Welcome to reception!
Settling In - The children are generally settling really well and becoming a lovely group together. Ways you can help: - children to line up when the bell goes - Say goodbye in the line and let them come and put their things away themselves
Reading and phonics Children will begin bringing books with words shortly – they may bring one with and one without to begin with. Please encourage children to read regularly – short bursts. Share books to help to develop comprehension Phonics – Phase 2 sounds are taught in an order that enables children to begin spelling and reading words quickly – S,A,T,P,I,N,M,D,G,O,C,K,CK,E,U,R,H,B,F,FF,L,LL,SS Things you can do to help - encourage your children to spot letters in the environment. Talk like a robot – c-u-p to allow children to blend sounds orally Practice the sound and word flashcards sent home Books will be changed weekly Giraffes on Monday Tigers on Tuesday Meerkats Wednesday Pandas on Thursday Kangaroos on Friday
Mystery readers We love to involve parents in school and would like to invite you to sign up to a slot to be a mystery reader. Mystery readers come to school at 2:45pm to share a favourite book with the class. The idea is that it is kept a secret from all children so it is a lovely surprise.
Maths In maths we will be working with numbers 0-20 Children will learn to use these numbers confidently when counting, recognising numbers, adding, subtracting and solving problems. Maths zumba Shape – 2D and 3D shapes Measuring – weight, length, capacity and time You can help by - supporting with maths zumba targets. encouraging them to spot numbers in the environment Providing opportunities to apply maths skills – shopping, baking, hopscotch, board games
Forthcoming dates 19th October – 2pm Reception class parent event 21st October – Harvest festival 21st October – 31st October – Half term 16th and 17th November – Parents evenings 8th December – 9am – nativity performance