behaviour Data-Protection and Privacy: data collected and used for research and analysis is anonymized. 649753 OrbEEt
ENERGY MONITORING SENSOR ENVIRONMENT SENSORS Local Sensor Data Hubs Cloud Hub Sensor Sensors to monitor: Energy consumption Comfort leves Sensor Sensor Sensor Sensor 649753 OrbEEt
ENERGY MONITORING SENSOR TYPES SENSORS Name: Aeotec Micro Smart Energy Switch G2; Installation: in existing in-wall single switches; Function: to report immediate wattage consumption or kWh energy usage over a period of time. It is also a repeater in the Z-Wave network; Purpose in the OrbEEt framework: to measure and report the energy consumed for lightning. Name: Philio Relay Switch; Installation: in existing in-wall single or double switches; Function: to report immediate wattage consumption or kWh energy usage over a period of time. It is also a repeater in the Z-Wave network; Purpose in the OrbEEt framework: to measure and report the energy consumed for lightning. Name: Fibaro smart wall plug; Installation: in existing electrical outlets; Function: electrical energy consumption measuring; Purpose in the OrbEEt framework: to measure and report the energy consumed by the different electrical devices – computers, monitors, fans, coffee machines, etc. 649753 OrbEEt
ENERGY MONITORING SENSOR TYPES SENSORS Name: Everspring power meter and switch; Installation: in existing electrical outlets; Function: electrical energy consumption measuring ; Purpose in the OrbEEt framework: to measure and report the energy consumed by the different electrical devices – computers, monitors, fans, coffee machines, etc. Name: Aeotec MultiSensor 6; Installation: in different locations in the room avoiding direct sunlight, direct flow of air from air conditioners, radiators, humidifiers; Function: monitoring motion, temperature, humidity, light, Ultraviolet and Vibration; Purpose in the OrbEEt framework: to monitor environmental parameters and measure and transmit their changes. Name: electronic heat cost allocator Siemens WHE 50; Installation: on each radiator; Function: measuring the amount of heat emitted by radiators. Purpose in the OrbEEt framework: 649753 OrbEEt
ENERGY MONITORING SENSOR DATA HUBS TYPES SENSORS Name: Raspberry Pi 2 model B; Installation: no special installation needed, plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse; Function: a low cost, credit-card sized computer; Purpose in the OrbEEt framework: project board, core of the system gateway; Name: RaZberry daughter card; Installation: no special physical installation needed but requires software installation and setting of Z-Way System in the pilot site; Function: to turn the Raspberry Pi 2 project board in to a z-way gateway; 649753 OrbEEt
ORGANISATION MODELLING ADONIS TOOLKIT BPM Design Environment for Business Process Organisation Resources BIM Annotation Simulation and Evaluation Dashboards 649753 OrbEEt
eDEC DISPLAYS eDECs In-Office displays: These are designed to reflect best-practices in changing peer-norms towards stimulating a positive energy culture in-office. Intranet portal: It empowers and promotes awareness, allows users to interact with the system and foster learning with continuous feedback. Smartphone game: Promotes engagement through game play and drives behavioural change through rapid feedback and reward process with the use of game mechanics. INTRANET OFFICE DISPLAYS 649753 OrbEEt
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