ESS licensing process and Readiness Reviews Peter Frisk Johan Waldeck Project Manager SSM Licensing Project Manager ESS
Presentation Outline SSM perspective of the licensing process and planned inspection program -Peter Frisk SSM ESS perspective of the licensing process and planned readiness reviews -Johan Waldeck ESS
The Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM) reviews of the ESS facility The SSM reviews are performed according to the EU Basic Safety Standard (EU-directive), the Swedish Radiation Protection Act, the SSM regulations and the specific SSM conditions given to ESS The SSM reviews only include safety ralated to radiation (not chemical safety, electrical safety etc.) The SSM review team consists of about 30 reviewers, a mix of engineers, PhDs, etc. from different specialities, all based at SSM. There will be no SSM site office at ESS but SSM will perform regular site inspections. The SSM reviews will be stepwise and verifications of fulfilment of SSM requirements will be performed by site inspections. The SSM site inspections will be separated from the ESS readiness reviews both in time and in content.
The SSM reviews of the ESS facility The SSM document reviews will be based on the ESS safety analysis report including areas described below and a self assessments from ESS describing how they fulfil/are going to fulfil requirements given by SSM. Review areas: Organisation and Management of the Activities Protection of Workers Protection of Public and Environment Planned Emergency Preparedness Construction and Safety Analysis Mechanical Devices Physical Protection Cyber security Operation For each trial operation application ESS has to present a trial operation plan. SSM will review the plan and, thereafter, create an appropriate inspection program. ESS has to present operation limits and conditions for each trial operation application.
Licensing managed as a project Core Team composed of central resources and project representatives Team meets every week Coordinate work to be performed across ESS projects Licensing not a separate thread integrated part of “normal“ project activities Licensing project core team One member from each Project/division Johan Project manager Per N Target Sub-project Peter S NSS Sub-project Peter ESH Sub-project Lali Acc Sub-project Mikael J Admin & Proj. Man. Sub-project Henrik C ICS Sub-project Francois Systems engineering Carl Q Sub-project Michael CF Sub-project
Alignment of ESS project phases to SSM licensing steps Preliminary Design Detailed design & Construction Procurement and Installation Commissioning Operation ESS project phases Permissibility Permit Installation Trial operation Routine operation SSM stepwise licensing process
Key events in next trial operation permits ESS Application SSM Request ESS Response SSM Conditional permit ESS readiness review SSM Inspection Beam on Use this time to develop evidence
Split permit in parts to optimize overall schedule Warm LINAC Trial operation permit SC LINAC Neutron production
Within a permit, split commissioning into conditional steps IoS-RFQ Commissioning IoS-DTL2 Commissioning IoS-DTL4 Commissioning Warm LINAC commissioning ESS Readiness review SSM Inspection
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