Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Amber Nonn (920) 851-2539
What is it? Religious Education for children based on methods of Maria Montessori Began in Rome in 1954 Developed by Sophia Cavaletti, a scriptural scholar, and Gianna Gobbi, an expert Montessori collaborator Now in 37 countries and embraced by many religious orders, priests, and bishops It’s been called, “Spiritual direction for children.” Focus on Scripture – lectio divina Providing a place of prayer
God Environment Child
The Atrium The prepared environment that fosters the existing relationship between God and the Child Origins: a place between the sanctuary and the street – a bridge Hand-made, hands-on materials Real materials (polish, glass, brass, candles, wine) Points to scripture, liturgy, and parish Ideally 8-12 children 60 – 90 minute sessions
Materials and Presentations 52 Presentations over 3 year cycle Intro and Practical Life Prayer Nomenclature for Life in the Church Biblical Geography Prophecies Infancy Narratives Parables of the Kingdom The Good Shepherd Pascal Narratives Baptism Eucharist Celebrations Thoughtful and carefully chosen material for each presentation Presentations happen as a group, a small group, or individually Children work independently and enjoy freedom within limits
The Catechist Creates and maintains the environment Catechists provide the space, materials and time to encounter God Set the stage, give the message, and get out of the way “…it is Christ…who is taught…and it is Christ alone who teaches…” Catechist says, “I am here to also come close to God with the children. ” We catechize the children who catechize us. We wonder and ponder with them.
The Levels “To receive and enjoy the gift, to respond freely to the gift, to share the gift with all.” Level I (ages 3 – 6): "To receive and enjoy the gift" Good Shepherd Wonder at the Love of God Level II (ages 6 – 9): “to respond freely to the gift" True Vine Actions and decisions have impact – morality Level III (ages 9 – 12): "to share the gift with all." Armor of Light Discover their own role in the Plan of God and Salvation History
Example Atrium
Our Lady of Good Help Atrium Appleton, WI
Geography of Holy Land materials Visitation materials (wooden box opens into a diorama of the house of Elizabeth) Parable of the Good Shepherd materials Mass nomenclature materials
Our Lady of Good Help Atrium Appleton, WI Child walks line (practical life activity) Child works with Nativity & Adoration of Magi materials
Catechist presents: The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price child works with eye dropper on suction cup soap dish (practical life)
Portable Atrium