Parishioner Survey: St. Mary School 311 Responses March 2017 While the responses on this presentation reflect the responses of Nativity of Mary parishioners, the answers and percentages coincide with the other Janesville parishes.
Q2: Please indicate your age range: Answered: 310 Skipped: 1
Q3: How long have you been a member of the parish/school community? Answered: 309 Skipped: 2
Q4: Did you attend a Catholic elementary school? Answered: 306 Skipped: 5
Q5: For future parents or parents of preschoolers, do you want to have your child/children educated at a Catholic School? Answered: 103 Skipped: 208
Q6: For parent/s with children, check all that apply. Answered: 172 Skipped: 139 I have children 0 to 5 years old 11 Responses I have children 6 to 14 years old 38 Responses I have children 15 to 18 years old 22 Responses I have children that are over 18 years old 128 Responses
Q7: For parent/s with older children, does/did your child/children attend our Catholic school? Answered: 208 Skipped: 103
Q8: Please check all the reasons which were factors in your decision not to send your child/ren to our Catholic school. Answered: 78 Skipped: 233 4 Responses 7 Responses 3 Responses 50 Responses 11 Responses 7 Responses 22 Responses 9 Responses 11 Responses
Q9: Information about the school is regularly made available to the parish / school community. Answered: 271 Skipped: 40 I Don’t Know Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Q10: Please indicate your three main sources of information for our Catholic school. Answered: 277 Skipped: 34 262 Responses 57 Responses 56 Responses 51 Responses 56 Responses 80 Responses 49 Responses 35 Responses 23 Responses
Q11: Please indicate your level of agreement with each of the following statements: Answered: 288 Skipped: 23 Need More Information Strongly Agree Somewhat Agree Somewhat Disagree Strongly disagree
Q12: I am aware of our school's financial status. Answered: 291 Skipped: 20 I Don’t Know Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Q13: I would recommend our school to other families. Answered: 290 Skipped: 21 I Don’t Know Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Q14: I am aware that our parish supports the school financially. Answered: 298 Skipped: 13 I Don’t Know Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Q15: How important is it for the parish to find ways to continue supporting the school financially? Answered: 294 Skipped: 17 Need More Info Not at all Important Somewhat Important Important Extremely Important
Increase Fundraising/Marketing Vouchers Lower Tuition / Increase Aid Q16: All four Catholic parishes in Janesville have experienced a drop in revenue in recent years. Should financial support of the school become difficult for your parish to maintain, what options should be considered? (Mark all that apply.) Answered: 287 Skipped: 24 “Other” Top Themes: Close…. Consolidate/Combine Increase Fundraising/Marketing Vouchers Lower Tuition / Increase Aid