The Amazon By: Timothy Gray
Space The amazon is near to the equator which means that it gets more direct solar energy. They don’t really have many season change, it is very warm here.
Look were the Amazon is located. Space Look were the Amazon is located.
Atmosphere With more deforestation global warming is increasing badly. The Air masses here come mostly from maritime tropical which makes the amazon have dry seasons. The amazon is in the A group which is tropical.
Look at the climate map of the amazon. Atmosphere Look at the climate map of the amazon.
Hydrosphere The major river by the amazon rainforest is the amazon river. There is between 50 to 260 rainfall per year in the amazon. Water was good until all the deforestation and bad things going into the water.
Hydrosphere Look at the rainfall per year.
Biosphere Deforestation is a huge impact humans are doing to harm the amazon. Due to deforestation in the amazon the trees are not absorbing as much carbon dioxide that harms our Earth with global warming. 427 different mammals, 1300 birds, 378 reptiles, and 400 amphibians. The bad news is they are dying because of deforestation.
Look at this image to see what humans did to the Amazon. Biosphere Look at this image to see what humans did to the Amazon.
Lithosphere Has tropical soils which is thin and poor with nutrient s but good soil by the river. No rocks in the center of the amazon due to the Andes mountains. This rainforest about 15 million years ago and is the biggest rainforest in the world or was due to deforestation.
Lithosphere This is how the amazon was created.
Work Cited Web cites Lancaster University. "Devastating human impact on the Amazon rainforest revealed." ScienceDaily. ScienceDaily, 22 May 2014. <>. Butler, Rhett."The Amazon Rainforest: The worlds largest rainforest". Rainforest. May 16 2017. Print May 16, 2017 May16, 2017 Images May 16, 2017 May 16, 2017 May 16,2017