Sports Injuries Matt Morris
Recap Physiological Psychological First Aid / Common Treatments Resubmissions due 20/01/2019
Assignment 3 – Planning and Constructing Treatment and Rehabilitation Programmes Pass Merit Distinction P6 – Design a safe and appropriate treatment and rehabilitation programme for two common sports injuries, with tutor support M3 – independently design a safe and appropriate treatment and rehabilitation programme for two common sports injuries D2 – evaluate the treatment and rehabilitation program designed, justifying choices and suggesting alternatives where appropriate.
Starter Activity Discuss in small groups about Rehabilitation programmes. What is a rehabilitation programme?
Rehabilitation Rehabilitation is the restoration of the ability to function in a normal or near-normal manner following an injury What are the stages of a Rehabilitation programme? Create a list. It usually involves reducing pain and swelling, restoring range of movement and increasing strength with the use of manual therapy (massage and manipulation), therapeutic methods such as ultrasound and an exercise programme
If a sportsperson does not rehabilitate their injury effectively, they are much likely to sustain another injury to the same area? True or False? Why?
Physical and Psychological It should be taken into consideration that, as well as the physical rehabilitation of the player, the psychological rehabilitation may also need to be considered. The trauma of the injury itself and resulting exclusion from training/coaching sessions, competitions, matches, and after competition social events can be very difficult for some individuals to come to terms with. In some cases, this alone can force injured players to return to training and playing again much too soon.
Immediate Treatment The more immediate the treatment the better the outcome and the shorter the recovery time Unfortunately many performers delay seeking medical advice and continue to train with an injury This then exacerbates the situation and lengthens recovery time
Physical Rehabilitation For rehabilitation to occur, an accurate and immediate diagnosis is needed to help establish effective treatment and rehabilitation management of an injury. Therefore it is essential that a fully qualified sports physiotherapist, sports therapist or a doctor diagnoses the injury as soon as possible. The diagnosis relies on accurate information given by either the injured person or someone who saw the injury happen. The smallest of details can make a difference to accurately diagnosing the injury, also finding out about previous injuries etc. Communication is vital Portsmouth Physio
Post Injury Treatment and Rehabilitation There are numerous ways in which to classify injury and its management. T The ’Stepladder approach’ to rehabilitation
Phase 1 Prevent as much of the initial swelling as is possible (e.g if you are dealing with a sprained ankle do not remove footwear at this stage – it will help with compression) Protect the injured part from any further damage (e.g remove from field of play) Control any bleeding (apply cover and add pressure) Help to relieve the pain (help support or position the injured part in a comfortable position)
Phase 2 Control any bleeding and swelling (maintain sterile cover and cold compress, elevate) Relieve pain (cold compress and elevate) Protect from further damage (advise to refrain from using as much as possible) Give advice for home treatment (do not wear compression bandages throughout the night, correct use of PRICED etc.
Phase 3 Absorption of swelling Removal of debris/dead cells from the area Growth of new blood vessels Development of scar tissue
Phase 4 There is no significant inflammation There is no significant swelling While there may be some joint stiffness, there is some range of movement free from pain. There is the ability to undertake some weight-bearing Mobilization activities to improve the range of movement and reduce join stiffness. Strengthening activities that will help stability of joints and strengthen weakened muscles.
Phase 5 Improve balance and movement co-ordination Restore specific skills and movement patterns to pre-injury level Provide psychological reassurance of function
Create a basic Rehab Programme Case Study – Matt Morris 27th of December, Cold and Windy Tuesday at Coronation Gardens, Rhyl Gone to block a shot with a dangling foot, and opposition player has kicked the ball and followed through on the ankle, injured player felt ligaments ‘slightly pull’ and immediately could not put any weight on the ankle. Provide a basic rehab programme…