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Presentation transcript:


AOP Each lesson will be broken up into each section of the AOP and we will be discussing what you need to demonstrate. In some lessons you will need to make notes and complete each task which will help you with your research on your chosen sport. You will prepare each section of your presentation in your own time and then bring in your notes to write up (under controlled conditions).  You need to show knowledge in the following areas;-

Analysis of Performance (AOP) UNIT 2.2. Controlled Assessment - AOP Analysis of Performance (AOP) * 2.2.1: Rules, regulations and terminology 4 marks * 2.2.2: Observe and analyse performance 4 marks * 2.2.3: Evaluate performance 4 marks * 2.2.4: Plan strategies, tactics and practices 4 marks * Plan a Personal Exercise Programme 4 marks - COMPLETE Total = 20 marks = 12%


1. Rules, regulations, terminology If a game/competitive activity refer to the rules/regulations covering the performance observed – e.g. sprinting, football throw in If a non competitive activity, refer to health / safety requirements – e.g. use of machines in weights room, footwear Use appropriate terminology

TASK: 1. You will need to have clear knowledge and understanding of the rules for your chosen sport / activity. Complete the following: For ONE of your practical activities find out the name of the governing body. For that sport / activity find out and be familiar with all of rules and regulations. DO NOT just copy and paste from the site! Make it is your own!!! “a clear understanding means knowing how to recognise and interpret the rules – e.g. signals, penalty for offence” Once you have a clear understanding choose 5 different rules for that sport / activity and list them down.

Terminology TASK: 2. The specialised vocab. used for a sport. Players need to react to opposition, play as a team and change tactics – how do they communicate quickly and effectively? The coach plays an important role when giving feedback quickly - he / she uses keywords or signals. TASK: 2. Make a List of 10 Key terms used in your chosen sport / activity.

TASK: 3. – For your Presentation For one of your practical activities choose ONE of the more difficult or controversial rules. Research the governing body website and make sure you: 1. Understand the rule – then explain it 2. Use diagrams to help (if possible) 3. Why is it important? 4. What are the procedures if it is broken? (Extra; Sports injuries implications) When writing it up make sure you use the CORRECT Terminology for the sport / activity.

2.2.2: Observe & Analyse Performance PART 2 2.2.2: Observe & Analyse Performance

2. Observe and analyse Individual skill, a player, free kicks, a swimming stroke, serve in tennis Observe what happens Note strengths and weaknesses Qualitative analysis: ‘Making a note (mental or written) of what you observe backing it up with facts, knowledge and understanding.’ Break the performance down into small components/individual parts. e.g. penalty stroke in hockey (body position/grip/speed at contact/follow through) e.g tumble turn in swimming (approach/turn/push-off) Quantitative analysis: ‘Recording DATA’ unforced errors - tennis Successful passes - football/hockey Strokes per length – swimming

OBSERVATION Where is the best place to observe from? Is this the best place for everyone? Who may need to observe sporting performance? Can you suggest the best observation point for one category of observers? Task 1: Watch the video clip of 4 x 400m relay. Work with a partner and consider the questions above – you will need to feed back to the rest of the class. Time – 5 mins

Analyse Analysing a skill or fact means “to consider something in detail” When analysing a performance you need to be able to: Break down the performance into smaller parts Consider each movement part individually Think of ways to improve it FEEDBACK

TASK 2: (15mins) Choose a skill / area in your chosen sport / activity. One you can analyse! What type of Analysis are you going to use, Qualitative or Quantitative? Research your skill / area and find 1 video clip highlighting POOR technique / performance and 1 video clip showing GOOD technique (PERFECT MODEL)

TASK 3: (Analyse – FINISH for HW) Break down the skill and Write down 5 Strengths and 5 Weaknesses of the skill / area (Think about common areas people make mistakes!) Now think about the Importance of viewing your chosen skill / area. • What to look for from each view: • Front ? • Back ? • Facing – e.g. grip, stance, takeaway, swing ? • Follow through, e.g. finish ? • Behind – e.g. Aim, line of swing, hips, finish ? • Props available, e.g. clubs and ball ?

HOME WORK Rules, Regulations and Terminology + Observe and Analyse – Write up all notes for presentation ON Supported paper given. Add pictures or video clips to your presentation. (save video clip / pictures on USB and bring in NEXT WEEK)

2.2.2: Evaluate Performance PART 3 2.2.2: Evaluate Performance

The Perfect Model Correct or best technique for a skill. Checklist e.g phases of the skill, grip, stance, position of body parts, direction / aim of ball, follow through, recovery etc.

Video Clip’s Watch the two video clips and make notes on the following: 1. Skill – Skill area being highlighted 2. How it is broken down 3. Other information highlighted 4. Type of Analysis?

Examples of Perfect Model List 3 skills from your sport? How to break down the skill? Phases of movement – See Athletics clip Checklist examples

The Perfect Model V School Boy Head high Lead leg bent Arm too far to the side Body upright Shoulders turned Trail leg – knee position forwards Whole body too high and going upwards Head placed low – forward Leg outstretched forward Arm still in running action Body leaning forwards Shoulders square Trail leg close to hurdle

The Perfect Model TASKS: Feedback from Rules, regulations and terminology PowerPoint. Practice it with a different partner. (5minutes) Choose a skill from your sport and make a checklist for ‘The perfect Model.’ make your own check list using the computer. Don’t forget to break down the skill into component parts. Prepare your PowerPoint slide for The perfect Model List 3 of the most common mistakes players / athletes make when performing this skill. Practice with analysis clips

EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE HOME WORK Continue to work on Presentations: EVALUATION OF PERFORMANCE – Use note paper for write up.

2.2.2: Plan strategies, tactics and practices PART 4 2.2.2: Plan strategies, tactics and practices

Plan strategies, tactics and practices All about ways to improve a performance: Performance Skill A difficult or new skill may have to be broken down. Explain points on a screen capture and/or video Compare with perfect model – video clip Skill practices – you would do Fitness – highlight areas that would be important to develop and help performance. EXAMPLE: Football Quantitative analysis from a game of football – Passing

TASK: 1. Football Pass Jeff United Football Team recorded 3 players in training and then in a game - on passing and keeping possession. The analysis shows: Player Successful passes Total Unsuccessful passes Combined Success Rate Jeff //////////////////// 20 // 2 22 90 Ray ///// //// 9 1 11 81 Tom //// // 6 8 75 28 4 32 88 14 65 15 17 practice game

QUESTIONS Out of the 3 players highlight the strengths and weakness from the results. Who has the least successful pass rate? GAME & PRACTICE: What could be the problem? Is there more than one problem? Based on the results what practices, tactics and strategies could be planned? Think most important first! Maybe break down the problem? Give an example of the sort of practices you might do to help improve performance. Break it down into a session:

Task: 2. APPLY IT - Continues SKILL: See page 183 in text book and complete the task – APPLY IT.

FEEDBACK Feeding back the right information to your team, player or athlete is very important. You need to consider: What to feedback – Select information e.g. tactics / technique When to feedback – before / Immediate / half time / time out / after Methods of feedback /How often you should feed back – verbally / visually / demonstrations / asking questions Feedback must be designed to get the BEST out of the player / athlete and improve performance.