Introducing the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ BUILD A STRONG STRUCTURE & EARN UNLIMITED INCOME This training offers the ROAD MAP for building and maximizing the Hybrid Bioceutica Compensation Plan. It’s not for everyone…just for those who want a LIFE WITHOUT LIMITS!
DEFINITIONS TRUTH: What it truly takes to Live a Life Without Limits! BUSINESS BUILDER: An IC who commits to selling minimum $1000 PRV per month and who recruits minimum 3 that do the same, that do the same! STRUCTURE: The IC Matrix required to build strong and maximize the Bioceutica Compensation Plan including Width, Depth, Volume BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™: The simple activity formula that maximizes all INCOME possibilities in your Bioceutica Business. FORMULA = YOU sell $1000 PRV per month, YOU Recruit 3 Business Builders who sell $1000 PRV per month, who duplicate by recruiting 3 who sell $1000 PRV per month, and on down multiple levels…MLM! YOUX3X3X3X3X3X3X3X3X3X3 SUCCESS CORE™: Your Level 1 & Level 2 BUSINESS BUILDERS who duplicate the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™, YOUX3X3. If you have an IC who is not selling $1000 PRV per month and recruiting others that do the same, they are an IC earning Retail Profit, however they ARE NOT part of your SUCCESS CORE™. PRV: Personal Retail Volume, YOUR “personal use” (minimum $100 POPRV) + your personal Clients sales. LEADER: Is a BUSINESS BUILDER who follows the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ by selling minimum $1000 PRV per month while working directly and consistently with one or more SUCCESS CORE(S) to ensure duplication. TRUTH: What it truly takes to Live a Life Without Limits!
BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ YOUX3X3 = SUCCESS CORE™ STEP 1 Sign up $89 STEP 2 Buy Business Builder Kit (s) STEP 3 Sell $1000 PRV monthly → STEP 4 Recruit 3 who Sell $1000 PRV monthly → STEP 5 Who Recruit 3 who Sell $1000 PRV monthly → STRUCTURE SUCCESS CORE™ YOU Level 1 Level 2 PRV: Personal Retail Volume, YOUR “personal use” (minimum $100 POPRV) sales + your personal Clients sales.
The BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ Works when you Work…PLAN! Know where you are starting from Know where you want to be Build a PLAN to get from A to B use “My Success Core & My PRV” monthly re-useable work sheets Take Massive Action based on the PLAN If your PLAN is working double down on D If your PLAN is not working go back to C TRACK YOUR PROGRESS The point of a PLAN is to reduce the influence of “luck” or “inactivity” when your planning and taking action. “A Plan Without Action is just a Speech”
BUSINESS BUILDER Start Strong Start Month + 1 $89 Sign Up Purchase BB Kit (s) AND Sell $1000 PRV Monthly Recruit 3 People who do the same Month 2, 3, 4 Recruit 3 People with BB Kit(s) & who sell $1000 PRV per month who will Recruit 3 People with BB Kit(s) & who sell $1000 PRV per month DUPLICATE TRUTH All NEW “Business Builders” who follow this strategy WILL easily promote to Area Manager in their start month + 3 and earn the SMART START Bonuses when everyone consistently sells $1000 PRV.
PLANNING First 30 Days Strategize Your SUCCESS CORE First 2 Levels Look at your Current Organization “Who are your Business Builders? Use laminated worksheet “My Success Core” Remember a Business Builder is someone who will sell $1000 PRV per month and Recruit 3 people who will do the same! Determine your best fit for selling $1000 PRV and set YOUR goal to do it in the first two weeks of the month. Who are your Clients? What is my Personal Use?. Use laminated worksheet “My Monthly PRV” If you do not have 3 Business Builders Direct to you START LOOKING! Decide you will have 3 BUSINESS BUILDERS following the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ in the next 60 days! Work with your Level 1 Business Builders to Strategize their Level 1 Business Builders YOUR SUCCESS CORE™ Use laminated “Track my Progress” START SELLING, RECRUITING & LEADING! Name YOU Level 1 (name) (name) (name) Level 2 (name) TRUTH… An IC who does not sell $1000 PRV and recruits ICs that do not Sell & Recruit aren’t BUSINESS BUILDERS! A Name to a face with no volume is just a Name! On your back office reports these are marked with a ZERO. Turn a ZERO into a sale!
PLANNING What does $1000 PRV Look Like PLANNING What does $1000 PRV Look Like? Eat the Elephant 1 Bite at a Time! Personal Use SRP PRV BV Custom Essentials 79.95 78 46.80 Proflorin 28.95 27 16.20 Lights Out 38.95 37 22.20 Reverse 20 139.95 125 75 TOTAL 267 160.20 Client 2 (name) SRP PRV BV Reverse 20 139.95 125 75 Custom Essentials 79.95 78 46.80 Proflorin 28.95 27 16.20 TOTAL 230 138 Client 5 (name) SRP PRV BV Reverse 20 139.95 125 75 Custom Essentials 79.95 78 46.80 TOTAL 203 121.80 Client 3 (name) SRP PRV BV Custom Essentials 79.95 78 46.80 TOTAL TRUTH… YOU have to USE Product! YOU have to SELL Product! In this example… Personal Monthly Use + 5 Clients = PRV $1124 BV 674.40 MONTHLY PRV GOAL MET! Client 1 (name) SRP PRV BV Intuitiv Regimen 208.95 190 114 Custom Essentials 79.95 78 46.80 TOTAL 268 160.80 Client 4 (name) SRP PRV BV Custom Essentials 79.95 78 46.80 TOTAL
MY Monthly PRV My Monthly Product Use (minimum $100 POPRV) My Clients SRP PRV BV MY Monthly PRV My Monthly Product Use (minimum $100 POPRV) My Clients Client SRP PRV BV Personal Use SRP PRV BV Client SRP PRV BV Client SRP PRV BV Client SRP PRV BV TRUTH PLANNING is critical to Success. 1 hour at the end of every month strategize your $1000 PRV Goal USE Manage My Customers in your Virtual Office
PLANNING MONTHLY Create Your $1000 PRV Monthly Personal & Team Members Sales Goal Schedule a MONTHLY Call with YOUR Level 1 SUCCESS CORE™ to set Personal & Team Goals. Do this by the 3rd day of every month! Share YOUR PLANNED Goals and activities scheduled to meet your Selling & Recruiting targets! Ask all members of your SUCCESS CORE™ to do the Same TRACK WEEKLY PROGRESS & CELEBRATE Every Sale with all TEAM Members! SUPER CELEBRATE $1000 PRV in your SUCCESS CORE™ share on Social Media Track my Progress…make it a goal to hit your Personal SALES GOAL early in the MONTH! Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 1 1 New IC 2 SOLD 1 Privatest SOLD 1 Regimen Set 3 1 New Business Builder 4 SOLD 1 Privatest 5 SOLD I Regimen Set SOLD 2 Reverse 20! 6 Congratulations Goal Met
For My SUCCESS CORE™ I am going to Recruit ___ New Business Builder(s) TRACK MY PROGRESS MONTH Following the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ I Am going to sell MINIMUM $1000 PRV / 600 BV For My SUCCESS CORE™ I am going to Recruit ___ New Business Builder(s) WEEK 1 WEEK 2 WEEK 3 WEEK 4 1 2 3 4 5
Working YOUR PLAN Limited VS Unlimited Bioceutica Offers a HYBRID Opportunity that rewards both SELLING & RECRUITING 1. Selling = Retail Profit = Paid Weekly LIMITED to your personal efforts 2. Selling + Recruiting Sellers = Residual Income = Paid Monthly LIMITED by your STRUCTURE 3. Selling + Recruiting Sellers + Building Leaders = Leadership Bonus + Lexus = Paid Monthly LIMITED ONLY by STRUCTURE
$400 In the BANK! Your personal effort…STEP 4 in the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ Sell $1000 PRV per month make 35% Retail Profit + $50 Bonus = $400 Retail Profit Scale $1-$99 RV = 20% $100-$299 RV = 25% $300-$700 RV = 30% $800 RV + = 35% + $50 Bonus TRUTH… RETAIL REQUIRED! NO one makes money until a product is sold! You MUST be a Product of the product POPRV $100 minimum per month. SIMPLIFY!! $1000 PRV MAINTAINS all Personal Requirements as you build structure, including CPRV, POPRV, PGRV and earns you a $50 Retail Bonus & Consistency Star YOU set the example that a product must be sold for money to be made! You will recruit ICs that simply retail that don’t follow the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™, not everyone wants to be a BUSINESS BUILDER …that’s a fact!
SUCCESS CORE™ = STRUCTURE LEVERAGED INCOME Bioceutica is a Network/Multi-Level Marketing Company! Like every MLM Company YOU NEED STRUCTURE to have unlimited income potential BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ YOUX3X3 YOU SELL $1000 PRV per month You Recruit 3 who Sell $1000 PRV per month Who Recruit 3 who Sell $1000 = STRUCTURE = SUCCESS CORE™→ UNLIMITED Residual Income Potential YOU TRUTH… The ONLY way to earn substantial residual income is to build width and depth of ACTIVELY SELLING & RECRUITING Independent Consultants, BUSINESS BUILDERS The Bioceutica Compensation Plan is modeled on a 3 wide matrix. Build in groups of 3 direct! DUPLICATE
Area Manager Levels 1 & 2 YOUR SUCCESS CORE™ Each IC Earns $400 Retail Bonus Area Manager Earns $ 568* Retail Bonus $400 Level 1… 7% BV* = $126 Level 2… 7% BV* = $42 AM Level 0 You + Clients PRV= You & Your Clients RV Level 0 *Assumes $1000 PRV = 600 BV $1000 PRV Level 1 $1000 PRV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV Level 2 $1000 PRV
Region Manager 3 Levels In this Example YOU have a SUCCESS CORE™ Each AM has a SUCCESS CORE™ RM YOU Level 0 Each IC Earns $400 Retail Bonus Area Manager Earns $ 568 Retail Bonus $400 Level 1… 7% BV* = $126 Level 2… 7% BV* = $42 Region Manager Earns $976* Level 1…7% BV* = $126 Level 2…7% BV* = $378 Level 3…7% BV* = $72 $1000 PRV Level 1 AM AM Level 0 Level 0 Level 0 $1000 PRV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV Level 1 Level 1 Level 1 Level 2 $1000 PRV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV Level 2 Level 2 Level 3 PRV= You & Your Clients RV Level 0 *Assumes $1000 PRV = 600 BV $1000 PRV $1000 PRV It’s all about NUMBERS & DUPLICATION BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™!
The POWER of the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ SHOW me the MONEY…$5134→ In my Bank! Level 1…7% 3 X 600 BV**= 1800 X.07 = $126 Level 2…7% 12 X 600 BV **= 7200 X.07 = $504 Level 3…7% 36 X 600 = 21,600 X.07 = $1512 Level 4…4% 108 X 600 = 64,800 X.04 = $2592 TRUTH… This example demonstrates the power of Duplication and Geometric Progression using the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ . This example shows a 3 wide, 4 deep duplication! *assumes every level 0 sells $1000 PRV ** assumes $1000 PRV = to 600 BV *** assumes no Region Manager Promotes Retail Profit = $400 Level 1 = $126 Level 2 = $504 Level 3 = $1512 Level 4 = $2592
UNLIMTED Income Structure Leadership Bonuses...Life Without Limits GROUP 1 GROUP 2 GROUP 3 GROUP 4 YOUR SUCCESS CORE Level 1 YOUR SUCCESS CORE level 2 TRUTH… NEVER focus on the minimum. To achieve a Life Without Limits YOU need to build WIDE in GROUPS of 3 Wide Matrix’s following the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ Creating direct Region Managers, creates District, Area and Region Directors and unlimited Income Potential though leadership bonuses. DUPLICATION of the formula down 10 levels creates UNLIMITED INCOME with a 12 wide matrix. YOUR SUCCESS CORE™ is KEY to building success. Duplication of the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ $1000 PRV and 3 ICs that do the same builds a strong STRUCTURE! In this example you have 12 DIRECT BUSINESS BUILDERS working with 4 SUCCESS CORES = $19,366 per month* *Income estimate assumes 12 direct BUSINESS BUILDERS who follow the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ and maintain on a 3 WIDE / 4 DEEP Matrix
Leadership BIG TIME Residual Income Unlimited width & depth TRUTH… If you and your teams are DUPLICATING the SUCCESS CORE™ and following the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™, you organization will spin out a REGION Manager between Level 2&3…these become your GROUPS! If you want to reach Area Director you will need minimum 3 maintaining Region Manager SUCCESS CORES If you want to reach Regional Director you will need minimum 7 Maintaining SUCCESS CORES, with 2 who each have 3 maintaining Region SUCCESS CORES
First 90 Days Strategize Your Organization SET TEAM GOALS Remember each IC sells $1000 PRV per month and has 3 DIRECT Business Builders who do the same! If they do not they are NOT PART OF YOUR SUCCESS CORE™. CREATE YOUR DREAM TEAMS in 3 wide increments (pods) of Business Builders who follow the BIOCEUTICA SUCCESS FORMULA™ ! Everyone work directly with their LEVEL 1 & 2 YOUR SUCCESS CORE™. GOAL Promote or Maintain Region
YOU HAVE THE MAP HOW BAD DO YOU WANT IT? © 2017, Bioceutica LLC. All Rights Reserved