Why is deforestation taking place? What are the sustainable solutions?
LO: To be able to explain the complex issues as to why deforestation is happening. To be able to give a balanced and persuasive argument in a creative form of media. Homework: To discover one sustainable solution to deforestation.
Key terms Sustainable: Recap Indigenous People: Groups of people who have traditionally lived in an area. World Bank: Established in 1947 to promote economic development by lending to Less Economically Developed Countries (LEDCs)
Watch http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eKIgleUBDdE
Brazil 1950s The Rainforest The indigenous people of the Amazon Rainforest were originally the only ones to live in the rainforest. They knew and still understand how to live in harmony with the rainforest. The Cities The population rapidly increased in Brazil in the 1950s. Lack of living space Needed more land to grow food for population
Starter: Why is deforestation taking place? Use your source sheets to explain the reasons why deforestation is taking place. Put your answers into a spider diagram: Why is deforestation taking place? Why is deforestation taking place?
Task: A newspaper containing balanced arguments. Write the front page of a newspaper dated 1955. Include: The positive impact of the developments might have on the Rainforest. What changes could have been made to the schemes that the governments encouraged. (Refer to what you have learnt in Geography about other forms of renewable energy sources) Any conditions the World Bank should have placed on the money they leant the businesses setting up in the Rainforest. Write an article written by an indigenous person from the Rainforest. How would they feel about the new arrivals? Challenge: Instead of the article by an indigenous person, ask for a Case Study sheet and complete the activity on there.
Luc Bates: Challenge sheet Chris King: challenge sheet Rhys Own: : translate title of the newspaper template. Sean Padfield: to sketch pictures to illustrate articles Harry Yarnell: Explain in article a piece of music which captures the mood of the indigenous Indians.
Assessment criteria Level 6 Level 7 Show a range of opinions in your newspaper. Based your arguments on the source Argue persuasively Explain in your newspaper why people might hold the opinions they do. Represent views that you do not agree with.
Review and Assess Swap newspapers with the person sitting next to you. Using the assessment criteria, give them a Level with a sublevel. Write a brief comment on how they could improve their work. Give a mark out of 10 on how well your colleague has understood the learning objectives.
Homework Add in pictures to your front cover illustrating your articles. Find out what “Eco-Tourism” is. Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper in 2010 explaining how Eco Tourism can be a sustainable solution to the deforestation.