TYPES OF DIPLOMAS Regents with Advanced Designation with Honors Regents with Honors Regents Regents (through appeal) Local Diploma Local Diploma (through appeal) CTE Endorsement available for all above diploma types if completes technical assessment for completed CTE Program
4 units of Social Studies 3 units of Math 3 units of Science REGENTS DIPLOMA WITH ADVANCE DESIGNATION 22 units of credit 4 units of English 4 units of Social Studies 3 units of Math 3 units of Science 1 unit of Art or Music 1/2 unit of Health 2 units of Physical Education 3 units of Foreign Language 1 ½ units of electives
REGENTS DIPLOMA 3 ½ units of Electives 22 units of credit 4 units of English 4 units of Social Studies 3 units of Math 3 units of Science 1 unit of art or music 1/2 unit of Health 2 units of Physical Education 1 unit of Foreign Language 3 ½ units of Electives
8 EXAMS FOR THE ADVANCED DESIGNATION Algebra I Common Core Geometry Common Core Algebra 2/Trigonometry Global History and Geography US History and Gov’t ELA First Science Second Science *Foreign Language Checkpoint B PASSING SCORE OF 65
5 EXAMS FOR THE REGENTS DIPLOMA 1 Common Core Math Global History and Geography US History and Gov’t ELA Common Core Science PASSING SCORE OF 65
Regents Diploma (through appeal) 22 Units of Credits same as regents. 4 Required regents exam with a score of 65 or greater. 1 Regents exam with a score of 60-64 and an appeal is granted by the district.
Local Diploma (through appeal) 22 Units of Credits the same as Regents 3 Required Exams with a score greater than or equal to 65 2 Regents exams with a score of 60-64 and an appeal is granted by the district per Commissioner’s Regulations
Diploma Options/Requirements: Students with Disabilities IEP & 504 Plans 22 Credits the same as Regents Low Pass Safety Net Option 5 Required Regents Exams with a score of 55 or better. Compensatory Safety Net Option Scores between 45-54 on any required regents other than ELA or Math Compensates low score with a score of 65 or better on another required regents, including ELA and Math
Non-Diploma High School Exiting Credentials Students with Disabilities Career Development and Occupational Studies Commencement Credential For Students with disabilities other than those assessed using NYSAA Can be earned as a supplement to a regular diploma Requirements: Completes a career plan Demonstrates attainment of commencement level CDOS learning standards in areas of career exploration and development integrated learning, and universal foundation skills. Completes 2 units of study (216 hours) in CTE coursework and work-based learning (at least 54 hours of this learning) 1 completed employability profile or National Work Readiness Credential.
Career and Tech Ed. Jeff-Lewis BOCES Available to students entering the 11th grade. Multiple hands-on learning opportunities to prepare students for either the workforce or college upon graduation. Students still allowed the opportunity to obtain an Advanced Regents or Regents Diploma. Students enrolled in a program are earning a total of 4 units of credit per year upon completion of the course with a passing score of 65. Credits count toward the 22 units required to obtain their High School Diploma.