Class of 2021 Welcome to the Grizzly Family! Woodland Park & San Marcos Middle School March 27-28, 2017
Things you should have… Pencil or Pen Transcript Course Offering Sheet Things you should have… AVID Applications 4-Year Plan Handouts:
The differences between MHHS graduation requirements and the “a-g” requirements for college. Exciting ways to get involved at Mission Hills Next Steps of Course Selection We’re going to discuss...
Your School Counselor will be... Cherryl Baker Angela Segal Sara Montooth A-Ca Ce-Ga Ge-La Kathleen Goldstein Susan Martinez Adriana Rios Le-Ok Ol-Sa Sc-Z
MHHS Info Hours: 8:05am-2:54pm Late Start Tuesday- 8:48am-2:54 Block days: -2 hour blocks; 3 classes each day -Wednesday: Periods 1,3,5 (odd) -Thursday: Periods 2,4,6 (even) 6 classes each semester MHHS Info
GET INVOLVED, BE INVOLVED, STAY CONNECTED Student Activities GET INVOLVED, BE INVOLVED, STAY CONNECTED Join a club or create your own! Try out for a sport Get involved in music, dance or drama High School will be much more fun if you get involved in SOMETHING!
Sports Fall Winter Spring Football Girls’ Volleyball Boys’/Girls’ Cross Country Girls’ Tennis Field Hockey Girls’ Golf Boys’ Water Polo Winter Boys’/Girls’ Basketball Wrestling Boys’/Girls’ Soccer Girls’ Water Polo Spring Boys’/Girls’ Track & Field Boys’/Girls’ Swimming Boys’ Tennis Boys’ Volleyball Baseball Softball Boys’ Golf Girls’ Lacrosse
Clubs Art Club Gay, Straight Alliance Astronomy Club Key Club AVID MECHA Ballet Folklorico Muslim Student Association CSF PLUS Chess Club Speech & Debate Fashion Club Step Club Fellowship of Christian Athletes …and More!!!!
Freshman Orientation Link Crew Freshman Orientation Date: August 14, 2017 8:00am – Noon Grizzly Pavilion At orientation, you will… Meet your Link Crew Leader Get a tour of the school HAVE FUN!!! Stay tuned, more info to come….
To graduate you need 230 credits & have passed at least Algebra 1 5 credits = 1 semester class An “F” grade = 0 credits All grades are permanently on your transcript Minimum 2.0 GPA required for sports, work permits, etc. Facts you must know
MHHS Graduation Requirements English 40 credits Math (including at least Algebra 1) 20 credits Social Studies 30 credits Science (Life & Physical) 20 credits Physical Education (P.E.) 20 credits World Language* (2 years or 1 year of level 2 course) 20 credits Visual Performing Art* 10 credits Electives 70 credits Total 230 credits * There are other options to meet these requirements
“a-g” (CSU/UC) Requirements English 4 years Math (through Alg. 2) 3 years - 4 recommended Social Studies 2 years Science (Life & Physical) 2 years - 3 recommended World Language 2 years Visual Performing Art 1 year Elective 1 year Please note: must earn “C or better” in all a-g classes SAT / ACT tests required
PACE Promise (Cal State San Marcos) UCONN Promise (University of Connecticut) Palomar Promise / Promise + (Palomar College) Career Tech Promise
Click on “Counseling” under Course Catalog Click on “Counseling” under “Site Shortcuts”
Course Selection Sheet 6 Required: English 9 Math General PE Biology Elective Please get all signatures and select 4 alternate classes!!! Different than the 6 you have already circled.
English Language Arts English 9 (A) P English 9 (A) H College Prep: English 9 (A) P Honors: English 9 (A) H 4 years required for graduation 4 years required for “a-g”
Mathematics 2 years required for graduation (must pass Algebra 1) Math placement will be determined by your current 8th grade class and grade. Please see chart on the back of your course selection sheet. 2 years required for graduation (must pass Algebra 1) 3 years required for “a-g” (must pass Algebra 2)
Physical Education General PE 2 years required for graduation Marching Band (4 years) satisfies PE requirement 2 years required for graduation
Science Biology (P) Principals of Biomedical Sciences(P) College Prep: Biology (P) Principals of Biomedical Sciences(P) Honors: Biology (H)* 2 years required for graduation (Life & Physical) 2 years required for “a-g” (3 recommended) * Current Science teachers’ signature required
Electives Pick 2 on your course selection sheet Can choose from: Visual & Performing Arts (VAPA) World Languages Other Classes/Electives Pick 2 on your course selection sheet
Visual & Performing Arts Ballet Folklorico (P) Ceramics (P) Chorus (P) Color Guard (P) Concert Band (P) Dance 1 (P) Digital Photography (P) Drama 1 (P) Drawing/Painting (P) Music Appreciation (P) Metalsmithing (P) Music Theory & Technology (P) (CTE) Technical Theater Jazz Ensemble (P) – 7th period Marching Band – 8th period- (1 semester of PE credit) Visual & Performing Arts 1 year required for graduation* 1 year required for “a-g” * 10 credits of CTE may count for 1 year of VAPA
World Languages American Sign Language 1 P French I P Spanish I P Spanish II P Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 P Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2 P 2 years required for graduation* (or 1 year of a level 2 course) 2 years required for “a-g” * 10 credits of CTE may count for 1 year of World Language
Other Classes & Electives AP Human Geography AVID 9 P (Must Apply) Careers in Education P (CTE) Computing with Robotics P (CTE) Culinary Arts I P (CTE) – instructor approval Fire Technology I (CTE) Health Care Essentials I (CTE) Honors World History (A/B) IT Academy 1 MOS (CTE) Journalism (P) Personal Development PLUS P Other Classes & Electives
Please Remember! Select AT LEAST 4 Alternates! - Different than the 6 classes you have already selected Make sure to get signatures for the classes that require it. Discuss your course selection with your parents/guardians.
Course Selection Sheet 6 Required: English 9 Math General PE Biology Elective Please get all signatures and select 4 alternate classes!!! Different than the 6 you have already circled.
Stay Connected! “Mission Hills High School Counseling” @mhhscounseling
Don’t Forget! First Day of School August 22, 2017
MHHS Counselors will return on: San Marcos Middle School Wednesday, March 29th Woodland Park Middle School Thursday, March 30th