Increase you Athletic performance with PT Distinction For all athletes looking for that athletic edge By: Russ Forchion
What is Pt Distinction? A fairly new approach to train, yet it is the worlds leading online personal training and coaching software. Made to fit the schedule of clients who simply do not have time to go to the gym. Very user friendly and easy to manage Affordable at only $19.90/month Type of training includes Documentation, Webinars and live online training.
What is the problem?/How we can fix it/Goals! Not exactly performing in your sport or activity the way you want? Are you athletically inferior to your competition ? If you answered yes, to the above questions, then Pt Distinction is your solution! Pt Distinction is here to help athletes reach their maximum potential, without the distractions of the gym. Limitations are for the unmotivated, with Pt Distinction you can push your athletic ability to heights that you did not know you had, all in the comfort of your home.
Power Plyo Boxes Cost - $60.00 – $150.00 ,At any sporting good or workout equipment store of business Type of workout specifically for Power Plyo Boxes include, Box jumps, Box squats, elevated lunges etc.. Improves vertical jump ability, by conditioning your body through dynamic resistance movements Increase speed and strength of your fast twitch muscles Improves the power of your forward jumping, lateral jumping.
Footwork agility ladder Cost - $25.00 - $60.00, at Improves coordination Improves footwork and agility Agility ladder workouts include, “ Ickey shuffle”, “side step”, “ side straddle hop” , “ In & out” and plenty more
Medicine Ball Cost - $15.00-$90.00, at various sporting good stores and locations Adds resistance to your workouts Can be used to train core muscles Improves neuromuscular coordination Workouts includes various core workouts, medicine ball throws, medicine ball jumps and many more…
Resistance Bands Cost - $10.00 - $40.00 at most sporting good stores and locations Improves strength and durability to the muscles targeted Provides resistance to muscle which improves flexibility, SAFE!!, easy on the joints. Workouts that involve resistance bands would include, overhead press, resistance squats, Glute extensions, Bicep curls and many more.
Jump Rope Cost - $10.00 - $20.00, at Dicks Sporting Goods stores and locations Improve coordination and timing Improve cardiovascular endurance Improves calf strength Increases vertical jump ability Great overall workout
Total Cost *Estimated average Plyo Box cost - $105.00 Agility ladder cost - $42.50 Medicine ball cost - $51.00 Resistance bands cost - $25.00 Jump rope cost - $15.00 Total cost = $238.50 9One time fee) + $19.90/month rate For just $238.50 and determination you can enhance your athletic ability to heights you did not know you could reach!
In Conclusion Pt Distinction provides a great opportunity for athletes to increase their athletic skills at a comfortable pace without the distractions of the outside world. Not only will you see the great benefits of Pt Distinction, but your coaches and competition will see the great improvement in your athletic performance. Besides dominating you competition with your improved athletic ability, you will also and most importantly improve your overall health with a safe and intense exercises.