Culturability II Pori 2 March 2017 Maunu Häyrynen, University of Turku Cultural Planning Approach to Finnish Residential Areas: The Case of Eastern Pori Suburbs Culturability II Pori 2 March 2017 Maunu Häyrynen, University of Turku
Pori Midsize Finnish town with 84.000 inhabitants Regional centre and port with industrial past and present, investing in university education Strategic and city planning centrally led, public discussion traditionally scant beyond mandatory participation Pori Jazz and other mass events dominate cultural scene, yet strong institutions (Pori Art Museum) and lively grassroots culture
Setting the stage: Pori
Eastern Pori suburbs Home for ca 10.000 residents Scattered urban structure, high-rise suburbs / detached house areas High-rise suburbs built in waves in 1970s, triggered by expansion of local industry & unrealistic growth scenarios Location amidst fields outside built city area, bad connections & lack of services at first Residents partly from demolished timber houses in the centre, partly from East & North Finland Social problems & bad press replaced initial optimism 1990s depression: permanent high level of unemployment Now rapidly ageing population with small incomes
Sampola suburb: 46% retired people
Methods Both qualitative and quantitative Statistical study of segregation in Pori Traditional query, families with children E-queries with PGIS (eHarava: low response) Interviews (retired people), walking interviews (younger ones), participatory observation Study of media materials & internet sources History, inventory of architecture & public art Actor mapping, interviews of key informants Engaged art workshops
Culture of Culture Mapping Everyday culture especially for the ageing: social networks, local activities, library (little financial input from the city, compared with centre) Contacts and activities also in the centre, access? Institutional culture as part of the scope Artist group T.E.H.D.A.S., viewed positively by residents and keen on engaged art ”Hidden heritage”: valuated built heritage vaguely known by residents Public art: indifference or local pride New art forms: Curiosity
Raili & Reima Pietilä 1984
Artists: Sandis Kondrats, Anne Roininen & Anna Turunen
New partnerships
Main results Mapping and action plan, no strategic choices Limited participation, small active group Cultural dominance of elderly generations Social tensions between age groups General contentness with area and environment Criticism of public services and maintenance, housing condition and ”greyness”, worries about future Mutual interest in artist-community partnership, initiatives for new activities Radio station building & surrounding park as a ”hub”
3.11.2015 | Porin Kaupunkisuunnittelu | Olavi Mäkelä Tori tänään aamulla 3.11.2015 | Porin Kaupunkisuunnittelu | Olavi Mäkelä