Region 15 Regional Healthcare Partnership 15th Public Meeting


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Presentation transcript:

Region 15 Regional Healthcare Partnership 15th Public Meeting Wednesday, September 25, 2013 University Medical Center of El Paso Anchor Hospital 1 1 1

Confirmation of Participants Roll Call 2 2 2

August DSRIP Timeline Approval of August Reporting for DY2 September 30, 2013 October 12, 2013 HHSC requests IGT from Providers November 12, 2013 First DSRIP Payment for DY2

October DSRIP Reporting Region 15 now has 46 out of 53 total projects approved for implementation! CMS has delayed the final approval of these projects until early October. Providers are encouraged to have a replacement project submitted by 9/30 to HHSC in the event CMS does not approve one of the final pending projects. Use the Modified DSRIP Menu Replacement projects that get approved will be eligible to report late DY2 achievement beginning in April 2014 (first DY3 reporting period) Region 15 is awaiting the final provider reporting template from HHSC. October 31st Deadline 4

Category 3 Menu Anchor Call Notes provided information on the new Category 3 menu Still pending approval by CMS Providers can report on all currently approved Category 3 metrics in October. Once we receive the October Provider Reporting Template, more information will be provided by HHSC Replacing current approved category 3 with new measure Replacing non-approved category 3 with new measure 5

Texas A&M Waiver Assessment 20 providers in Texas were chosen to participate in this project Onsite for Staff and Patient Interviews: Late October, 2013 Texas A&M Invited to Speak at Region 15 October RHP Meeting 6

3 Year Projects Region 15 Anchor sent email to request project proposals Due 10/14/13 (date may be moved up due to HHSC timelines) Providers must use the Revised DSRIP Menu and have an IGT entity secured Prioritized list of projects for each RHP due to HHSC sometime in October (exact date TBD) Full projects due early December (exact date TBD) The prioritized list must focus on community need, and the Medicaid and indigent population The projects must alternate by IGT entity Current left over money for Region 15: $3,151,240 This amount will increase with project valuation reductions and other left over monies from Texas Medical Society allocation is $1,200,000 7

3 Year Projects – Review Committee Establish Committee to Review and Score Proposals: IGT Entities, Stakeholder Schedule Meeting 10/15/13 (subject to change) The project selections will be posted on the Region 15 Website prior to the October RHP meeting for comments and discussion at the meeting. RHP meeting may need to occur earlier in October. HHSC plans to provide instructions and templates for completing the prioritized list in late September and for drafting full projects in October. 8

Region 15 Comprehensive Learning Collaborative Diabetes Region 15 Learning Collaborative Plan: Due to HHSC 10/1/13 Upcoming Symposiums Diabetes Symposium – El Paso Diabetes Association, UMC, Texas Tech, UTEP… 10/25 Mano y Corazon Symposium – 9/27-9/28 Table for 10 – Friday Keynote Dinner Complementary Conference Registrations (3) Two meetings held to establish framework: Lead Teams / Community Providers Measurement Identification Commitment for 15 months 9

Roundtable 10 10 10

Contact Information Waiver Website & Email Address: UMC Website: Region 15 - RHP Paso del Norte Blue Ribbon Committee Needs Assessment: 11 11 11