Train4Europe Romania Aurelian Chiriță May 15th 2017
Vâlcea County short presentation 1 Vâlcea County short presentation 402,007 inhabitants 4 national resorts Băile Olănești, Băile Govora, Călimănești-Căciulata and Voineasa 5,765 sq. km 2 national parks Cozia and Buila-Vânturarița 2 cities 9 towns 78 communes 4th highest concentration of built cultural heritage of national interest
Things I like most about Vâlcea 2 Things I like most about Vâlcea Homo olteniens 2,000,000 years ago - Bugiulești (Tetoiu) Horezu Depression - European Destination of Excellence EDEN - 2008 Oldest documented county in România January 8th 1392 - Mircea cel Bătrân Ionuț Budișteanu programmer & inventor Petrache Poenaru May 25th 1827 - fountain pen patent Elena David researcher & inventor National anthem July 29th 1848 - Zăvoi Park (Râmnicu Vâlcea) Train4Europe
Context of the best practice 3 Context of the best practice EU accession (2007) Study on the training necessities of the HR in the public administration in the Vâlcea county (2009): - 300-600 strategic planning; - 450-750 project management; - 300-450 public acquisitions; - 1,050-1,200 ECDL; - 300-450 communication & PR; - 50-75 English. PHARE funded project (2008-2009) project funding opportunity: European Social Fund/ Administrative Capacity Operational Programme 2007-2013 (2009)
4 The EU funded project project named „PODCA - Preparation for Optimizing, Sustainability and Competitiveness in the public Administration in Vâlcea County; implemented between October 17th 2013 and December 31st 2015; initial budget 264,707.81 € (225,001.65 € ESF; 34,412.01 € NB; 5,294.15 € B); final budget 167,103.41 € (142,037.90 € ESF; 21,723.45 € NB; 3,342.06 € B).
5 Main results achieved 1,218 certified persons (target 1,200): 173 strategic planning (program director) + 224 project management (project manager) + 161 public acquisitions (public acquisitions expert) + 121 ECDL Start + 206 ECDL Standard + 51 ECDL Expert + 201 communication and PR + 81 English; Study on the HR in the public administration; Strategy for developing the HR in the public administration;
6 Added value 1) having public servants in similar positions put together in groups, gave them the opportunity to extend their relations capital and to build mutual confidence; 2) some trainings included practical work (e.g. strategic planning) which put people to work in teams to achieve a common goal; 3) after the training was over, more public servants continued or intensified this approach, with obvious improvements in the quality of the decisions.
Train4Europe 9th European Quality Conference
Thank You Aurelian Chiriță