Pleaxse tick to confirm ZXLERATOR 2017: STARTUP TEAM APPLICATION FORM Notes: Complete one application form per team TEAM NAME: Name of Startup Team: …. Notes: Complete a separate application form for each team. Startup teams consist of 2-4 team members. Each team must include at least 1 FTE from the business assigned to the accelerator for 3 months TEAM INFORMATION: FTE Intrapreneur 1 FTE Intrapreneur 2: Team Member 3 / GMBA: Name: ... Name: ... Name: ... Position(s): ... Position(s): ... Position(s): ... Banding: ... Banding: ... Banding: ... Notes: Existing FTE(s) assigned for the duration of the accelerator – June 12 to investment decisions in Mid Sept. On completion of the accelerator and subsequent funding decisions, FTE will be assigned back to the business (FTE will remain in source function headcount) to continue the venture (if funded). PROBLEM & CONCEPT/IDEA SUMMARY: Describe the consumer or customer business problem you are seeking to solve : … ... … ... Describe the concept or solution idea you wish to test and validate in the accelerator: COMMITMENT: VP or HIGHER SPONSOR Pleaxse tick to confirm Commitment to fund your team: 1) $100k + $50k Seed Investment (FULL 11+ week NYC) 2) $75k + Discretionary Investment (LITE 4-week NYC) Name: ... Commitment to allocate at least 1 FTE to your team application Position: ... Signed: Commitment to review and align targets for FTE’s with their participation
ZXLERATOR 2017: STARTUP TEAM APPLICATION FORM Notes: Complete one application form per team Team Name: …. Notes: Complete a separate application form for each team. Startup teams consist of 2-4 team members. Each team must include at least 1 FTE from the business assigned to the accelerator for 3 months Describe the background of this application. Where did your problem and/or solution originate? … ... Why does your venture matter? … ... Do you have existing research or developed technologies to support your application? … ... Why are you interested in Zxlerator and this venture? What does your team want to gain from the program? … ... How do you believe Zxlerator can help? Which aspects of the program do you think will provide the most value? … ... What is your dream for this problem / venture? … ... Please submit to and follow up with with any questions. Also, add any additional relevant information (data, research, etc.) in the appendix of your application, and thanks!
APPLICATION PROCESS PURPOSE: Deploy internal teams of ‘intrapreneurs’, GMBAs and other sources of ‘entrapreneurial’ talent to work on and validate disruptive business ideas or concepts (new or existing initiatives) over an intense 3-month period in a lean startup environment TRAINING: Lean startup methodology, design thinking (DVF), business model generation and disruption theory. Iterate ideas through a lean operating system to prototype, test and validate their startup business ideas MENTORSHIP: Mentorship-based program where startup teams will have the opportunity to interact with and be challenged by subject matter experts from across the business BENEFITS: Teams will be immersed in the high pressure world of startups with limited time and resources to prove out their ideas. The will be immersed in startup ways of working, taking ideas and concepts through seed stages of funding and DVF validation TEAMS: Startup teams will consist of 2-4 people. Accelerator I will involve a total of 10-12 startup teams. A dedicated startup space is being prepared in Manhattan. Each team MUST include at least 1 FTE deployed from the core business. This is to ensure commitment and continuity of the startup business once the accelerator has concluded after 3 months (FTE will remain in source function headcount) APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications close March 15. Winning applicants will be announced end of March. INVESTMENT: Cost per startup team application is $150K ($100K + $50K Seed Investment). This includes program costs (e.g. space, training, operating cost etc.), but does not include salary, travel or living expenses. International teams have a 4-week option of $75K, with discretionary seed investment. TIMING: Accelerator I will run June 12 through Sept. 2017. Concepts will proceed through the current DGO Operating System: June – SEED I validation (problem & solution definition) July – SEED II validation (product-market fit) August – SEED III validation (business model – emphasis on revenue model) DEMO DAY: Demo day will happen in New York August 25th. Each team will pitch their business idea to the senior management of ABI where deal flow decision will be made re: further investment SUBMISSION: Please submit completed application forms to Luke Cherrington at or DEADLINE: Applications close March 15, 2017 ASSESSMENT & SELECTION PROCESS: Applications will be assessed on a number of criteria including topline growth opportunity and team quality. Successful applications will be announced in early March. QUESTIONS: Please contact Luke Cherrington: