2017 Grade 3
V a l s Teacher Introduction Mr. Cushman mcushman@stvalentineschool.com 12 years teaching experience (6th year at St. Valentine) I teach because I love working with kids everyday. It is extremely rewarding to see their progress throughout the year.
Values rooted in Catholic teachings V a l s 3rd grade marks the year that students begin taking an active role in planning and carrying out the mass. This year’s school theme is “Let all that we do be done with love.” 3rd graders put on the Nativity Play at school and during the Christmas Eve children’s mass. School Masses Prayers Religion standards Nativity, Passion Play, Confirmation School Theme 3
V a l s Academic Excellence Multiplication and division leads the way in new concepts that are mastered in 3rd grade math. 3rd graders also delve deeper into the writing process by writing and editing their own fables, compare and contrast papers, and research papers. Reading class prepares students to navigate and utilize informational texts as well as provides students with strategies for comprehending fictional novels. Standards taught in your grade 4
V a l s Academic Excellence (con’t) Students are expected to come to class prepared each and every day with homework completed and the student planner signed. 3rd graders are expected to have ½ hour to 1 hour of homework Monday – Thursday. Often, this will include 20 minutes of reading and 10 minutes of math fact practice. We use Accelerated Reader in 3rd grade. Each student will receive an individualized goal for each quarter. This is part of each student’s reading grade. IXL math is a required part of our math program. IXL math is to be completed each night Monday-Thursday. The letter grading system begins in 3rd grade. Student Expectations Homework 5
V a l s Love and Respect for All Our classroom uses the “stoplight” behavior chart. Each student begins the day on green and strives to stay on green. Students move to yellow to signify that a warning has been given for behavior. If a student continues to exhibit negative behavior, they will be moved to red. Any student who ends the day on red will receive a note home to be signed by a parent. Students who finish each day of the week on green will receive something out of the treasure box on Fridays. Classroom Management 6
V a l s Strong Community in Christ Parents are encouraged to communicate with me through email or through a note written in the planner. I also use these two methods of contacting parents. We will be using Class Dojo this year! This is a great way for me to send out quick reminders or notify parents of last minute changes. I will also be posting pictures of happenings in our classroom. To stay up to date on the latest going on in our classroom, please visit my website at: http://stvalentineschool.com/classpage.asp?FID=73 Communicatinf Dojo or Remind How to link 7
V a l s Strong Community in Christ (con’t) Parents who would like to volunteer in our classroom or chaperone field trips must take the Protecting Gods Children class. This is offered at St. Valentine on October 7th from 8:30-12:00. IOWA testing is the first two weeks of October. Please avoid making appointments during these two weeks as having to do make-ups for the tests can be stressful and taxing on 3rd graders. Our first field trip will be to Greenfield Village on September 22nd. Web page link 8
V a l s Strong Community in Christ (con’t) Looking ahead, you will receive a letter to connect to our Class Dojo if you haven’t already connected. Also, you should have received a letter for xtramath. Even though you are already signed up from last year you MUST sign up again to be linked with my classroom. Student AR goals will also be sent home in the next two weeks following our reading assessments. Important dates 9
V a l s Strong Community in Christ (con’t) As always, parents are welcome into our classroom to volunteer or check out what we are doing. Thank you for your support! What now?- questions on material presented by email or visit at parent open house Sept. 21 at 6:30. -Mr. Cushman Thank parents for support Sept 9 - Mass & Ice Cream Social Set 16 – open school parent day 10