MRM- (NEW DELHI) – 27th – 28th April 2017 FIEO KERALA
CONTENTS * Focus of FIEO Kerala Chapter * Membership Strength Analysis (2015-16,2016-17) * Programmes :- 2016-2017 * Major Achievements * New Initiatives and Action Plan, * Proposed Events 2017-2018
FOCUS OF THE CHAPTER * To concentrate on interaction with the Government Departments and stake holders in the field of International Trade. * Many grievances has been settled by mutually discussing the same with the Departments Concerned. Many Seminars and awareness programmes also organized in association with Government Bodies. * The Chapter is closely working with the State Government for formulation of the Export Policy and also to conduct various studies for improving the standard of exports from the region.
MEMBERSHIP & OTHER INCOME Heads 2015-2016 2016 -2017 Membership Target 2826800 30,62,000 Membership collected 27,83,447 32,59,659.00 Percentage of Target Achieved 98.50% 107% Certificate of Origin 1,33,744 1,93,151 Admitted Members 92 101 Number of Domestic Events 27 35 Revenue from Domestic Events 6,72,105 877509 Expenditure on Domestic Events Income form Project study on Kerala state export competitiveness on behalf of Government of Kerala 7,30,000 Number of Overseas Events --- Revenue from Overseas activity Expenditure on Overseas activity Advantage Kerala … (2/2) For updated information, please visit KERALA – AN INTRODUCTION
Increase in Membership MEBERSHIP GROWTH Comparison – 2015-2016 & 2016-2017 Increase in Membership As more focus were given to MPG category of exports , Chapter decided to organize various export awareness sessions across various districts in the state. Awareness being provided to SME’s and motivated them to be part of FIEO for starting and promoting Export Business . As result of the same we have managed to get a very good number of Registration of Members during 2016-2017. 2016-2017 US$ Source: CMIE
MEMBERSHIP STRENGTH 2015-2016 2016-2017 Five Star Export House GOD'S OWN COUNTRY Category 2015-2016 2016-2017 Five Star Export House Four Star Export House 1 Three Star Export House 5 7 Two Star Export House 24 23 One Star Export House 35 34 Service Export House Non Export House 2 State Export Organisation EOU/FTZ/SEZ 4 MPG 261 325 Service Provider 30 Dual Membership EP Council Commodity Board Chamber of Commerce 3 Trade Association Govt.Sponsored Institute Individual Exporter Total No. of Members 378 443 New Members 92 101 Source: Economic Review of Kerala, 2011 P: Provisional *Million Nuts
MEMBERSHIP TARGET 2016-2017 Collected As on 31.03.2017 30,62,000.00 Collected as on 31st March 2017 32,59,659.00 % of Collection 107%
INCOME FROM CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN COMPARISON (2015-2016,2016-2017) % of COO Attestation Income collected 2015-2016– Rs 1,52,468/- 2016-2017- Rs 2,24,243 /- Adopted a strategy of meeting the Service providers and Customs House Agents to convince them the attestation services of FIEO and explained them the convenience to get the Certificates ( Both Preferential and Non Preferential) from FIEO. As we are processing the Certificate of Origin as early as possible, We could collect more COO’s from the parties. Source: CMIE
DOMESTIC EVENTS ORGANISED FIEO KERALA DOMESTIC EVENTS ORGANISED Various sessions were organized in all the districts of the sate under Niryat Bandhu scheme and in General for the upgradation of the EXIM sector and also to promote exports from the Region, In Majority of the sessions we got the privilege to associate with JDGFT Kochi and Trivandrum , to organize sessions in Industrial Clusters, Special Economic zones, and in all the districts of the state with various focus products.
DOMESTIC EVENTS ORGANISED 2016-2017 FINANCIAL YEAR Total Number of Events @ kochi Outside Kochi 2015-2016 27 17 10 2016-2017 35 20 15
Unveiling of the Report of the Study on Kerala State Export Competitiveness by the Hon’ble Minister for Industries, Government of Kerala
Study on Kerala State Export Competitiveness “Study on Kerala State Export Competitiveness’ which the Government of Kerala entrusted FIEO to undertake with a view to identify the main pillars of Kerala has been successfully completed and the final report of the same has been submitted to Government of Kerala. For updated information, please visit DISCLAIMER
% OF INCREASE IN ORGANISING EVENTS – FIEO KERALA Sector specific events were organized jointly with JDGFT under Niryat Bandhu scheme and also various standalone sessions were organized in all over the district jointly with district industries centers, government departments, commodity boards and export promotion councils with the support of leading Banks,
Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee of Cochin Customs, Export Trade Facilitation Committees in which FIEO Kerala Chapter is having representation Permanent Trade Facilitation Committee of Cochin Customs, Trade Facilitation Committee of Cochin Port Airport Consultative Committee- Cochin International Airport Quality Complaints and Trade Disputes Committee under JDGFT Kochi
MAJOR ACHIEVEMENTS 2016-2017 Organized various Export Promotion Sessions across the sate as the Knowledge Partner of JDGFT Kochi and Trivandrum. Study of Kerala Export Competitiveness has been completed and submitted to the Government of Kerala. Association With Leading Organisation and Government Departments and Banks for organising sessions for the betterment of the EXIM Community.
ACTION PLAN (2017-2018) To Contact the members regularly to inform them regarding various sessions, trade facilitation forums etc.. For their timely awareness Frequent Meetings with Port, Customs, JDGFT, Trade Bodies, Industries Departments, Local Authorities ,RBI etc...on matters of common interest and to discuss the unresolved issues. To start new Membership drives in all the districts of the State, highlighting value added services of the Federation. Monthly meetings with Commodity Boards to review the Growth of exports under various sectors.
ACTION PLAN 2017-2018 Follow-ups with foreign Embassies to get the details of Dignitaries visiting from their side to Kerala, to explore possibilities for more and more B2B’s. Looking for Tie-ups with leading banks to support FIEO events on annual basis, Boost up Certificate Origin issuance and support to Export Community
ACTION PLAN 2017-2018 To start Short Term Management Programme On Export Management, Documentation and Procedures etc… To conduct events for the Export Community jointly with Industry Bodies, Trade associations, Exim Forums, JDGFT and all the events will be on sponsorship support by leading Banks or related organisations.
ACTION PLAN 2017-2018 To establish an EXIM Grievance Redressel forum under FIEO. Be the Nodal Agency for the Formulation of Export Policy of Kerala. Monthly meetings with Commodity Boards to review the Growth of exports under various sectors.
EVENTS PROPOSED( 2017-2018) APRIL MAY Export Awareness session for the Multy Products exporters , jointly with YES Bank at Kochi. MAY Promotion of Exports Through E-Commerce, Jointly with E-bay at Kochi on 4th May 2017. Promoting Textile Exports from Kerala , session for the Export Community of Kannur, jointly with North Malabar Chamber of Commerce. MSME Exhibition, B2B Meet with Cochin Shipyard and MSME Development Institute at Kochi (15th -16th May 2017)
EVENTS PROPOSED( 2017-2018) JUNE Open House Meet with the Chief Commissioner of Customs, CSEZ, Port, JDGFT etc.. at Kochi with main emphasis on GST , Tax Regime. Two Days Certificate Programme on Digitalization and E- Documentation for Exports. Session on various Export Opportunities and Incentives available to Coir products, jointly with Coir Board and the Federation of Indian Coir Exporters Association at Alleppey. JULY Session on Rules of Certificate of Origin ,jointly with Export Inspection Agency at Kochi. 3 Days Certificate programe in International Trade, Promotional Schemes, Banking etc.. At Kochi
EVENTS PROPOSED( 2017-2018) AUGUST SEPTEMBER Communicative Business Language FRENCH for the Business community. Session on Authorized Economic Operator. (AEO) Customs. Doing Business with USA, SEPTEMBER Coastal Shipping and IWT Summit at Kochi – (22nd September 2017) Seminar on “FOREX FOR YOU”: (RBI in association with FIEO), Kochi & Calicut Seminar on enhancing India’s trade with CIS Countries, Kollam.
EVENTS PROPOSED( 2017-2018) OCTOBER OCTOBER Interactive Session on European Standards & Regulations for Trading with Europe , Kochi Session for the IT & ITES sector jointly with Info Park Kochi. “Business Growth through Exports”, An Export Awareness session for the Footwear Sector at Calicut. NOVEMBER Meet your Bankers –Jointly with South Indian Bank, Canara Bank, Federal Bank at Kochi Seminar on Promoting International Trade under Niryat Bandhu Scheme at Trivandrum. Session on the various promotional schemes and Export Opportunities and Challengs, Rubber Sector at Kottayam
EVENTS PROPOSED( 2017-2018) DECEMBER Seminar on “India’s Engagement with Free Trade Agreements (FTAs): Opportunities and Challenges”, Kochi Training Session with District Industries Centre on International Trade at Palakkad for the Engineering Sector. Interactive session on promotion of Exports from Cochin Special Economic Zone at Kochi. JANUARY Workshop on UCP 600 and International Payment Terms with special focus on Letter of Credit for the banking executives at Kochi. Workshop on Export Packaging, Bar-Coding etc.. at Kochi
EVENTS PROPOSED( 2017-2018) FEBRUARY Trade Logistics and Challenges & Issues for MSME exporters at Kochi Workshop on Cost Reduction with Effective Logistics Management to Enhance Export Competitiveness, Kochi. Session for Hospitality and service sector (Trivandrum), jointly with the department of industries. MARCH Foreign Trade Policy, Promotional Schemes, updates with amendments at Kasargod. Session on USFDA (US Food safety standards) at Kochi Session with TECHNO PARK on the Incentives available to Software exports. (Trivandrum)
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