FY2012 FALL COLLECTIONS UPDATE Presented by Carl Garber
PRE-ID LABELS The Pre-ID Data Collection was created to provide schools with pre-coded labels to affix to the test answer documents. WHAT To reduce demographic errors from bubble sheets To increase the percentage of test records automatically matched to Student Record Data To reduce manual matching to Student Record Data WHY Cycle 1 – Mid August (GHSWT, EOCT) Cycle 2 – November (5th Grade Writing, 8th Grade Writing, GHSGT) Cycle 3 – January (CRCT, EOCT, RE) WHEN
STUDENT COURSE PROFILE Course scheduling data that links student with teacher and course information. WHAT Student Course Profile (SCP) data feeds the State Longitudinal Data System (SLDS). WHY Opens in August Year-round collection / On-Going WHEN
STUDENT COURSE PROFILE NEW SCP DATA ELEMENTS FOR FY2012: START PERIOD: The start period for the course in the student’s schedule. ADDITIONAL TEACHER ID: The SSN of an individual assigned to assist this student in this course or assigned some administrative responsibility for this student. LOCAL COURSE NAME: The local course name used to identify the course on the teacher roster and grade book. (Scenario: COURSE NUMBER = 00.0000012 and COURSE TEACHER ID, and Additional Teacher ID 1 are counselors, all are identical for 350 STUDENT IDs. These counselors then have access to 350 students in LDS.)
FREE-REDUCED MEAL ELIGIBILITY The Free and Reduced Meal data collection is an annual reporting process that collects information on the percentage of students eligible for free and/or reduced meals at a school. No student level data is submitted. The data is used for many reporting purposes, including (but not limited to): The National Direct Teacher Loan Cancellation Program; the Telecommunications Act Discount Rate; Standardized Test Score Comparison Groups; Competitive Grant Awards. Begin Date: Tuesday, November 8, 2011 End Date: Tuesday, November 22, 2011 WHAT WHY WHEN
FTE DATA SURVEY WHAT The FTE Data Survey collects general data used to support other data collections. The FTE Data Survey must be completed by the district prior to beginning FTE cycle 1 of the current school year. Failure to complete the FTE Data Survey will prevent the district from starting FTE Cycle 1. The survey application is only available prior to FTE Cycle 1 and appears on the FTE main menu. WHY WHEN
FTE DATA SURVEY INFORMATION COLLECTED IN THE FTE DATA SURVEY INCLUDES: Requests for alternate FTE dates PRIOR TEN DAYS date Vendor Information for SIS, Fund Accounting, and Special Education District Grading Scale Maximum Class Size for High School Core Courses Primary Contacts: FTE Coordinator, Student Record Coordinator, CPI Coordinator, and GTID Coordinator
FTE DATA SURVEY WHAT’S NEW FOR THE FY2012 FTE DATA SURVEY: August date is valid for PRIOR TEN DAYS Phone extension field has been added
FTE DATA SURVEY TIMELINES Annual Cycle – September Begin Date: September 1, 2011 Deadline for Signoff: September 23, 2011 Note: Verification by the superintendent (or his/her designee) that the information transmitted is complete and accurate is required no later than the date specified above. THE DISTRICT MUST COMPLETE THE FTE DATA SURVEY IN ORDER TO BEGIN SUBMITTING DATA FOR FTE CYCLE 1.
CLASS SIZE Reporting of class size totals for core courses with teacher identification. Core Courses: Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Sciences, Science, Foreign Language, and ESOL. State Law - class sizes shall not exceed the maximum, except under specific circumstances. Reporting Class Size is required from all schools that report FTE. See State Board Rule 160-5-1-.08. The Class Size collection runs concurrently with both FTE collections. Official count date: October 4, 2011 Initial Transmission Deadline: October 12, 2011 Class Size signoff: October 27, 2011 WHAT WHY WHEN
CLASS SIZE State Board of Education 2011-2012 Class Size Maximums Exemption - Adoption of Resolution Therefore, be it resolved that effective for the 2011-2012 school year only, the State Board of Education is granting an exemption from all statutory and regulatory class size maximums for any local education agency whose local board submits a resolution to the Georgia Department of Education establishing class sizes beyond the maximum limits set forth in the State Board of Education rule 160-5-1-.08 Class Size.
FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) Data collected for state funding that is based on student enrollment and education services provided by local school systems to students. FTE is a “snapshot” of services regularly scheduled to be provided on a specific date. O.C.G.A. 20-2-160 - The initial enrollment count shall be made after October 1 but prior to November 17 and the final enrollment count after March 1 but prior to May 1. The report shall indicate the student´s specific assigned program for each one-sixth segment of the school day on the designated reporting date. WHAT WHY
FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) FY2012 FTE Dates: Cycle 1: Active and Withdrawn Students, Special Education Child Count Official count date: October 4, 2011 Initial Transmission Deadline: October 12, 2011 Duplicate resolution: October 20, 2011 FTE signoff: October 27, 2011 FTE Cycle 1 Data is used for the following: QBE Funding Enrollment Counts Federal Child Count Updates to Withdrawn Students, including 2011 Graduates
FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) REPORT THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS IN FTE CYCLE 1: All students enrolled in any public school in Georgia on the day of the FTE count. Students parentally placed in parochial, home, or private schools that are eligible for proportionate share and ARE receiving special education services through a service plan. Students parentally placed in parochial, home, or private schools that are eligible for proportionate share and ARE NOT receiving special education services. Students receiving hospital/homebound services for the minimum three hours per week during any part of the ten school days preceding the day of the count.
FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) REPORT THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS IN FTE CYCLE 1 (Continued): Students served by the following state agencies that are reported by the agency and not by the public school system: Department of Juvenile Justice, Department of Corrections, Department of Human Resources, Department of Labor. Students enrolled in schools on military facilities and receive services from the public school. Students served in the three State-operated schools (Atlanta Area School for the Deaf, Georgia School for the Deaf, and Georgia Academy for the Blind). Students in Department of Human Resources (DHR) residential facilities. These students are reported by DHR. The school system will report only students who are served by the school system’s special education teachers.
FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) REPORT THE FOLLOWING STUDENTS IN FTE CYCLE 1: Students who are assigned by the local school system, by IEP determination, to private placement - either in or out of state. Students who have completed high school since the previous October FTE count day. Students who withdrew from school and did not re-enroll in the same school system since the previous October FTE count day. All preschool children (GRADE LEVEL = “PK”) who: Enrolled in a school administered by the school system under the auspices of the Georgia Department of Education. Have a disability (ages 3-5) and are served by the school system in any school and in any PRIMARY AREA - including Significant Developmental Delay (SDD).
FULL TIME EQUIVALENT (FTE) FY2012 REMINDERS AND UPDATES: All students reported active in Student Record must be reported in FTE 2012-1. All students reported as withdrawn in Student Record with a withdrawal date on or after October 6, 2010 must be reported in FTE 2012-1. If a STUDENT ID has changed since the most recent Student Record, enter the old STUDENT ID in the PREVIOUS STUDENT ID field. The SSN and student name reported in FTE must match the SSN and student name in the GTID application.
WHAT’S NEW FOR FY2012 FTE SPECIAL ED ENVIRONMENT The SPECIAL ED ENVIRONMENT codes for students age 5 and less have all been updated for FY2012 (E611). New valid codes are now as follows: 'A' - Children who attend a Regular Early Childhood Program at least 10 hours per week and receive the majority of their special education and related services in the Regular Early Childhood Program; 'B' - Children who attend a Regular Early Childhood Program at least 10 hours per week and receive the majority of special education and related services in some other location; 'C' - Children who attend a Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours per week and receive the majority of their special education and related services in the Regular Early Childhood Program (formerly 3A) ‘D’ - Children who attend a Regular Early Childhood Program less than 10 hours per week and receive the majority of special education and related services in some other location (formerly 3B) 'E‘ - Special Education Classroom; 'F‘ - Separate School; 'G‘ - Residential Facility; ‘H’ – Home; ‘I’ - Service Provider Location; ‘J’ - Parentally Placed in Private School
WHAT’S NEW FOR FY2012 FTE??? WITHDRAWAL REASON The WITHDRAWAL REASON ‘X’ has been split-up into three separate codes so that both districts and the DOE can better track withdrawal reasons. All other existing codes remain valid. The new valid WITHDRAWAL REASON codes are: ‘J’ - Transferred out of country ‘K’ - Transferred to private school ‘X’ - Transferred out of state
WHAT’S NEW FOR FY2012 FTE??? DIPLOMA TYPE New DIPLOMA TYPE added. All existing values remain valid. The new DIPLOMA TYPE code is ‘G’ – General Diploma ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) ENGLISH LEARNER (EL) replaces the former terminology of English Language Learner. The new valid value ‘F’ – Former EL Student, no longer monitored, has been added. All existing EL values remain valid.
WHAT’S NEW FOR FY2012 FTE??? EVENT CODE The special education EVENT CODE data element has been added to FTE Cycle 1. The EVENT CODE data element in FTE Cycle 1 will be used to identify students who have exited special education within the last fiscal year and before the current fiscal year FTE Cycle-1 count date. EVENT CODE valid values include: ‘09’ (Special Education Exit); ‘10’ (Parent Revoked Consent); or BLANK
WHAT’S NEW FOR FY2012 FTE??? EVENT DATE The special education EVENT DATE data element has been added to FTE Cycle 1. The EVENT DATE data element in FTE Cycle 1 will be used to identify the date students have exited Special Education. The EVENT DATE must be within the last fiscal year OR in the current fiscal year and prior to the current FTE count date.
WHAT’S NEW FOR FY2012 FTE??? NEW EDITS TO AVOID E0702: STUDENT STATUS = ‘R’, GRADE LEVEL must be the same GRADE LEVEL as reported in the last Student Record collection. E5381: ALL IEP = ‘S’, PROGRAM CODES must = ‘O’. E157: PROGRAM CODE = ‘M’, FISCAL AGENT is required. E796: Special Education exit EVENT CODE reported for student, REPORT TYPE must = ‘R’. E529: INCLUSION CODE = ‘6’, PROGRAM CODE must = ‘K’. E1070: REPORT TYPE = ‘R’ and no Special Education exit EVENT CODE reported for the student. PRIMARY AREA must be BLANK.
WHAT’S NEW FOR FY2012 FTE??? NEW EDITS TO AVOID E1086: REPORT TYPE = ‘R’, ALL IEP must be BLANK. E1081: Student reported with PRIMARY AREA and no exit EVENT CODE, All IEP must = 'Y', 'N', or 'S'. E5788: EVENT DATE must be within the last fiscal year OR in the current fiscal year and prior to the current FTE count date. E5799: EVENT CODE = BLANK, EVENT DATE must = BLANK. E5382: PROGRAM CODE = ‘M’, DUAL ENROLLMENT TYPE is required. E5383: DUAL ENROLLMENT TYPE must be BLANK when PROGRAM CODE is not ‘M’.