Centre for Organizational Governance in Agriculture BC Investment Agriculture Foundation: 20 Years of Impact Centre for Organizational Governance in Agriculture
Assisting BC’s agriculture, food and seafood sectors to GROWING FORWARD 2: BC AGRIFOOD & SEAFOOD EXPORT PROGRAM Assisting BC’s agriculture, food and seafood sectors to increase export sales and expand international market access through participation in international market development activities. GROWING FORWARD 2: BC AGRICULTURE & FOOD CLIMATE ACTION INITIATIVE Develops tools and resources to enhance agriculture’s ability to adapt to climate change. FOOD & BEVERAGE PROCESSING INITIATIVE Provides funding to assist with development of the food, beverage and nutraceutical processing industry. BC GOVERNMENT’S BUY LOCAL PROGRAM Support for BC’s agriculture, food and seafood sectors to enhance local marketing efforts to increase consumer demand and sales of BC agrifoods. AGRICULTURAL AREA PLANNING PROGRAM Supports projects that enable the development of agricultural area plans within British Columbia municipalities and regional districts. GROWING FORWARD 2: CANADA-BC AGRIINNOVATION PROGRAM Supporting industry, academia, retailers and others in research and pilot projects that lead to the commercialization and/or adoption of innovative products, technologies and practices. AGRI-FOOD ENVIRONMENT INITIATIVE Helps the agriculture and food processing industry address environmental concerns while maintaining economic viability.
GF2: BC AGRIFOOD & SEAFOOD EXPORT PROGRAM Applications Received 390 Projects Contracted 355 Unique Clients 160
GF2: CANADA-BC AGRI-INNOVATION PROGRAM Applications Received 234 Projects Contracted 154 Projects Completed 67
BC GOVERNMENT’S BUY LOCAL PROGRAM Applications Received 326 Projects Contracted 217 Projects Completed 73
$10M 2,824 In its first 20 years, IAF has funded JOBS GENERATED 3 In its first 20 years, IAF has funded more than 1,700 projects. TAX REVENUE GENERATED $10M