LIFE Project Management Estonia 16 June 2016 Kaia Treier, NEEMO EEIG-ELLE
Key issues to remember to succeed in managing your project Project Management Reporting Communicating with the Monitoring Team Specific Instructions for Financial Reporting Selleks, et õnnestuda projekti sisulistes tegevustes, tuleks tagada hea projektijuhtimine
Project Management The best advice for good Project Management is the following: read, re-read and consult often the General Conditions GC Üldised tingimused kasutusel (aga jätku meelde GC)
Project Management Always refer to the approved project and its key-components: Description of activities Timing Objectives and results Budget
Project Management Possible problems should not be ignored or hidden. A good management of the partnership may be ensured by: Coordination meetings Frequent contacts Partnerite valikul näha juba ette, kas konkreetne isik saadaval ka viie aasta pärast, sest Komisjon ei küsi/võta vastutusle partnerit vaid ikka juhtpartnerit!
Project Management When identifying a Contact Person for the Project, this person should be available It is better to avoid indicating a director or a top manager as a contact person (usually not easily available)
Project Management Contacts and exchanges of experience and information with other LIFE Projects are required Use the LIFE database for a thematic or country search of projects:
Project Management Check the LIFE web site on regular basis to verify the availability and up to date versions of useful management tools e.g. financial reporting forms audit template reporting templates Layman’s Report standard timesheets guidelines for project modification etc.
Reporting (1) Kas sellelt slaidilt võtan EC maha?
Reporting (2) Transmission of Reports to EASME/EC Send draft reports to the Monitor for comments before formal submission Inform the EC/EASME and the Monitoring Team in case you foresee a delay in report transmission (deadline is often 31/12 or 31/08).
Communicating with the Monitoring Team (1) It is always necessary to send to the Monitoring Team copy of all correspondence sent to the Commission (same documents, same annexes). In case you need simple clarifications, it is better to send an email message only to the Monitor, without contacting directly the Commission. In case it is needed, the Monitor will involve the LIFE Unit/EASME. It is advised to contact the Monitoring team by email.
Communicating with the Monitoring Team (2) Monitoring visits: Make sure that all beneficiaries (at least the National ones) are represented. In case you foresee coordination meetings with all beneficiaries (also the foreign ones) or public events (conferences, workshops, etc.) please inform the Monitoring team to verify the possibility to carry out a monitoring visit on the same occasion.
Communicating with the Monitoring Team (3) Please be reminded that the Monitoring Team is not entitled to take any decision on behalf of the Commission/Agency (GC, II.1.4). Financial and Administrative Guidelines, Annex X of the Model LIFE Grant Agreement, available at:
Specific Instructions for Financial Reporting (1) Do not wait for the formulation of the mid-term or the final report before preparing the summary of expenditures. It is required: In all reports (Art. II. 23 of the GC) For all Monitoring Visits It is recommended to update the table of expenditures on a monthly basis (the Coordinating Beneficiary for all associated Beneficiaries).
Specific Instructions for Financial Reporting (2) Be careful: self-invoicing and invoicing among beneficiaries is not allowed. Verify that all columns of the financial forms are properly filled-in without omitting any data. Send as soon as possibile the declaration for the non-recoverability of VAT by the public beneficiaries. Not only is a statement of non-recoverability required but also a certificate (which may be a self-certificate if the beneficiary is a relevant public authority) concerning which if any of the actions in the project are undertaken as a "public authority".
Specific Instructions for Financial Reporting (3) Be careful: a possibile mistake is to ask the suppliers to issue a “VAT-exempted invoice” because of the European Project. This procedure does not apply to LIFE Projects. VAT for provision of goods or services might be recoverable or not recoverable, but must always be included in the invoices.
Thank you for your attention!