Welcome to Almondsbury CE Primary School
Year 6 visit to Paris YEAR 6 VISIT TO PARIS, FRANCE – The Year 6’s returned happy but exhausted from their visit to Paris. They all had an amazing time. It was a very early start last Monday but it didn’t dampen the excitement of the trip to France. For many it was the first time they had left the country without their parents. After the journey they were ready to run around the centre at Chateau de Grande Romaine. The rest of the week was packed with adventures and entertainment that came in many guises. A visit to a local market town, Brie Comte Robert to buy some souvenirs and practice using their basic French, challenging themselves to climbing and then abseiling down the tower, as well as archery and team challenge. They also visited Philippe at the snail farm who gave a tour of his farm, which also had other animals not just snails.
Year 6 visit to Paris Next came a full day in Paris. Everyone, well nearly everyone, walked up and back down the 1,370 steps to see the stunning views of Paris. After leisurely trip down the Seine and then it was off to the Musee d’Orsay to marvel at the fantastic artwork on display. Thursday saw a visit to Disneyland Paris to try out the rides and see the parade as well as shop. The trip came to an end as we travelled back to England via a lovely smelling and tasting chocolate factory. The children and adults both thoroughly enjoyed their time in France and did themselves and our school proud with their brilliant behaviour. They were all very caring towards each other and the staff, which was lovely to see. Well done! Thank you to Mrs Goode, who led the trip, Mr Baykaa-Murray, Miss Ivory and Mrs Jamieson for their care of the children and support over the week, which I also thoroughly enjoyed being with all of them for the week.
House Captains HOUSE CAPTAINS - We have now decided on the Year 6 children who will represent their house teams as House Captains for the coming year. For Air this will be Harvey Wyatt and Florrie Peake; for Earth Archie Weatherhead and Laura Donaldson; for Sun Sophie Snook and Jonah Bradford and for Water Chloe Starr and Louis Barnes. I am sure they will represent their house teams with great pride and be very good role models.
What’s going on in Term ? Term 2 Tuesday 11 October Reception Parents Letter and Sounds and Reading meeting – 9.15am Harvest Festival afternoon Thursday 13 October Reception Parents Letter and Sounds and Reading meeting – 2.30pm PA meeting 7.30pm – Fizz and cheese welcome evening Friday 14 October Mrs Duffy and Mrs Long’s class swimming 1.10pm Mrs Goode’s Class Cake Sale 3.30pm Tuesday 18 October Reception Parents Maths in School meeting – 9.15am New Reception 2017 tours 9.30am and 11.00am Wednesday 19 October Reception Parents Maths in School meeting – 2.30pm Messy Church @ St Mary’s from 3.30pm Thursday 20 October New Reception 2017 tours 9.30am and 11.00am Friday 21 October Mrs Duffy and Mrs Long’s class swimming 1.10pm End of Term 1
What’s going on in Term 2? Term 2 Monday 31 October Start of Term 2 Book week and Book Fayre after school each evening from 3.30 – 4.00pm Wednesday 2 November Year 3 visit to Swansea Egypt museum Thursday 3 November Year 4 visit to Swansea Egypt museum Year 5 visit to Imperial War museum, London PA meeting 7.30pm staffroom Friday 4 November Mrs Duffy and Mrs Long’s class swimming 1.10pm Year 6 visit to Imperial War museum, London Miss Sinclair’s class cake sale 3.30pm and secondhand uniform sale in the Hall Monday 7 November Individual photos in the morning and family photos (out of school siblings included in the afternoon in the Hall Tuesday 8 November New Reception 2017 tours 1.30pm and 2.30pm Thursday 10 November New Reception 2017 tours 1.30pm and 2.30pm Parents Evening 4,00 – 7.30pm Friday 11 November Remembrance Day Mrs Duffy and Mrs Long’s class swimming 1.10pm Tuesday 15 November Parents Evening 4.00 – 7.30pm Friday 18 November Children in Need day Friday 25 November Mrs Duffy and Mrs Long’s class swimming 1.10pm Mr Dean’s class cake sale and secondhand uniform.
What’s going on in Term 2? Friday 2 December Non uniform day in exchange for donations for the fayre PA Christmas Fayre 6.00-8.00pm Tuesday 6 December Reception Christmas performance 9.30am Year 1 and 2 Christmas performance 2.00pm Thursday 8 December Year 1 and 2 Christmas performance 6.00pm Friday 9 December Key Stage 1 Christmas party Monday 12 December Year 3 and 4 Christmas performance 2.00pm Tuesday 13 December Christmas Lunch Year 3 and 4 Christmas performance 6.00pm Wednesday 14 December Year 3 and 4 Christmas party Year 5 and 6 Carols by Candlelight at St Mary’s 7.00pm Thursday 15 December Year 5 and 6 Christmas party Friday 16 December End of term 2
ROAD SAFETY ROAD SAFETY – The children in Years 3 and 6 were able to have Road Safety training from the South Gloucestershire Rod Safety team. It is very important, especially on the road around Almondsbury that they are aware of the traffic and how to remain safe. We still do have a vacancy for a Road Safety Patrol Officer at the moment. If you know of anyone who would be interested and fit the bill please do let us know.
CROSS COUNTRY CROSS COUNTRY – Years 1 to 6 took part in the annual school cross country races at the start of October. As usual they were hotly contested with the children very eager to post a quick time and be able to represent the school in the local cross country athletic leagues. Well done to the winners in each year group but to everyone who should great effort around the course.
BOOK WEEK Don’t forget that it is our Book Week this with the theme of British Authors. The classes will be investigating classic books from well known British authors. We also have our Book Fayre starting on Monday 31 October to Friday 4 November from 3.30 – 4.00pm.
Operation Christmas Child Once again we are collecting filled shoeboxes with gifts for children who live in disadvantaged areas of many countries across Eastern Europe, Africa and Asia. The last collection date is Wednesday 16 November. Please bring your boxes into school and leave them by the Reflection area. Many thanks.
Children in Need This year we will be helping the Children in Need charity by coming into school on Friday 18 November dressed in spots. We look forward to seeing everyone in school in their spots of various colours and sizes.
Christmas….. Our Christmas Fayre is on Friday 2 December starting at 6pm. It will have the usual stalls, food, drink and once again we will be visited by Father Christmas. The trees will be on sale from the end of school and will cost £35. We look forward to seeing you all there.