Compensation Plan
Objective Learn the Compensation Plan and understand how do you get paid in Ardyss
Mindset We don't expect you to remember every number at this training, however, it is expected that you see that there is a lot of money over the table. Understand the compensation plan in detail will give you more skills, however activity is what will drive your success. You don't need to be an expert on the compensation plan to become successful.
Basic Concepts Value and Qualification Points Qualification: PQ P GQ P Value: PV P GV P Personal Points Group Points 1 QP = $1.00 USD 1 VP ≈ 70% of QP
Basic Concepts Enrollment & Placement Enrolment A B C D E F
Basic Concepts How to Construct Incorrect Correct A B C D E A D E H I C B F G J K A B C D E F G H I
Basic Concepts Recurring Order Is a scheduled order that you program every month in order to do your minimum purchase. This can be automatic charge to your debit or credit card. The benefits that you have are the following: Reduces the minimum monthly purchase. Maintain yourself been product of the product. Provides you product for selling and recruit. Provide predictable income to meet your financial objectives. Insure your future by providing long term income. Maximizes the compensation plan. Receive a Free Website to sell over the Internet Get access for special promotions if in Recurring Order.
Basic Concepts Your Minimum Monthly Purchase Recurring Order Yes No Take advantage of the Compensation plan by making your minimum purchase every month. Platinum: Diamond: Executive: President: Director: Manager B: Manager A: Supervisor: Coordinator: Advisor: 200 100 250 150
10 Ways to earn money Power Start Business Builder Pack Express Bonus Retail Commissions Enroller Bonus Unilevel Bonus Generational Bonus Rank Bonus Rank Matching Bonus Car Bonus
Ways to earn money 1 POWER START BONUS
Power Start Bonus
Review in your Back Office Power Start Bonus Review in your Back Office Step 1 Step 2 Next Screen Step 4 Next Screen Step 3 Next Screen
Business Builder Enrollments Review in your Back Office Find who is in Power Start in your organization
Ways to earn money 2 Business Builder Pack
Business Builder Pack $80 $120 $200 Only for Business Builder Pack enrollments $199 Pack $299 Pack $499 Pack $80 $120 $200 WEEKLY ONE-TIME BONUS (Need to be in Recurring Order) To receive this bonus you have to be in Recurring Order and fill the W9 form. All next purchases will be paid continuously on the “Residual Income” section. Access to a Special Reward Program “POWER START”
Review in your Back Office Business Builder Pack Review in your Back Office Step 1 Step 2 Next Screen Step 3 Step 4 Next Screen Next Screen
Ways to earn money 3 Express Bonus
Express Bonus 30% 20% Only for Membership Pack ENROLLMENTS or If enroller is in Recurring Order 20% If enroller is NOT in Recurring Order or WEEKLY ONE-TIME BONUS (Need to be in Recurring Order) All next purchases will be paid continuously on the “Residual Income” section.
Review in your Back Office Express Bonus Review in your Back Office Step 1 Step 2 Next Screen Step 3 Step 4 Next Screen
Ways to earn money 4 Retail Commissions
40% of Value Points from all the Direct Sales you do to your customers Retail Commissions 40% Profit 40% of Value Points from all the Direct Sales you do to your customers
Ways to earn money 5 Enroller Bonus
Enroller Bonus 10% 10% of Value Points from all the purchases of all your personally enrolled Distributors, no matter where they are placed in your organization.
Review in your Back Office Enroller Bonus Review in your Back Office Step 1 Step 2 Next Screen Next Screen Step 3 Step 4 Next Screen
Enroller Bonus Review in your Back Office Step 1 Step 2 Distributor Names Find all the Distributors your personally enrolled
Ways to earn money 6 Unilevel Bonus
Unilevel Bonus With Compression ADV COO SUP MAN DIR PRE EXE DIA PLA 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 1 Level 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 2 Levels 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 3 Levels 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 4 Levels 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5 Levels 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 6 Levels 5% VP 5% VP 5% VP 7 Levels 5% VP 5% VP With Compression 8 Levels
Review in your Back Office Unilevel Bonus Review in your Back Office Step 1 Step 2 Next Screen Step 3 Next Screen Step 4 Next Screen
Ways to earn money 7 Generational Bonus
Generational Bonus 4% 3% 3% 2% Manager-B or above You MB MB MB 1st Generation MB 3% 2nd Generation MB 3% 3rd Generation MB 2% 4th Generation
Generational Bonus 4% VP 4% VP 4% VP 4% VP 4% VP 4% VP 3% VP 3% VP MANGER-B DIRECTOR PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE DIAMOND PLATINUM 4% VP 4% VP 4% VP 4% VP 4% VP 4% VP 1 Generation 3% VP 3% VP 3% VP 3% VP 3% VP 2 Generations 3% VP 3% VP 3% VP 3% VP 3 Generations 2% VP 2% VP 2% VP 4 Generations 1% VP 1% VP 5 Generations
Review in your Back Office Generational Bonus Review in your Back Office Step 1 Step 2 Next Screen Step 3 Next Screen Step 4 Next Screen
Ways to earn money 8 Rank Bonus
Rank Bonus RANK VOLUME BONUS Get a fixed bonus every month if you Supervisor Manager Director President Executive Diamond Platinum VOLUME 2,000 GQP 6,000 GQP 18,000 GQP 40,000 GQP 100,000 GQP 200,000 GQP 300,000 GQP BONUS $100 $200 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 Get a fixed bonus every month if you maintain or improve your Rank.
Review in your Back Office Rank Bonus Review in your Back Office Step 1 Step 2 Next Screen Step 3 Next Screen Step 4 Next Screen
Ways to earn money 9 Rank Matching Bonus
Rank Matching Bonus Receive an equal Rank Bonus from your Personally Enrolled Distributors RANK Supervisor Manager Director President Executive Diamond Platinum VOLUME 2,000 GQP 6,000 GQP 18,000 GQP 40,000 GQP 100,000 GQP 200,000 GQP 300,000 GQP BONUS $100 $200 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 You and your Downline have to be in Recurring Order Your Downline have to be same or lower Rank. You have to be Paid as your Rank. Recruit 2 new Distributors with 100 PQP in the Month.
Ways to earn money 10 Car Bonus
Car Bonus RANK VOLUME BONUS Supervisor 4,000 GQP $150 Manager-A Manager-B Director President Executive Diamond Platinum VOLUME 4,000 GQP 8,000 GQP 12,000 GQP 30,000 GQP 70,000 GQP 150,000 GQP 250,000 GQP 350,000 GQP 500,000 GQP BONUS $150 $225 $300 $400 $500 $600 $700 $800 $1,500 Get a fixed bonus every month if you maintain or improve your Rank in two consecutive months.
Car Bonus Once you become a Platinum President with 500,000 GQP Ardyss will provide you with a down payment of $2,000 USD plus $1,500 every month to purchase the Mercedes Benz of your Dreams
Review in your Back Office Car Bonus Review in your Back Office Step 1 Step 2 Next Screen Step 3 Next Screen Step 4
Compensation Plan