AGENDA Call to Order Approval of 12/6/2016 Minutes Welcome New Faculty Welcome New Staff Reports from Senators/Committees Faculty and Staff Search Updates Old Business New Business Report from the Deans
Architecture Adjunct Faculty WELCOME NEW FACULTY! Architecture Adjunct Faculty Natalya Egon Phil Rader Amro Sallam Thena Tak Paul Yaggie DHA - Interior Design Meghan Hendrickson, Lecturer Arch adjunct faculty pronounciations: Thena Tak - Theena Tack Natalya Egon - PENDING Amro Sallam - Aahhm ro Saalaam (not a hard "A" in any part of last name) Phil Rader - Like it sounds Paul Yaggie - Like it sounds
WELCOME NEW NON-INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF! Design IT Gretchen Corey, Technology Coordinator Greg Lockhart, Coordinator, Academic Technology Resources Student Services Anne Waltz, Executive Operations and Student Services Specialist PENDING: Engagement & College to Career Coordinator
REPORTS FROM STANDING COMMITTEES (ATTACHED TO AGENDA) Senators: John Comazzi & Carol Waldron Alternates: Greg Donofrio & Mary Guzowski Design Technology: Julie Hillman Diversity: Holley Locher Honors & Awards: Lin Nelson-Mayson Faculty Leadership: John Comazzi/Vince DeBritto Faculty Promotion & Tenure: Kristine Miller/Andrzej Piotrowski Curriculum: Sue Chu Adjunct Faculty Leadership: James Wheeler Graduate Education: Marilyn Delong
FACULTY SEARCH UPDATES Architecture (Blaine Brownell, Chair) Architecture, Cass Gilbert (Mary Guzowski, Chair) Interior Design (Stephanie Zollinger, Chair) Product Design (Barry Kudrowitz, Chair) Retail Merchandising (Hyunjoo Im, Chair)
NON-INSTRUCTIONAL STAFF SEARCH UPDATES Center for Sustainable Building Research Coordinator, Researcher 5 PENDING: Wearable Technology Lab Research Professional 2 (Wearable Technology Lab Manager)
OLD BUSINESS Faculty Unionization On January 24, the Minnesota Court of Appeals notified the University that will hear the appeal regarding the outcome of the BMS assignment of units in the unionization effort, i.e., Unit 11 lecturers and teaching specialists combined with Unit 8 faculty to form the bargaining unit. SEIU argued that the unionization vote should occur before the appeal is heard. The Court disagreed with SEIU. Civil Service
NEW BUSINESS Do you have any suggestions to bring to the Faculty Leadership Committee? Next meeting on Monday, February 20
REPORT FROM THE DEANS FY18 Budget & Compact Food and alcohol expenses Senior Leadership Group (SLG) spring work plan Other Enrollment and graduate admissions updates Q & A
CDes base budget = $26,517,328 FY18 BUDGET & COMPACT Reallocations from Central (recurring) (.75% of base O&M budget) $177,000 Internal reallocation $ 22,000 Non-O&M internal reallocations Cost pool increase of 3.1% $337,833 Cost pool Fringe benefit increase $159,000 Fringe expense only w/o merit increases CDes base budget = $26,517,328 about 2.5% of our base budget - cuts/reallocations/etc.
FY18 BUDGET & COMPACT (CONT.) Food and alcohol expenses $195,000 spent in 2016. Units will need to reduce these expenses by 20%.
DESIGN COMPACT FUNDING REQUESTS Collegiate strategic and/or critical needs Arch/LA studio pilot - $? Expansion of Wearable Tech Research Lab - $? Funding for internal design build projects in Arch - $50,000 Graphic design studio renovation (McNeal 336) - $125,000 McNeal 144 & 146 renovation for active learning - $30,000 McNeal interdisciplinary public space - $6,500 Mobile fabrication lab for Arch - $155,000
DESIGN COMPACT FUNDING REQUESTS (CONT.) Collegiate strategic and/or critical needs (cont.) Product design faculty member - $150,000 (R) + start-up Product design studio renovation (Rapson 31) - $250,000 Rapson furniture in public spaces- $30,000 Rapson hallway/balcony lighting - $? Technology Arch environmental technology software - $20,000 McNeal 212 (apparel design teaching) reconfiguration and industry standard equipment - $40,000
SLG SPRING WORK Unit diversity action steps Continued work on curriculum efficiencies Unit Employee Engagement action steps Budgets Onboarding the new dean
Salary Equity Review Committee (SERC) Summer construction OTHER SERU Survey Graduate and undergraduate surveys -- March, 2017 Encourage your students to complete the survey Commencement speaker David Rubin, The Land Collective Salary Equity Review Committee (SERC) Summer construction McNeal 144 & 146; 310 & 316 Rapson 54/56 Rapson courtyard lighting and sound Student Experience at the Research University - SERU McNeal - 144/146 Rapson - lower-level 54/56 AND courtyard for lighting and sound
Why should a new dean value ‘X’, if we don’t? ONBOARDING ACTIVITY What are effective strategies and/or tactics we can employ to onboard a new dean? and/or In what ways can we ensure that a new dean will have the knowledge and tools necessary to become an effective advocate and leader for CDes? “I don’t have time to do ‘X’,” sends the message, “I don’t value ‘X’.” Why should a new dean value ‘X’, if we don’t?
Faculty candidate public presentations UPCOMING EVENTS Faculty candidate public presentations Mike Christenson - Assistant Professor of Architecture, Thursday, February 16, 9:00am (225 Rapson) Pielah Kim - Assistant Professor of Retail Merchandising, Thursday, February 16, 12:30pm (McNeal 274) Katie MacDonald - Cass Gilbert Fellowship, Friday, February 17, 12:30pm (225 Rapson)
UPCOMING EVENTS (CONT.) College/unit events Architecture as Catalyst - March 6-10 Next Generation of Parks - March 9 Design in 7 - April 5 PLAYsentations - May 3 designbats - May 8-18 Exhibit by Kelly Munson, Designer in Residence - Larson Gallery, St Paul Student Center Kelly is looking for faculty who would be interested in integrating her bat project into their classes. Contact Kelly, Commencement - May 13