Animal Care Facilities
Allowance Proposed in the HB USES OF LAND R-1 R-1B R-2 R-3 C MH MF MX CBD NB HB MB-1 T-1 I-1 Animal hospitals, with boarding of domestic animals (See section 40-261) P Animal Care Facility (See section 40-261) Veterinary establishments
Parking Definition Sec. 40-546 Definitions Sec. 40-150. - Off-street parking standards. Parking Definition Sec. 40-546 Definitions Animal Care Facilities. Any commercial facility used for the purpose of the boarding, treatment, grooming, or sale of domesticated animals. Domesticated animals, for the purpose of this ordinance, shall be defined as dogs, cats, and other generally accepted household pets.
Proposed Standards to Address Impacts Animal Care Facilities shall meet the following standards The indoor area shall be utilized as the primary enclosure. If the Indoor Gross Floor Area where exceeds 1,500 sq. ft. a Conditional Use Permit shall be required for facilities that offer boarding. Animal Care Facilities shall maintain compliance with all federal and state regulations. Breeding of animals (i.e. puppy farms) are prohibited. All boarding and services (i.e. grooming) shall be conducted indoors. Any outdoor exercise areas shall meet the following. Located 200 feet from a residential use in a residential district. Shall not be located in the front yard and must meet a minimum setback of 5’ from the side and rear property lines. If the outdoor area encroaches into the required buffer yard a Conditional Use Permit is required. Shall conform to town’s noise control ordinance Shall provide for a six-foot fence with 80 percent opacity with an additional two foot containment barrier.
Amend Chapter 40 Zoning, Sec. 40-72 Table of Permitted Uses, Sec Amend Chapter 40 Zoning, Sec. 40-72 Table of Permitted Uses, Sec. 40-150. - Off-street parking standards, Sec. 40-261 Development Standards for Particular Uses, and Sec. 23.3 Definitions Approval - whereas in accordance with the provisions of the NCGS 160A-383, the Commission does hereby find and determine that the adoption of the following ordinance amendment is consistent with the goals and objectives of the adopted Land Use Plan and other long range plans. Denial - based on inconsistencies with the goals and objectives of the adopted Land Use Plan and/or other long range planning documents. Committee Recommendation The Planning & Zoning Commission recommended to approve amending Chapter 40 Sec. 40-72. to allow for Animal Care Facilities in the Highway Business (HB) zoning district with the standards presented and is consistent with the goals and objectives of the adopted Land Use Plan and other long range plans.
Proposed location