Matthew Koehlar 21 Year Olds and Older Beer Brewing Basics Matthew Koehlar 21 Year Olds and Older
Malt The base of all beer Many kinds all over the world Light to dark based on roasting
Hops Adds bitterness and aroma Balances out the sweetness of malt Dozens of varieties Depending on when hops are added, they do different things
Yeast Occurs naturally in the wild For most beers, yeasts are farmed commercially
Types of Beer Ales- Generally more body, different flavors Lagers- Sweeter, More Crisp
Types of Brewing Different ways to end up with beer. Depending on skill level and knowledge Need different equipment for different types of brewing
All Extract Pre-malted grain Around a dozen different styles A lot less time consuming Not as many options
Grain and Extract A mixture of both Usually comes in kits Good stepping point to all grain
All Grain Need to mill the grain More expensive Need a mash tun or a brew-in-a-bag
Beginning the Boil Plan out steps Lay out ingredients Sanitize equipment
During the Boil Specific temperature Adding Malts Adding hops
End of Boil Last additions of hops for aroma Important for India Pale Ales Depending on beer type, can go to two hours
Cool Down Cool down the wort quickly Air cooled Ice bath cooled Coils and plate chillers
Primary Fermenter Usually 3 to 5 days. Yeast feasting on the carbohydrates to create ethanol. Creates carbon dioxide Can see progress from an airlock Once the yeast are “done,” can be transferred.
Secondary Fermenter Not always needed. Gets the liquid off of dead yeast and used hops. Great for aging beers with spices, herbs, fruits, or anything else you want to add Long term storage
Additions Spices such as cinnamon, Fruits Meats Anything that could provide a flavor
Bottling Less expensive initially More arduous Priming sugar or bottle conditioning Be careful! Bottle bombs. Wait around two weeks for carbonation
Kegging Much quicker, just transfer from fermenter Ready around a week earlier. More maintenance, more equipment upkeep
Micro Brewery Operations Thousands of small breweries Growing exponentially
Large Scale Brewing Millions of dollars Thousands of hours Incorporation
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