Welcome to the Basic Russian course!


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Presentation transcript:

Welcome to the Basic Russian course!

Z-d-r-áh-v-s-t-v-oo-y-t-yeh (Hello) Здрáвствуйте Z-d-r-áh-v-s-t-v-oo-y-t-yeh (Hello)

Scheme of Work Lessons Content Additional learning (h/w), Resources and activities Grammar Lesson 1 23/04/2013 Introduction to the course, environment, and cultural aspects and some techniques of learning languages. Setting targets. Cyrillic Alphabet (letters and sounds), Greetings. Formal and informal greetings, introducing yourself. Ppt, worksheets, Initial assessment quiz handout. Basic nouns/pronouns (I, you, he/she, my, her) Lesson 2 30/04/2013 Home and environment (describing places, asking for directions and places, family members) Nationalities/languages, names, cultural diversity and stereotypes Asking questions Lesson 3 07/05/2013 Holidays in Russia (situational role plays and short dialogs: At the hotel, at the airport, asking for taxi, sightseeing) More descriptions (people and places) Intro to adjectives gender (he/she) Lesson 4 14/05/2013 Eating In and Out. Favourite Russian and English food and meals. Demonstratives (this, that) Making order in the restaurant. Money Gender and singular/plural nouns, numbers Lesson 5 21/05/2013 Shopping (Role plays in pairs – at the shop) Short test on previous topics Check point on targets achievement/progression Cases (nominative, genitive), more on numbers Lesson 6 28/05/2013 Weather, seasons, time and date More descriptions, daily rutines Cases continue (accusative) Lesson 7 04/06/2013 National holidays / having fun Cultural differences comparison Expressing likes and dislikes Comparisons (bigger, more beautiful) Negation (not, don’t) Lesson 8 11/06/2013 Interests and Hobbies Sports, Music, Art, Cinema Verbs Lesson 9 18/06/2013 Services (doctor, post office, police) Doctor, post office, police, transport Revision Lesson 10 25/06/2013 End of course revision, evaluation of the course Course end celebration Discussion of progression Revision / quiz

Language is needed for Travelling Meeting new friends Hobbies Learning about culture Learning about business

We are going to learn how to: say and understand the words “hello” and “goodbye” write your name in Russian and read several simple words using Cyrillic alphabet use Russian accelerator technique

QUIZ! What do you know about Russia?

QUIZ! 1. Where is this cathedral situated? A) Saint Petersburg B) Moscow C) Kazan 2. What is the name of this Russian doll? 3) Who is this man? 4) What is Russian currency? A) Russian pound B) Dollar C) Rouble 5) How we call the favourite Russian soup?

ANSWERS 1. B Moscow 2. Matryoshka 3. Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich C Roubles Borshch

More questions in your booklet

Saying informal hello in Russian Здрáвствуй (Z-d-r-áh-v-s-t-v-oo-y)

Saying formal hello in Russian Здрáвствуйте (Z-d-r-áh-v-s-t-v-oo-y-t-yeh)

Saying informal goodbye in Russian Покá (P-o-k-a) Покá (P-o-k-a) Bye!

Saying formal goodbye in Russian До свидáния Do svee-dah-nee-yah Bye!

Task 1 Say it: Здравствуй. Я ____________________ Пока.

Task 1 Say it: Здравствуйте. Я ____________________ До свидания.

how to write your name in Russian http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48AjYpopGTY http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8hu8NsygJk ALPHABET

Ё A Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь Э Ю Я a b v g d ye yo zh z ee Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У y k l m n o p r s t oo Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ъ Ы Ь L=raise left hand, R=right hand, T=both hands together! f kh ts ch sh shch iy Э Ю Я e yu ya

алфавит The Russian (Cyrillic) Alphabet There are 33 letters in the Russian alphabet. Some look and sound like English letters, Some sound different, and some look different and sound different. These letters look and sound the same as the English: A К М О Т Practice! Can you read… ТАМ = there МАТ = checkmate МАК = poppy КАК = how ТАК = so

Practice! вес = weight сон = sleep yхо = ear нос = nose рост = height Москва = Moscow сухо = dry муха = fly метро = metro ресторан = restaurant These letters look the same but are different to English: В = v as in van Е = ye as in yesterday Н = n as in name Р = r as in error С = s as in smile У = oo as in cool Х = ch as in loch

Unfamiliar letters with familiar sounds: Б = b as in but Г = g as in get Д = d as in dress Ё = yo as in yonder З = z as in zoo И = ee as in meet Й = oy as in toy Л = l as in love П = p as in paper Ф = f as in farm Э = e as in bet Ю = yu as in Yugoslavia Я = ya as in yard Practice! Рим = Rome футбол = football мир = peace/world до свидания = goodbye да = yes Россия = Russia спасибо = thank you гора = hill сад = garden парк = park

Letters which might take a while to remember: Ж = zh as in measure Ч = ch as in chess Ц = ts as in its Ш = sh as in fish Щ = shch as in fresh_chicken Ъ = ‘hard sign’ no sound of its own- changes the letters round it Ы = i as in bill Ь = ‘soft sign’ – changes letters around it. More Practice! журнал = paper, journal чай = tea Чайковский = Chaikovsky, composer объект = object кофе = coffee конь = horse

Russian accelerator

Russian accelerator CATEGORY 3 !!!

Russian Language A tongue of harsh accents, alien alphabet and a reputation as being hard to crack…

Russian accelerator Contextual learning – learning from the context

Russian accelerator

Russian accelerator


Russian accelerator

Russian accelerator


Russian accelerator

Russian accelerator SOBAKA and ULITSA

Russian accelerator Task 2. Make your own example using Russian accelerator technique devushka A girl kneega A book

Russian accelerator Listen to the word СПАСИБО and decide what English words it is made of.

Russian accelerator spa see bow СПАСИБО!

Russian cartoon

До свидáния Do sveedahneeyah Goodbye

СПАСИБО! Thank you for your attention! Basic reading list Talk Russian. BBC Active. BBC Worldwide Ltd 1998 Nick Brown, New Penguin Russian Course. London: Penguin, 1996 http://masterrussian.com/index-2.shtml

EVALUATION Was this session interesting? yes somewhat no Were the explanations clear? yes somewhat no Would you be interested to continue to learn Russian? yes maybe no