PRESENTATION OUTLINE Purpose Background Introduction and Overview Bilateral Agreements Multilateral Engagements Conclusion Recommendation
1. PURPOSE To provide to the Portfolio Committee, the Department of Basic Education’s progress update in respect of implementation of international agreements
2. BACKGROUND The international agreements provide for various modes of engagements including, exchange of delegations and experts, co-operation between education institutions, exchange of information and sharing of best practices in different subject areas of interest.
3. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW OVERALL OBJECTIVE To develop and nurture basic-education related co-operation at bilateral and relevant multilateral levels BROAD ACTIVITIES Co-ordinate development, and signing of bilateral agreements supporting basic education between South Africa and other countries. Facilitate and support participation of the Minister and Deputy Minister in international meetings and fora related to promoting basic education in South Africa Co-ordinating dialogue and programmes of co-operation between the DBE and departments of education of other countries Participate in and co-ordinate activities related to relevant multilateral engagements supporting basic education/ Strengthen DBE’s participation in multilateral platforms
3. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW… GUIDING PRIORITIES Basic Education priorities for the 2014- 2019 MTSF are as follows: Improved quality of teaching and learning through development, supply and effective utilisation of teachers. Improved quality of teaching and learning through provision of adequate, quality infrastructure and Learning and Teaching Support Materials (LTSM). Improving assessment for learning to ensure quality and efficiency in academic achievement Expanded access to Early Childhood Development and improvement of the quality of Grade R, with support for pre-Grade R provision Strengthening, accountability and improving management at the school, community and district level. Partnerships for education reform and improved quality.
3. INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW… FOCUS AREAS OF CURRENT PARTNERSHIPS Maths, Science and Technology Curriculum development and implementation Teacher development Technical vocational education and training (new negotiations) School infrastructure Foreign language promotion
4. BILATERAL AGREEMENTS COUNTRY AGREEMENT NAME PROGRESS / UPDATE ON IMPLEMENTATION China-2013 Agreement between the Republic of South Africa and the People’s Republic of China in the Field of Basic Education Promotion of Mandarin in SA schools is ongoing, China provides for teachers and materials. A fulltime Language Advisor has been seconded to the DBE. China donated computers, textbooks and smartboards to various schools in Gauteng. DBE to pursue strengthened collaboration in Maths and Science. France-2016 MOU entered into between the Department of Basic Education of South Africa and the Embassy of France in South Africa Progress in nutrition programme and promotion of the French language in SA schools supported by the French Government. A fulltime Language Advisor will be deployed to the DBE. DBE to pursue strengthened collaboration on technical vocational education and training.
4. BILATERAL AGREEMENTS… COUNTRY AGREEMENT NAME PROGRESS / UPDATE ON IMPLEMENTATION South Korea-2016 MoU between the National Institute for International Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and the DBE on the Dispatch of Volunteer Teachers to the RSA DBE received six Volunteer teachers deployed to South African schools for Maths, Science and Computer studies from January 2017. An Additional 13 volunteers will be received in 2018. The DBE will be receiving a donation of 100 computers to be distributed to schools in need. British Council-2014 Declaration of Intent between the DBE and the British Council on Cooperation in the Field of the English Language Over 900 Subject Advisors and teachers participated in English First Additional Language Capacity building workshops at Foundation, intermediate, Senior and FET phases The British Council is assisting the DBE to establish the National Association for English Language Teachers (NAELT), and nine provincial Teachers’ Associations.
4. BILATERAL AGREEMENTS… COUNTRY AGREEMENT NAME PROGRESS / UPDATE ON IMPLEMENTATION The Flemish Association for Development Cooperation and Technical Assistance (Northern Belgium)-2014 Multi-year Programme for Teaching for Improved Learning Outcomes in Primary Education in South Africa (TILOPESA) Establishment of Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and Technical assistance aimed at the improvement of teaching in the Foundation Phase in Literacy and Numeracy. In-depth training to provincial subject specialists and officials who work with teachers implemented in six provinces (KZN, Gauteng, North West, Mpumalanga, Northern Cape and Free State) Cuba - 2016 Agreement on Collaboration between RSA and Cuba on Professional Services in the Field of Basic Education 20 Maths and Science Subject Specialists to be deployed to the DBE from 2017 10 of them already received their appointment letters and have accepted the appointment.
4. BILATERAL AGREEMENTS … COUNTRY AGREEMENT NAME PROGRESS / UPDATE ON IMPLEMENTATION Japan International Cooperation Agency ( JICA)-2011 Government to Government Agreement on Technical Cooperation and the Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Program between RSA and Japan JICA offers periodic training for Maths and Science subject specialists in the DBE and provinces. JICA deployed volunteer Maths Teachers to Mpumalanga to assist teachers. JICA deployed 3 Maths Specialists to the DBE to work with subject advisors. JICA is also assisting the Department in finalizing the draft Mathematics, Science and Technology Strategy. United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-1996 Financing Agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of South Africa concerning Education Concluded the “School Capacity Innovation Programme” in 2015. Now implementing the “Teacher Assessment Resources for Monitoring and Improving Instruction Programme”. The focus is on Grade 1-3 English teachers USAID implementing an Early Grade Reading Study in more than 100 schools in Mpumalanga in Grades 1-3. The aim is to improve the teacher’s methods of teaching early grade reading.
4. BILATERAL AGREEMENTS… COUNTRY AGREEMENT NAME PROGRESS / UPDATE ON IMPLEMENTATION Germany-2009 (DoE) Agreement concerning the Introduction of a German-South African Bilingual Secondary School Qualification at the German Schools in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Pretoria German language already offered in South African schools, supported by the German government. A German language advisor has been seconded to the DBE. DBE to pursue strengthened collaboration in vocational education.
4. BILATERAL AGREEMENTS… CURRENT NEGOTIATIONS France, Germany, UK– DBE is pursuing broadening the focus of current partnerships to include development of technical vocational education and training in the Basic Education System. FINLAND– DBE met the visiting Finland Education Minister in May 2017 where negotiations were initiated towards a formal partnership, mainly in the fields of digitisation in education and teacher development Within the African region , the DBE will continue negotiations towards bilateral agreements with Kenya, Zimbabwe, Angola, Zambia, and Liberia Outside of the region the DBE is in negotiations with Sri Lanka, Turkey, Bangladesh as well as the World Bank Agreements under negotiation cover various areas of work such as curriculum matters; Maths, Science and Technology; Teacher Development; and Infrastructure
5. MULTILATERALS ENGAGEMENTS AFRICAN UNION (AU) The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) Southern and East African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) Southern Africa Development Community (SADC)
5. MULTILATERALS ENGAGEMENTS… AFRICAN UNION (AU) The DBE has a concluded an alignment process of various mandates and national goals, as captured in the Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), 2014 – 2019, National Development Plan (NDP): Vision 2030, and Action Plan to 2019: Towards the Realisation of Schooling 2030; with the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA) 2016 – 2025, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Agenda 2063. This will help achieve seamless reporting against the regional instruments DBE participates at the AU Ministerial meetings and Specialised Technical Committees on Education, Science and Technology.
5. MULTILATERALS ENGAGEMENTS… The Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) ADEA is a forum for policy dialogue on education policies and a partnership between Education and Training Ministries in Africa committed to sharing and learning for qualitative change in education aimed at promoting Africa’s development. DBE participates in Triennial Ministerial Dialogues on Education and Training, a platform for sharing best practices in order to maximize the utilization of scarce resources within the region - Deputy Minister attended the 2017 Triennial in Senegal, from 14-17 March 2017. DBE is currently participating in a review process towards improvement of services to member states – DBE’s main aim is to promote the improvement of the Maths and Science focus. DBE is a member of recently established Inter-Country Quality Node on Teaching and Learning – for accumulating information on innovative educational experiences in Africa to inform development and implementation of policies and strategies for effective teaching and learning in Africa.
5. MULTILATERALS ENGAGEMENTS… Southern and East African Consortium for Monitoring Educational Quality (SACMEQ) In June 2017, the Minister attended the 11th session SACMEQ Assembly of Ministries of Education in Swaziland. SACMEQ serves to expand opportunities for educational planners to gain technical skills required to monitor and evaluate the general conditions of schooling and the quality of basic education in their respective systems. the 11th session SACMEQ released the regional SACMEQ IV report; DBE will announce findings of the National SACMEQ IV study in August 2017.
5. MULTILATERALS ENGAGEMENTS… Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) DBE participates in Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) activities through the Protocol on Education and Training. Annual participation of South African Schools in the SADC Secondary Schools Essay Competition. DBE participates in development and implementation of regional strategies for Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL), as well as mainstreaming of HIV and Aids in the education sector. DBE participates in the Technical Committee on Education and Management Information (EMIS), and has offered to share the South African School Administration System (SAMS) software package used for EMIS, for adaptation by other member states In June 2017 the Minister attended the Joint Meeting of SADC Ministers responsible for Education, Training, Science, Technology and Innovation (ET-STI). In this meeting South Africa took over Chair-ship of the next joint meeting scheduled to take place in 2018 in South Africa; to be co-chaired by the Ministries of Basic Education, Higher Education and Training, and Science and Technology.
6. CONCLUSION Being a major priority of government, basic education in South Africa attracts a significant amount of interest from international agencies and foreign departments of education, among others DBE will continue to implement existing and pursue new bilateral partnerships that would benefit the South African Basic education sector, especially in the identified priority areas. DBE will also increase focus on strengthening participation in the multilateral sphere, including beyond the African region.
7. RECOMMENDATION It is recommended that the Portfolio Committee discusses the Department of Basic Education’s progress update in respect of implementation of international agreements.