Zoning Code Amendment: Neighborhood District Overlay Zone City Council October 10, 2016
Map of Lower Hastings Ranch RS-6 ND
History 1991 – ND Overlay zone adopted 2011 – ND Overlay zone amended Applies to 586 properties within Lower Hastings Ranch Created special development standards for single-family additions within Lower Hastings Ranch 2011 – ND Overlay zone amended Added new standards related to front porch height, setbacks for second-stories, roof pitch, and scale and design of new additions 2015 – Moratorium Moratorium enacted in March 2015 to restrict development while new regulations are prepared. In effect until March 2017.
History – Community Outreach December 2014 – July 2016 Eight citywide community meetings Five meetings with Lower Hastings Ranch Association Board members Four neighborhood-wide community meetings Two surveys mailed to 586 properties in Lower Hastings Ranch Two public hearings with the Planning Commission One driving tour with Lower Hastings Ranch residents and city staff One informational update to the Planning Commission One previous public hearing with the City Council
Background City Council – April 25, 2016 The City Council considered amendments to the ND Overlay Zone, including: New second-story stepback requirements; Revised Floor Area Ratio calculations; Appropriate architectural design and permitted materials; and A new discretionary permit process applicable only to Lower Hastings Ranch (the Neighborhood Development Permit) for new two-story houses, second-story additions, new one-story houses, and additions visible from the public right-of-way.
Background City Council – April 25, 2016 (Continued) The City Council also considered the following recommendation by the Planning Commission: Prohibit second stories in Lower Hastings Ranch The Council voted to: Adopt the staff-recommended amendments; and Not prohibit second stories in Lower Hastings Ranch The City Council also directed staff work with the Planning Commission to develop additional View Protection and Privacy regulations, in response to community concerns.
Background Additional Outreach Upon receiving direction from the City Council in April, staff: Conducted additional research and analysis on view protection and privacy; Discussed preliminary concepts with members of the Lower Hastings Ranch Association in June; and Held a Community Meeting in July to present revised development regulations to the greater Lower Hastings Ranch community and obtain feedback Approximately 30 residents attended the July meeting General support for revised regulations
Background Planning Commission – July 27, 2016 The Planning Commission considered the City Council’s direction of April 25, 2016, as well as staff-recommended amendments specifically pertaining to View Protection and Privacy. The Commission voted to recommend the following to the City Council: Adopt the Addendum to the previously adopted Negative Declaration; Approve the Findings for Zoning Code Amendments; and Approve the propose Zoning Code Amendments to the ND Overlay Zone, to include view protection and privacy standards in addition to previously adopted amendments at the City Council hearing of April 25, 2016.
Summary of Updates Amendments Previously Considered on April 25, 2016: Revised Floor Area Ratio Calculations Portions of lots with a slope of 50% or more are excluded Square footage of attached garages excluded when determining maximum size of second story Additional second-floor stepback from first-floor rear wall Outward-projecting balconies are prohibited Two-story tall windows and floor-to-ceiling windows prohibited New architectural design standards Require compatibility with Ranch-style architecture Neighborhood Development Permit Process
Summary of Updates New Requirements since April 25, 2016: Additional Neighborhood Consistency Requirement Limit on maximum FAR for two-story houses No more than 10% above the average size of houses within 500 feet Additional Privacy Requirements Second-floor windows facing a side yard must use specific types of windows or window treatments: Clerestory windows Window glazing Permanent louvers
Summary of Updates New definition of “Protected View” Resident may choose a point on the building pad, six feet above the finished grade, along the perimeter of the main dwelling Views that are protected: City lights Valley floor San Gabriel mountains Views not protected: Open sky Existing foliage Adjacent structures and properties
Summary of Updates – Neighborhood Development Permit Requires the use of visual simulations such as 3-D renderings to be posted on-site Requires the use of story poles to demonstrate how house would appear in relation to its surroundings Story poles in place for minimum of 14 days Additional notice mailed to property owners within 500 feet. Once installation of story poles is verified In advance of standard notice of public hearing Provides neighborhood with an earlier opportunity for review and comment Story Poles showing height Visual rendering showing style
Summary of Updates – Neighborhood Development Permit Approval of a Neighborhood Development Permit requires review body to make findings: Compliance with development standards Consistency with neighborhood (Neighborhood Character, Scale, Proportion) Massing and Articulation Topography View protection Privacy Necessity of two-story house
Required Findings For Amendment Consistent with the goals and policies of the General Plan Policy 4.11 – Development that is Compatible Policy 22.1 – Appropriate Scale and Massing Not detrimental to the public interest, health, safety, convenience, or general welfare of the City
Environmental Review Initial Study and Negative Declaration - 2011 Found no significant impact on the environment Negative Declaration prepared and adopted Addendum to Negative Declaration – 2016 Affirms no significant impact on the environment
Recommendation Adopt Addendum to previously adopted Negative Declaration; Approve Findings for Zoning Code Amendments; Approve Proposed Zoning Code Amendment to modify development standards in the Neighborhood District Overlay Zone (architectural standards and NDP process); Direct the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance within 60 days amending Title 17 of the Pasadena Municipal Code, Section 17.28.090 (ND Neighborhood District Overlay)
Zoning Code Amendment: Neighborhood District Overlay Zone City Council October 10, 2016
Additional Data 11 known two-story houses, out of 586 total (approximately 2% of total) Average house size: 2,085 square feet Average lot size: 12,372 square feet Average lot width: 77 feet Average lot depth: 156 feet Average year of construction: 1950
History – Community Outreach December 2014 Community meeting to discuss general concerns Survey mailed to 586 properties in Lower Hastings Ranch; 29 responses March – June 2015 Eight citywide meetings, some of which were attended by residents of Lower Hastings Ranch July 2015 Meeting with Lower Hastings Ranch Association Board members September 2015 Neighborhood-wide Community Meeting Driving tour with Lower Hastings Ranch residents Informational Update to Planning Commission
History – Community Outreach January 2016 Survey mailed to 586 properties in Lower Hastings Ranch; 281 responses February 2016 Meeting with Lower Hastings Ranch Association Board members Community Meeting to discuss draft Zoning Code Amendments March 2016 Planning Commission meeting (public comment) April 2016 Public Hearing – City Council June 2016 July 2016 Community Meeting to discuss draft amendments related to View Protection and Privacy
Neighborhood Context
Neighborhood Context
Neighborhood Context
Inconsistent Massing and Design
Potentially Consistent Massing and Design
Additions Visible From Street Addition is entirely behind existing house Addition is visible from the street DET. GARAGE DET. GARAGE NEW ONE STORY ADDITION NEW ONE STORY ADDITION EXISTING HOUSE EXISTING HOUSE STREET STREET
Proposed Standards Appropriate Wall Surfaces Appropriate Window Types Wood Shingles Brick Stucco Board and Batten Stone Double-hung Casement Clerestory Picture
Proposed Standards Prohibited Design Elements Decorative eave details Ornate metal fences Architectural foam moldings and Pre-cast architectural trim Arched windows Faux columns Ornate metal railings Quoins Pre-cast balustrades and railings
Possible Landmark District