Linda Noson Emergency Preparedness Coordinator Missoula Access and Functional Needs Committee Pathway to Whole Community Planning Linda Noson Emergency Preparedness Coordinator
Topics Impetus for focusing on people with access and functional needs during emergencies Preparedness and response issues Formation of the Access and Functional Needs Committee as a subcommittee of the Local Emergency Planning Committee Incorporating AFN into all hazard planning – Whole Community Planning
Impetus - 2011 Missoula Flood Called agencies representing PFN to find out if they had clients within the flooded area, and to identify response issues Asked if they wanted to come together to discuss Very positive response
Preparedness & Response Issues Access & Functional Needs Notification – Agency/Individual: Access to emergency information: Preparation of an emergency response call down process Development of a personal preparedness plan template Learn about Map Your Neighborhood and Volunteer Organizations Active in Disasters (VOAD) Identify those with access and functional needs in Missoula County
Incorporate into local emergency planning – Whole Community Planning Formation of Access and Functional Needs LEPC Subcommittee 4/9/2013 Vision. Enhance the capability of individuals and families with access and functional needs to plan for, survive, and recover from emergencies and disasters in Missoula County. Purpose: Incorporate all members of the population into preparedness, response, and recovery planning Previous approach assumed all people with a specific condition needed assistance – elderly, people w/disability Current focus is on functional needs, not a person’s condition or diagnosis: e.g. Access, communication, transportation, medical, independence, supervision
Whole Community Planning Involve all members of the population in planning and implementing exercises Airport full scale exercise 05/30/2014
Whole Community Planning: Medical Countermeasures Dispensing All inclusive Dispensing Strategies Public Point of Dispensing (P-POD) Appointment Clinics Priority access Chairs placed along entry line Closed Point of Dispensing (C-POD) Missoula Developmental Services Corporation Nursing Homes, Assisted Living, Group Homes
Whole Community Planning: Medical Countermeasures Dispensing Communication Plan and Communication Kit Use Missoula County Profile to identify supply needs Hearing: 4.5% times clinic through put of 500/hr = ~23 people per hour need hearing assistance Amplification devices, texting, ASL, speech generators Vision: 2% times 500 = ~10 need vision assistance Magnifying glasses, communication boards
Whole Community Planning Personal Preparedness – Smart911 Missoula Smart911 Receive emergency alerts on all registered communication devices: home & work landlines, cell phones Enter secure, protected personal information available to the 911 Operator only when you call 911 Basic Safety Profile: name, address, phone(s), vehicle(s), pet(s), emergency contacts, photos Optional health and medical information May choose to provide additional emergency preparedness information and let local emergency management search your profile for specific information to better help you during an emergency (eg how many people do not have a car) Available in over a thousand communities across the nation Two counties in Montana (Missoula & Butte-Silverbow), but if you register your cell phone and are in one of those counties or other communities in the US when you call 911, your profile will come up for the 911 Operator. Provides a consistent planning template to use in the community (Jude Monson)